by Matt Mallams
Author: Trent
Canon 5D Mark II Review
At the time of this review I’ve spent about 1 month with the 5D Mark II between preproduction and production cameras. The images in this review represent what I have shot over the last week with a full production camera. I’ve included links to CR2 raw images and some HD footage. All images were processed with Adobe Camera Raw 5. The movie was edited in Premiere CS4.
warzones and wardrobes
Benjamin Lowy’s take on fashion after spending years in such highly glamorous places as Iraq and Darfur is quite stunning.
The Top 10 Everything of 2008 – TIME
Top 10 Election Photos
Top 10 Editorial Cartoons
Top 10 Photos
Top 10 Gadgets
Top 10 Fleeting Celebrities
Top 10 Magazine Covers
Top 10 T-shirt Worthy Slogans
Fans bid farewell to Polaroid film –
Every day for a year, Tacey Willis looked for an eye-catching photo subject — a ballerina, a rocker dude in a bookstore or three older ladies from the Red Hat Society. She allowed herself one shot each day, with only one piece of instant film.
But halfway through that year, Willis abruptly took the money she’d saved for a down payment on a car and bought every piece of Polaroid film she could find. Why? Because the Polaroid Corp. announced it would stop making instant film. And without it her project, “Day by Day Polaroid,” would never be complete.
The Merlin Mann Amazon Store Blog
Update: Part Two
Media taking mug shots — foreign, familiar — to bank
Newspaper, magazines, Web sites and a few book publishers are tapping into a curious American fascination: mug shots. Publications like Local MugSHOTS run nothing but photos of recent arrestees in a community.
You don’t have to commit a violent crime; you don’t have to be convicted; you don’t even have to be a celebrity (though for some publications, it helps).
Just get arrested — no charge is too small — and your mug could grace the pages of a local magazine or Web site.
William Eggleston: “I am at war with the obvious.”
William Eggleston, a hero to so many photographers, finally agreed to talk about his art while a camera was running.
Webcam in rough neighborhood – Boing Boing
The Tenderloin is a downtown San Francisco neighborhood that is pretty sketchy and seedy. In fact, that’s part of its charm. Still, the (comparably) cheap rents make it attractive to a broad demographic, psychographic, and just plain psychos. A few months ago, Adam Jackson, 22, moved there and was surprised by the crack deals, violence, and general rabble-rousing outside his window. So he and his girlfriend set up a couple Web cams and a site,
Tips and Tricks for the 5D MKII – PART II – Audio
One of the most common questions that I get relates to audio and the Canon 5D MKII.
Content and Its Discontents
Does anyone still believe that the forms of movies, television, magazines and newspapers might exist independently of their rapidly changing modes of distribution? The thought has become unsustainable.
WFMU's Beware of the Blog: More Treasures From The Life Magazine Photography Archives
a super-colossal chunk of LIFE magazine’s photographic archives have been posted online, hosted by Google. Ever since then I’ve been compulsively ogling this embarrassment of visual riches. Here are a couple of handfuls of my favorite discoveries. I had to force myself to quit hunting for and, inevitably, finding more images to link to.
A Photo Editor – How to make a contest submission
I was talking with Heidi Volpe (former AD at LA Times Magazine) about some of the things she’s working on in the right now (we have projects we’re working on together so we talk a lot) and I asked if she would write about them from time to time to give people a different perspective on the industry. Here’s her first entry:
Dischord plans vinyl reissues, remastering
Dischord has opted to remaster and reissue a number of their classic albums on vinyl. The first batch of reissues includes Minor Threat’s Out of Step and First Two Seven Inches as well as a split from The Faith and Void and One Last Wish’s 1986 LP. More details can be found here.