Rippling sea waves, dried river skeletons and endless fields. Water everywhere, but not a drop to drink. Each family needs about six pitchers of water a day, and they have to walk seven miles to get it. Ignoring knee-deep mud in rainy season, braving the biting cold of winter. In the seventeen sub-districts of southwestern Bangladesh, the normal flow of water has been ripped to shreds by the dagger of ‘Development’.
Category: Editor’s Choice
Munem Wasif | 100Eyes
AMERICANSUBURB X: ED TEMPLETON: "Deformer and the Will to Not Be F-cked…"
Eleven years in the making and compiling more than 30 years of material, Ed Templeton’s scrapbook of his upbringing in suburban Orange County California is a much-anticipated book. Its photographs give a sun-drenched glimpse of what it might be like to be young and alive in the “suburban domestic incubator” of Orange County, conveyed in the idiom of Nan Goldin or Larry Clark (and with a sharp eye for the streets that recalls Garry Winogrand or Eugene Richards).
AMERICANSUBURB X: INTERVIEW: "Monkeys Make the Problem More Difficult – A Collective Interview with Garry Winogrand" (1970)
Garry Winogrand (1928- ) spent two days in Rochester, New York, in October, 1970. On Friday, the 9th, he was the guest of the Rochester Institute of Technology. On Saturday, the 10th, he visited the Visual Studies Workshop, also in Rochester. The format was identical on both occasions: Winogrand, without comment, showed slides of his latest work and then answered questions from the student audiences. All in all, he talked for over five hours. The following transcript, edited from a tape recording of the proceedings, represents but one idea among the many ideas that were touched on
AMERICANSUBURB X: THEORY: "Standing on the Corner – Reflections Upon Garry Winogrand's Photographic Gaze – Mirror of Self or World?" (1991)
Standing on the Corner – Reflections Upon Garry Winogrand’s Photographic Gaze – Mirror of Self or World? Part II (1991)
Whenever I see it, I immediately hear a voice singing, “Standing on the corner watching all the girls go by.” Yes, it is a sexist work. But that is a fact about Winogrand we must face and accept, if we are to honestly assess his picture-making.
Part II(This is the second of a two-part essay on
Garry Winogrand’s premature death seven years ago was tragic and troubling. He was too young to die. He had not yet worked through what was clearly a very difficult passage in his photographic work. To want to eulogize him and his work seems natural. To want to assess his career in positive terms seems reasonable. To find oneself torn by the feeling that an honest assessment might expose something that is less than had been anticipated has, however, become the reality of the task at hand.
Marian Drew, Brisbane, Australia
In order to create this series, Every Living Thing, Drew photographed local roadkill in a dark studio by torchlight. She exposed the film for 15 minutes against backdrops of previously photographed landscapes printed onto large sheets. After shooting, the animals were given a proper burial in her large backyard.
Imagine: Journalist for Nintendo DS
Rakuten UK: Shop Cashback deals on the best offers & savings
Start as a columnist for a local newspaper and end up as an international reporter, heading your own TV show
Get your own press pass
Have fun with the full range of journalists’ accessories: notepad, handheld recorder, mic, camera
Catch your first scoops by bike and end up travelling in style by helicopter! -
AMERICANSUBURB X: THEORY: "Modern Sublime: The World of Josef Koudelka"
“I try to be a photographer. I cannot talk. I am not interested in talking. If I have anything to say, it may be found in my images. I am not interested in talking about things, explaining about the whys and the hows. I do not mind showing my images, but not so much my contact sheets. I mainly work from small test prints. I often look at them, sometimes for a long time. I pin them to the wall, I compare them to make up my mind, be sure of my choices. I let others tell me what they mean. [To Robert Delpire] My photographs, you know them. You have published them, you have exhibited them, then you can tell whether they mean something or not.”
How Will The End Of Print Journalism Affect Old Loons Who Hoard Newspapers?
The Onion | America’s Finest News Source.
The Onion brings you all of the latest news, stories, photos, videos and more from America’s finest news source.
Breaking News: Some Bullshit Happening Somewhere
The Onion | America’s Finest News Source.
The Onion brings you all of the latest news, stories, photos, videos and more from America’s finest news source.
Under the terms of the debt takeover, Colony Capital will help Leibovitz market her photographs, the Financial Times reported.
Week 56: Daniel Puissant
For as long as I can remember I have always noticed the small shifts in reality, things that don’t readily register as incongruous or shocking, but rather the things that make me smile or think about how people function. I would constantly tell whomever is standing next to me: did you see this? there, did you notice? It seemed I was living in a different world, seeing a different layer of reality, one some people never see, or ignore. Coming from the country of Magritte and Ensor has had a formative impact on my perception.
l e n s c r a t c h: Ashley Gilbertson
Ashley Gilberston is a name you will be hearing a lot of in the future. In case you missed it in the NY Times Magazine on Sunday, Ashley had a series of heartbreaking images that accompanied the article, The Shrine Down the Hall, written by Dexter Filkins, about the bedrooms of America’s young war dead have left behind. The series is called Bedrooms of the Fallen.
professional tourist | Redlights and Redeyes
There is a fine line between work and play being a photographer, which is what is so amazingly wonderful about our job. A client calls and asks you to spend a couple days in “X” city, making whatever photos you want as long as they somewhat fit the story. In general, that is all the 36 Hours series The New York Times is: tip-toeing that line.
The Motorbike Diaries: Rethink | Luceo Images
A photographer once told me that a picture is not art unless you create exactly what you intended from start to finish. I fought him on this statement. It’s about the unknown, the surprise. The extra lens flare that you didn’t expect. The roll of film that didn’t advance all the way. The bird that suddenly flew into your frame at the moment of exposure. It’s the unknown details that help form greatness.
A Court Victory Al Gore May Not Want to Advertise –
A Court Victory Al Gore May Not Want to Advertise (Published 2010)
This case pitted Mr. Gore and Current TV against Ken Light, a photojournalist and an outspoken advocate for fair compensation for journalists.
The art, a photograph, belonged to a Berkeley professor, and Mr. Gore and Current TV had used it without permission, payment or credit. A judge this week ruled against the professor, indicating the use was not illegal.
Talking to…Photographer Daniele Tamagni
Talking to…Photographer Daniele Tamagni
Milan-based photographer Daniele Tamagni’s book “Gentlemen of Bacongo” features the pageantry of Congalese sapeurs, or dandies – a subculture of men who pay extreme attention to, and take great pri…
Milan-based photographer Daniele Tamagni’s book “Gentlemen of Bacongo” features the pageantry of Congalese sapeurs, or dandies – a subculture of men who pay extreme attention to, and take great pride in, their appearance and sartorial style.
matt eich – carry me ohio | burn magazine
matt eich – carry me ohio
[slidepress gallery=’matteich-carrymeohio’] Hover over the image for navigation and full screen controls EPF 2010 Finalist Matt Eich Carry Me Ohio play this essay Once known for …
via burn magazine:
In this series of images I show the isolated and trapped residents of Southeastern Ohio. From Hercules the German Shepherd, chained to his house in the snow to Timmy, asleep on the couch, trapped in his body and requiring around the clock care from his family. Despite their bleak surroundings there is still a sense of whimsy and beauty in the lives of the region’s occupants. They opened their homes to me and this is my love song to the place I once lived.