The Story of Sean Flynn’s Leica M2 This is a story about a camera, a rather special camera. Every camera has a history, so they say. But it is not all that often that one has such a rich via PetaPixel: This is a story about a camera, a rather special camera. Every camera…
Combing Cambodia for Missing Friends Tim Page, one of the Vietnam War’s daring young photographers, at 66 is still trying to find the remains of two of his colleagues who disappeared. Link: Tim Page settled back for the long ride, past the town of Skun, known for its fried spiders, past hypnotic rows of…
Remains found in Cambodia thought to be of Errol Flynn’s son Photographer Sean Flynn, who went went missing in 1970, believed to have been captured and killed in Cambodian war via the Guardian: Photographer Sean Flynn, who went went missing in 1970, believed to have been captured and killed in Cambodian war
The first time my father told me about Sean Flynn’s disappearance, I felt as if a spider had walked down my spine. “Just gone?” I said, looking down at a picture that was taken of Sean hours before he vanished into the Cambodian countryside in April 1970 — a heart-stoppingly handsome young man on a…
Most people who remember the album “Combat Rock” by The Clash might remember a song called Sean Flynn, but they probably don’t know exactly who the early punkers were talking about. The son of Hollywood movie actor Errol Flynn, he could have lived his life a thousand different ways. Sean Flynn had a semi-successful acting…