Category: Access & Censorship

  • A High-Tech War on Leaks

    A High-Tech War on Leaks

    A High-Tech War on Leaks Journalists used to have a chance to protect their sources, but advances in surveillance technology have changed that. Link: It used to be that journalists had a sporting chance of protecting their sources. The best and sometimes only way to identify a leaker was to pressure the reporter or…

  • How journalists can protect themselves & the news they’ve gathered if arrested on the job

    Link: Poynter. Dalglish suggests journalists carry identification and wear their press badges while working. She also suggests carrying cash, an editor’s contact information and the number to the Reporters Committee 24-hour legal hotline. “Somebody needs to know if you’ve been arrested so they can get a lawyer down to you,” she said.

  • After Arrest, Photog Recovers Deleted Video File and Vows to Sue Police

    After Arrest, Photog Recovers Deleted Video File and Vows to Sue Police | PDNPulse There was another photographer arrested last week when police moved in to break up an Occupy encampment in Miami. But this time, police may have grabbed a tiger by the tail. The photographer managed to capture his arrest–or most of it–on…

  • Bill Opening Supreme Court to Cameras Heads to Senate Floor

    Bill Opening Supreme Court to Cameras Heads to Senate Floor

    Bill Opening Supreme Court to Cameras Heads to Senate Floor The Supreme Court may soon have its own YouTube channel if the Senate gets its way. The Senate Judiciary Committee approved legislation Thursday that would require the Supreme Court to televise its proceedings. via WIRED: “That’s why this bill is necessary: It offers Americans…

  • South Korea Indicts Park Jung-geun Over Twitter Posts

    South Korea Indicts Park Jung-geun Over Twitter Posts

    South Korean Indicted Over Twitter Posts From North South Korean prosecutors indicted Park Jung-geun, a social media and freedom of speech activist this week for reposting messages from the North Korean government’s Twitter account. Link: “It was humiliating and ludicrous to have to wear a straight face and explain all my jokes to the…

  • Google to Censor Blogger Blogs on a ‘Per Country Basis’

    Link: Threat Level Google’s announcement three weeks ago — buried in a Blogger help page — went unnoticed until it was highlighted by TechDows on Tuesday

  • Twitter’s early-bird special on censorship

    Twitter’s early-bird special on censorship

    Twitter’s early-bird special on censorship Twitter’s U-turn is understandable, but that doesn’t mean we should be happy about its willingness to take down tweets on-demand for foreign governments. Rob Beschizza explains why this… via Boing Boing: The false choice between degrees of political censorship belies Twitter’s third option, of continuing its censorship-free tradition instead…

  • CIA Claims Publication of Bin Laden Death Photos Would ‘Trigger Violence’

    CIA Claims Publication of Bin Laden Death Photos Would ‘Trigger Violence’

    CIA Claims Publication of Bin Laden Death Photos Would ‘Trigger Violence’ The Central Intelligence Agency says releasing images of a dead Osama bin Laden “could trigger violence, attacks, or acts of revenge against the United States.” via WIRED: The agency made that argument Wednesday in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit brought by Judicial…

  • Twitter caves to global censorship, will block content on country-specific basis as required

    Twitter caves to global censorship, will block content on country-specific basis as required

    Twitter caves to global censorship, will block content on country-specific basis as required A new Twitter policy which goes into effect today allows the social network “to reactively withhold content from users in a specific country,” so that Twitter can further expand globall… via Boing Boing: A new Twitter policy which goes into effect…

  • U.S. falls 27 places in worldwide freedom of the press rankings

    U.S. falls 27 places in worldwide freedom of the press rankings Reporters Without Borders released the year’s press freedom ranking, and put the United States in 47th place. via Washington Post: We now tie with Argentina, Romania and Latvia at “satisfactory” levels of freedom. The reason for the plummet? “The many arrests of journalists…

  • Sheriff deputy punches mentally challenged woman in head, allegedly threatens man who taped it

    Sheriff deputy punches mentally challenged woman in head, allegedly threatens man who taped it

    Sheriff deputy punches mentally challenged woman in head, allegedly threatens man who taped it [Video Link] On Monday night, Jermaine Green, a recently returned US Army veteran (who served tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan), videoed an LA County Sheriff Deputy strike a mentally handicapp… via Boing Boing: Jermaine Green, a recently returned…

  • NPPA Objects to PATCO Website Page Equating Photography with Terrorism

    NPPA Objects to PATCO Website Page Equating Photography with Terrorism – NPPA Advocacy Committee UPDATE: Although the offending language was removed (see below) in response to questions from a reporter for, DRPA spokesperson, Tim Ireland issued a follow-up statement, saying “amateur photographers and members of the general public may via NPPA Advocacy Committee: Specifically,…

  • Wrongful Arrest Kept Photographer Out Of White House

    NPPA And while Garcia waited for his day in court, his White House press credential expired. Normally renewed as a mere formality, this time around Garcia’s credential was denied. 

  • Missing portion of Obama Hope poster revealed

    Missing portion of Obama Hope poster revealed

    Missing portion of Obama Hope poster revealed From Demand Progress President Obama just signed the National Defense Authorization Act into law despite startling provisions that will allow the military to indefinitely detain American citizens. … via Boing Boing: President Obama just signed the National Defense Authorization Act into law despite startling provisions that will…

  • At Wall Street Protests, Clash of Reporting and Policing

    At Wall Street Protests, Clash of Reporting and Policing

    The Rules on News Coverage Are Clear, but the Police Keep Pushing Reporting and policing can be a high adrenaline business. But the decade-long trajectory in New York is toward expanded police power. Link: The mayor even argued that to let the press watch the police retake Zuccotti Park would be to violate the…

  • Jonah Kessel captures unusual Chinese protests in Wukan for the NYT – with Canon 60D and 5D mkII

    DSLR News Shooter Using a fat Chinese man, a large backpack, a baseball cap and the hood from my sweatshirt, I attempted to hide myself. I was sandwiched in between the beefy man and a f-stop Satori backpack jammed with gear on the rear of his motorcycle. He drove me down a dark dirt road…

  • 2011 in Review: The Year Secrecy Jumped the Shark

    2011 in Review: The Year Secrecy Jumped the Shark

    2011 in Review: The Year Secrecy Jumped the Shark As the year draws to a close, EFF is looking back at the major trends influencing digital rights in 2011 and discussing where we are in the fight for a free expression, innovation, fair use, and privacy. The government has been using its secrecy system in…

  • Swedish Photographer, Reporter Convicted in Ethiopian Show Trial

    Swedish Photographer, Reporter Convicted in Ethiopian Show Trial (Update) | PDNPulse An Ethiopian court has declared Swedish photojournalist Johan Persson and reporter Martin Schibbye guilty of supporting terrorism and entering the country illegally, according to an AFP report. “Guilty as charged, period, unanimous vote,” the judge declar via PDNPulse: An Ethiopian court has declared…

  • House Speaker John Boehner orders CSPAN’s cameras switched off during contentious House debate

    House Speaker John Boehner orders CSPAN’s cameras switched off during contentious House debate

    House Speaker John Boehner orders CSPAN’s cameras switched off during contentious House debate House Speaker John Boehner’s office ordered CSPAN to switch off its camers during a fellow Congressman’s scathing dressing-down over the Speaker’s refusal to entertain further deb… via Boing Boing: The Speaker asserts control over CSPAN’s cameras and has made it clear…