Tag: Robert Plotkin

  • Robert Plotkin on the X100

    Guest Post: Robert Plotkin on the X100 Shooting with a Fuji X100 ISO 2000, ƒ/2 at 1/60th. This is portrait bokeh with a 23mm ƒ/2 lens. By Robert Plotkin When the Fuji X100 was announced at Photokina 2010, the trade show held in Germany, it was as… via The Online Photographer: http://theonlinephotographer.typepad.com/the_online_photographer/2011/12/guest-post-robert-plotkin-on-the-x100.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+typepad%2FZSjz+%28The+Online+Photographer%29 Fuji makes the…