ImageRights, a visual search firm that assists photographers in identifying unauthorized photo usage online, has added a free service level in addition to the paid tiers they currently offer. At no charge, a photographer can upload up to 10,000 photos to ImageRights. The company will then continuously monitor news sites, popular blogs and other online locations for usage of those photos and generate a report for the photographer when a match is found. If the usage is an infringement, then starting next month the photographer can opt for ImageRights to handle the extraction of compensation from the offending site, with the revenue being split between the photographer and the company.
Category: Editor’s Choice
Rob Galbraith DPI: ImageRights adds free visual search, plans compensation recovery program
In My Back Yard: In My Grandfather’s House | Luceo Images
I am so happy to have photographs of my grandfather with his first great grandchild. They will serve as the key to Madelyn’s memory of him. Below a journal entry I found from the last time I saw my grandfather and a few photographs from that visit, nearly three years ago. Please forgive this self-indulgently loose edit of family photos. A scrapbook if you will.
Stanley Greene’s Redemption and Revenge – Lens
Stanley Greene’s Redemption and Revenge
In his pictures and his words, Stanley Greene is outspoken. Michael Kamber interviewed this freewheeling figure.
via Lens Blog:
I wanted to set the record straight. I kept hearing people say, “Chechnya was when you really started to be a photographer.” And that’s not true. I was shooting back at the Berlin Wall, but nobody knew about it. I fell through the cracks. I wanted a way to say that my influences are not the ones you think they are. They are about painting. They are about music. They are about other things. The way I’ve been shooting really hasn’t changed since back in the ’70s, before all these new photographers emerged. My old work, like rock and roll, really nails it.
Joachim Ladefoged's Albanians – VII The Magazine
With the July 22 decision by the World Court in the Hague that Kosovo’s unilateral secession from Serbia in 2008 did not violate international law, we thought it would be an opportune moment to look back at Joachim Ladefoged’s powerful body of work on the Albanians during the Serbian conflict from 1997 to 2000. During the war, some 12,000 people from Kosovo were killed, of whom 4,000-7,000 were Albanians, and up to 700,000 Albanians from Kosovo took refuge in the neighboring country of Albania.
An Illicit Whole Earth Catalog at J.F.K. – Lens
An Illicit Whole Earth Catalog at J.F.K.
Taryn Simon spent five days photographing the world’s material underbelly as it made its way through a New York airport. Miki Meek explains.
via Lens Blog:
Passengers, airliners, workers, baggage, cargo, taxis and trains flow ceaselessly through Kennedy International Airport.
Taryn Simon recorded another ceaseless flow — one the public rarely sees: contraband detained and seized from international flights.
John Loengard on the role of the photo editor
Nothing is more important than the trust of photographers. Since they are not employees, but freelancers, photographers often operate from a disadvantaged position. Remember that:
· You are the photographers’ advocate. No one else will be.
· You are the photographers’ counselor, explaining the magazine to them and them to the magazine.
· You are the final arbiter when disagreements arise with other members of the staff. -
INTERVIEW: "Interview with Bruce Jackson" (2009)
Bruce Jackson was first drawn to work in prisons during the folk revival of the 1960s. Inspired by folk music collectors like the Lomaxes, he set out to capture work songs sung by African-American convicts, going first to Midwestern prisons when he was a graduate student in Indiana, and later to Texas state prisons while a fellow at Harvard. Over many years and in many prisons, he found and recorded the songs he was looking for, conversations with inmates, guards, and wardens, and thousands upon thousands of photographs.
At Sam Zell’s Tribune, Tales of a Bankrupt Culture –
At Flagging Tribune, Tales of a Bankrupt Culture (Published 2010)
Under Sam Zell, the Tribune Company was bankrupted by debt, and employees describe a profane and alienating workplace.
The new management did transform the work culture, however. Based on interviews with more than 20 employees and former employees of Tribune, Mr. Michaels’s and his executives’ use of sexual innuendo, poisonous workplace banter and profane invective shocked and offended people throughout the company. Tribune Tower, the architectural symbol of the staid company, came to resemble a frat house, complete with poker parties, juke boxes and pervasive sex talk.
A Dozen Promising Photographers: The World Press Photo Master Class –
A Dozen Promising Photographers
No one told 12 of the world’s most promising photographers that photojournalism was dead, so they gathered to chart their futures.
via Lens Blog:
By editing one another’s work, we become connected. We are all vulnerable. I have to trust people with my images. They have to trust me.
We debate all week. Do we photograph to inform the public or to create art? How much of our bias should be expressed in the photos we take?
The Photo Follies 2010 Awards » The Russian Photos Blog
Welcome to the Photo Follies 2010 Awards, the Premier Photo Industry Contest In This Universe Or Any Universe Yet To Be Discovered™. Entries were judged by a jury consisting of leading industry figures, including former deputy assistant night picture editors, photo agency interns and Flickr Pro members.
The Toppling: How the Media Inflated the Fall of Saddam’s Statue in Firdos Square – ProPublica
The Toppling: How the Media Inflated the Fall of Saddam’s Statue in Firdos Square
How saturation media coverage of the toppling of Saddam Hussein’s statue in Firdos Square fueled the perception that the war had been won and diverted attention from what in reality was just the start of a long and costly conflict.
via ProPublica:
The media have been criticized for accepting the Bush administration’s claims, in the run-up to the invasion, that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. The W.M.D. myth, and the media’s embrace of it, encouraged public support for war. The media also failed at Firdos Square, but in this case it was the media, rather than the government, that created the victory myth.
A Moment With Larry Fink –
The moment that we have is the only moment we will ever have, insofar as it is fleeting. Every breath counts. So does every moment and perception. It’s a way to be alive. I am involved with the idea of reaching deeply into the pulsing matter of what it means to be alive and being vulnerable and seeing if I can cast an emotional legacy about being human.