Author: Trent
Behind The Scenes footage – 5D MKII on a Steadicam « Vincent Laforet’s Blog
Here is a quick behind the scenes look at the Canon 5D MKII – mounted on a Steadicam
lens culture: Michael Wolf book review
Big cities can sometimes seem like immense visual abstractions.The jam-packed juxtapositions of diverse styles of architecture — all compressed into dense overlapping vertical spaces — can be seen as things of rare man-made beauty.
These soaring glass-walled environments also invite a sometimes perverse delight in voyeurism. Michael Wolf’s new photobook, The Transparent City, captures both of these aspects nearly perfectly in his recent photographic study of downtown Chicago.
PDNPulse: Greenberg, McCain and 'Gotcha' Portraiture: Do We Need a Law?
Program host Bob Garfield uses Jill Greenberg’s controversial portrait session with John McCain as a point of departure for raising provocative questions about editorial portraiture in general: Why aren’t editorial portrait photographers held to the same journalistic standards as other journalists? And where’s the line between a photographer’s prerogative and a ‘gotcha’ image?
Nikon D3x Comments by Thom Hogan
So, what exactly is a D3x, you ask?
It’s a D3 whose primary digital board and sensor have been updated and replaced (respectively). That appears to be the only change (there may be some minor tweaks and menu choices that we can’t see short of disassembling the two side-by-side and doing a full scroll of the menu system, but I expect those things to be beyond minor in practice). Swap out the D3’s sensor for a new stuffed-with-pixels one, swap in a slightly redesigned digital logic board. Voila, D3x.
Nikon releases the best camera of Spring '08 … in December
After countless leaks, the Nikon D3X is finally official! All you need to know is that it’s a slightly slower D3 with a 24.6 megapixel sensor — higher resolution but not as good in low-light. This is exactly the camera that I, and pretty much everyone else, predicted more than six months ago, so in a strange way it feels like old news. Of course, as a D3 and D700 user, I’m totally in the tank for Nikon, right? Wrong. Please watch as I ruin any chance at sponsorship.
American Airlines Now Charging Fees To Non-Passengers
FORT WORTH, TX—Cash-strapped American Airlines announced a new series of fees this week that will apply to all customers not currently flying, scheduled to fly, or even thinking about flying aboard the commercial carrier.
John Nack on Adobe: Details on Camera Raw 5.2 enhancements
Photographer & author Shangara Singh points out some helpful links to Adobe documentation on the new features in Camera Raw 5.2
Rob Galbraith DPI: Nikon officially introduces 24.39 million image pixel D3X
It’s official: in the next few weeks, Nikon will begin shipping a high resolution counterpart to the D3. Called the D3X, the widely-leaked new digital SLR from Nikon will incorporate a 24.39 million image pixel CMOS sensor, a standard ISO range of 100-1600 and 5 fps full resolution shooting rate into a body that is effectively the same as the D3. The D3X, Nikon’s highest resolution digital SLR to date, is slated to reach retailers in December 2008 at an expected street price of US$7999.95 in the U.S.
Indian journalists in media firestorm – Variety
Through blogs, file-sharing and social networking functions on the Internet, dozens of eyewitness reports, some coming from within the two besieged hotels, delivered information faster than conventional media and challenged some of its reporting. Twitter, a user-generated service that delivers text message-sized “tweets,” for instance, reported that there was still gunfire inside the Taj Mahal long after Indian media had said it was finished. Others transcribed lists of casualties from the hospitals faster than mainstream media could access it.
While some hailed the online reporting as “a social media experiment in action,” much of the information on Twitter was woefully inaccurate. Reports of casualties in the thousands were wrong. So too, apparently, was a report that the government had asked Twitter users to stop reporting for fear that they too might help the attackers.
lens culture: Michael Itkoff
Photographer Michael Itkoff traveled through cities around the world, and when he found a richly complex location, he and his assistant waited for the right stranger to walk onto the set.
Marry a dwarf? – The Sun News On-line
The best assistance I could ever render to dwarfs is to be their friends, perhaps if they happen to be my course-mate. Aside that, I cannot shop for dwarfs, com-m-on. Though I like to watch them in their very funny statures because they are quite funny and portable to walk with. I also like them because, many of them have great dreams while some of them are great achievers. Most dwarfs don’t limit themselves in their life pursuit. Most of them are very serious and work harder than people with greater heights
mumbai messenger | Redlights and Redeyes
Michael Rubenstein, is over in Mumbai, India, and was there as the attacks escalated – he ended up distributing photos through The New York Times, and is now featured in an audio slideshow talking about his experience
Wandering Light: Eyemazing