Tag: Robin Maddock

  • Paper, Ping Pong and Spilled Milk: Absurd Photos of California

    Paper, Ping Pong and Spilled Milk: Absurd Photos of California

    LightBox | Time Read the latest stories about LightBox on Time via Time: http://lightbox.time.com/2014/05/06/paper-ping-pong-and-spilled-milk-robin-maddocks-absurdist-california-portraits/#1 Photographer Robin Maddock spent a couple of years walking around California with a 35 mm camera and black and white film, shooting three things: a ping pong ball, a blank sheet of white paper and spilled milk. The resulting images in his…

  • An English Photographer Goes to California for Milk and Ping-Pong Balls

    An English Photographer Goes to California for Milk and Ping-Pong Balls

    An English Photographer Goes to California for Milk and Ping-Pong Balls A British photographer sheds his “gray, gothic” identity in favor of wandering the streets of California for two new projects. via The 6th Floor Blog: http://6thfloor.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/05/22/an-english-photographer-goes-to-california-for-milk-and-ping-pong-balls/?partner=rss&emc=rss&pagewanted=all He put down the digital camera he had been using, picked up a 35-millimeter film camera, bought some…