From Iraqslogger via Editor and Publisher, a report that journalists will be banned from covering violent incidents by the Iraqi government. Among the reasons given by man with a long title Iraqi Interior Ministry Operations Director Brigadier General Abdul Karim Khalaf:
— To protect journalists from being victims in follow on attacks (insurgents often target first responders).
— “We do not want evidence disturbed before detectives arrive.”
— “The respect of human rights by not photographing dead bodies who fall by bombings and other incidents.”
— “The Ministry does not want to give terrorists information that they achieved their goals.”
With tongue in cheek regarding the first point, this must be the first government in modern times that’s interested in protecting journalists. Maybe the next step is to ban all journalists from working throughout Iraq “for their own safety.”
The last point is an interesting one. There is a war of information being fought, and terrorism needs publicity to fan its flames. And that’s why terrorist groups have taken to filming their own operations.
You can say that desperate times call for desperate measures, but these restrictions will have larger effects than the stated goals. Shutting down the freedom of information over there is either a really bad idea or an illustration of how bad things are in Iraq.
Editor and Publisher