EXCLUSIVE. Loyola University Professor Ralph Braseth in Chicago has shared with me a complaint alleging another incident of police ordering a citizen to delete videotape of an arrest taken in publi…
Members of the news media say police blocked them from observing the removal of Occupy Wall Street protesters. Mayor Bloomberg said the police acted to “protect members of the press.”
UPDATE: One media outlet in Mexico reports that there is no proof that the man killed in Nuevo Laredo on Wednesday was a social media user. Police say they are still investigating. Unlike in previo…
Once again, police officers have arrested a photographer doing her job–this time in Milwaukee–only to let her go a few hours later without charges. The summary round-up of journalists at street demonstrations is a form of intimidation, and rough injustice
As more news photographers get swept up in police action at Occupy Wall Street-type protests around the nation, those covering Washington D.C. protests just learned of a decades-old law that gives the cops even more power to clear out pesky photogs.
As a kid growing up in Belgium, photographer Karim Ben Khelifa spent all his school vacations in Tunisia, visiting his aunts, uncles and cousins, enjoying family gatherings in his grandparents’ home, going to the beach. But in the last 20 years, he had be
On Monday, October 31, 2011 NPPA general counsel, Mickey H. Osterreicher, sent a letter to the Hon. Irvin B. Nathan, Attorney General for the District of Columbia. The letter dealt with Police Regulations for the District of Columbia that affect photogra
Jonathan Doyle, a performance artist, has appealed a case involving his right to film bigfoot skits in New Hampshire’s Monadnock State Park to the NH Supreme Court. He argues that the permit …
It appears that the NYPD—or at least some of their officers—are using strobing flashlights to purposefully interfere with cameras recording them during Occupy Wall Street protests
The benefits of increased access and transparency are many, and democracy’s first principles strongly support the people’s right to know how their government works.
The UK Labour party’s conference is underway in Liverpool, and party bigwigs are presenting their proposals for reinvigorating Labour after its crushing defeat in the last election. The stupi…
The rules have “formalized a creeping information-control mechanism that informally began during the Clinton Administration and was accelerated by the Bush and Obama administrations
The autopsy results from the death of Kelly Thomas, a schizophrenic drifter who was allegedly beaten to death by Fullerton, California police will be announced today by Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas.
The public use section of the government’s National Practitioner Data Bank provided information on doctor oversight, trends in disciplinary actions and malpractice awards.
An Ethiopian journalist has reportedly fled his country after government authorities interrogated him over a WikiLeaks cable in which he was mentioned. It appears to be the first confirmed case in which someone identified in the raw, unredacted files that
Burmese photographjournalist Sithu Zeya, who was sentenced last year to 8 years in prison for violating Burma’s immigration laws and “Unlawful Associations Act,” was sentenced yesterday to an additional 10 years for violating the country’s “Electronics Ac
In Nuevo Laredo, Mexico yesterday, bloggers and Twitter users who share information on crimes of drug cartels and related gangs received a gruesome warning. The tortured bodies of two people in the…