Category: Access & Censorship

  • Media Coalition Meets With White House Press Office Over Obama Access

    Media Coalition Meets With White House Press Office Over Obama Access NPPA’s general counsel Mickey H. Osterreicher, along with additional representatives from a media coalition who are protesting the lack of photographers’ access to President Barack Obama, today met with the Administration’s press secretary Jay Carney and via NPPA: “After today’s meeting we remain…

  • Mandela’s forbidden funeral

    Correspondent via Correspondent: Well before the death of Nelson Mandela, it was clear his funeral could turn out to be a bit of a nightmare for journalists. One: It was of course going to be a tremendously emotional event, followed closely by people the world over. Two: The burial itself would take place in…

  • White House Press Secretary to Photographers: We Respect You, But We Don’t Need You

    White House Press Secretary to Photographers: We Respect You, But We Don’t Need You | PDNPulse In an exchange yesterday with reporters over why press pool photographers were kept away from President Barack Obama on his trip to Nelson Mandela’s funeral last week, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney ducked, dodged–and said times have changed.…

  • White House Briefing Transcript December 12, 2013

    White House Briefing Transcript December 12, 2013 This is the portion of the White House Briefing of Thursday December 12, 2013, where White House press secretary Jay Carney answered reporters’ questions about the lack of access to President Obama by photographers: via NPPA: This is the portion of the White House Briefing of Thursday…

  • Obama’s Orwellian Image Control

    Obama’s Orwellian Image Control

    Opinion | Obama’s Orwellian Image Control The White House has systematically tried to bypass the media by releasing a sanitized visual record of Mr. Obama’s activities, denying photojournalists access. Link: Manifestly undemocratic, in contrast, is the way Mr. Obama’s administration — in hypocritical defiance of the principles of openness and transparency he campaigned on…

  • PoynterVision: White House photo practices break promise of open government

    Link: PoynterVision: White House photo practices break promise of open government | Poynter. Kenny Irby argues White House chief photographer Pete Souza‘s role is more that of a “propagandist” than a photojournalist since his job is to make the president “look good, make the president look presidential.”

  • Spanish Photographer and Reporter Abducted by Al-Qaeda Affliliate in Syria

    Spanish Photographer and Reporter Abducted by Al-Qaeda Affliliate in Syria | PDNPulse Freelance photographer Ricardo Garcia Vilanova and reporter Javier Espinosa of El Mundo were abducted in Syria on September 16, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists. The families of the journalists made the news of their capture public today. via PDNPulse: Freelance…

  • Why Photographers Need More Access In The White House

    Why Photographers Need More Access In The White House

    LightBox | Time Read the latest stories about LightBox on Time via Time: What drove 38 media entities to deliver a letter on Nov. 20 to Press Secretary Jay Carney to protest limits on access to the goings-on at the White House? Photographers and directors of photography I interviewed, who as a group have…

  • NBA goes up in smoke in Mexico

    NBA goes up in smoke in Mexico I was to photograph an extraordinary basketball game between the Minnesota Timberwolves and the San Antonio Spurs as part of the NBA Global Games schedule for the 2013-14 season. via Reuters: She was holding her red high-heels in one hand and I instinctively covered my face and…

  • American photographer injured by shrapnel, other journalists hurt in Kiev protests

    Link: American photographer injured by shrapnel, other journalists hurt in Kiev protests | Poynter. Olga Rudenko reports that at least 40 journalists were injured during protests in Ukraine Sunday. Joseph Sywenkyj, an American photographer who works in Ukraine, was among them, a spokesperson for The New York Times confirms in an email to Poynter. Sywenkyj…

  • Limit on Access Stirs Tensions Between White House Photographer and Press Corps

    Limit on Access Stirs Tensions Between White House Photographer and Press Corps

    Limit on Access Stirs Tensions Between White House Photographer and Press Corps A long-running tug of war over photographs at the White House has been exacerbated by digital technology. Link: WASHINGTON — Few ceremonies at the White House over the last five years have eluded the lens of Pete Souza, President Obama’s chief photographer…

  • Dana Milbank: Obama’s White House takes image control to a new level

    Dana Milbank: Obama’s White House takes image control to a new level The Obama White House determines how events are seen. via Washington Post: “There are certain circumstances where it is simply not feasible to have independent journalists in the room when the president is making decisions.” Making decisions? Here are some of the…

  • Nearly 40 news outlets accuse Obama administration of limiting access

    Link: Nearly 40 news outlets accuse Obama administration of limiting access – In a letter, journalism groups and organizations declare that photojournalists have been shut out of White House events.

  • USA Today won’t publish handout photos from White House

    Link: USA Today won’t publish handout photos from White House | Poynter. We do not publish, either in print or online, handout photos originating from the White House Press Office, except in very extraordinary circumstances. In those very rare instances where a handout image from the White House image has been made under legitimate national…

  • Pic of the Day: White House’s Crass (Visual) Response to Media’s Photo Access Protest

    Pic of the Day: White House’s Crass (Visual) Response to Media’s Photo Access Protest

    Pic of the Day: White House’s Crass (Visual) Response to Media’s Photo Access Protest – Reading The Pictures If the White House intended even a half-respectful gesture, they would have provided access to the president yesterday in a spot that was personal, doing something personal. via Reading The Pictures: It might not be a…

  • Media Protest White House Limits on Photographers

    Media Protest White House Limits on Photographers | PDNPulse More than three dozen news organizations and journalists’ trade associations have submitted a joint letter of protest to the Obama administration, charging it with denying the news media the right to photograph and videotape President Obama while he is pe via PDNPulse: More than three…

  • NPPA, National Media Coalition Protest Restricted White House Access

    NPPA, National Media Coalition Protest Restricted White House Access The apparently ever-increasing lack of access to President Barack Obama by independent journalists and news organizations who cover the White House has been evolving into a wave of deep discontent over the past year. This morning the swelling wave may hav via NPPA: Today the National…

  • Obama’s Image Machine: Monopolistic Propaganda Funded by You

    Obama’s Image Machine: Monopolistic Propaganda Funded by You News organizations protest White House restrictions on independent photo coverage. via National Journal: New York Times photographer Doug Mills strode into Jay Carney’s office Oct. 29 with a pile of pictures taken exclusively by President Obama’s official photographer at events the White House press corps was…

  • In stable East Africa, journalists and their freedoms become targets

    In stable East Africa, journalists and their freedoms under fireIn stable East Africa, journalists and their freedoms under fire In stable East Africa, journalists and their freedoms under fire via Washington Post: Kenyan lawmakers voted this month to create a media tribunal with broad powers to impose fines of up to $240,000 on media…

  • Boston Police Backlash Against Recorded Phone Call To Face Test

    Boston Police Backlash Against Recorded Phone Call To Face Test Last August a Boston police officer aggressively confronted a man who was recording law enforcement on a public street. Tomorrow, a judge will decide whether to continue the case against a journalism student charged with illegal wiretapping for calling th via NPPA: Last August a…