Gangs Hunt Journalists and Rights Workers
Whether from Western or Arab media, no news organization seemed exempt from the rage.
Whether from Western or Arab media, no news organization seemed exempt from the rage.
About an hour ago, six reporters with Al Jazeera were arrested in Cairo. This follows a crackdown on the news network’s operations by the Egyptian government. Al Jazeera correspondent Dan Nol…
via Boing Boing:
The channel has provided exhaustive coverage of Egypt’s protests despite repeated efforts to block its broadcasts.
The son of a Canadian photojournalist who was tortured and killed in an Iranian prison in 2003 will be allowed to proceed with a $17 million claim against the government of Iran, the Montreal Gazette has reported. Stephan Hashemi, son of the murdered phot
via PDNPulse:
A photographer, working for Sipa Press, is said to be among four French journalists to have been arrested, today, while covering protests in Egypt
Link: Sipa Press photographer arrested in Egypt [update 2] – British Journal of Photography
Hey photographers, have I got a bust card for you! The next time you’re stopped by an authority figure for photographing a federally owned or federally leased building, just hand the law̵…
“Given the many reports of harassment, we encourage photographers to carry this directive with them, particularly if they intend to take pictures where they’ve had problems in the past,” said Christopher Dunn, associate legal director of the N.Y.C.L.U.
When Robert Hammonds and a friend, Brent Bredwell, finished filming a DJ show at Jazid in South Beach, it was around 3 a.m. on a Sunday in September. A few minutes later, after they jumped into a car and headed down Washington Avenue, a drunk-looking driv
via Miami New Times:
Moises Saman, a Magnum photographer on assignment for The Times, was mildly injured in Tunis when police officers attacked him.
via Lens Blog:
Joe Berlinger cannot refuse to turn over footage from his film about an oil field in Ecuador because his work was not based on independent reporting, an appellate court in Manhattan ruled.
TIME magazine’s new cover story looks at the life of Nobel Prize-winner Aung Sang Suu Kyi since Burma’s military regime released her from house arrest in November. has a video interview with photographer Platon, who describes the lengths he and r
via PDNPulse:
In Reason magazine, Radley Balko takes an in-depth look at all the places in the USA where it’s nominally illegal to record the police, and all the people who’ve faced fines or prison f…
via Boing Boing:
Not to minimize police harassment of photographers here in the US, but that’s nothing compared to the pain and suffering of Burmese photographers at the hands of that country’s regime. According to a report in the Burmese opposition news site Irrawaddy, a
via PDNPulse:
The dangerous life of a political reporter in Russia.
A photographer who was severely assaulted by a police officer in an unprovoked attack has accepted an out of court settlement of £30,000.
Link: Editorial Photographers UK | Met cough up for unprovoked attack
He needs your help, and a wealth of information to help you do so can be found at the Free Go Facebook Page. You will find contact information for the Embassy of Japan in Cambodia as well as the Cambodian Embassy.
Link: APhotoADay Blog » Blog Archive » Go Takayama imprisoned in Cambodia – How you can help.
The distribution and publication of photos of dead servicemen and women can be controversial because some people feel it disrespectful. Others feel such images reflect the realities of combat.