“Cops are like a doctor that gives you aspirin for a brain tumor, except that the cop would rather cure it with a blackjack.”
“A few locks of dry white hair clung to his scalp, like wild flowers fighting for life on a bare rock.”
“The minutes went by on tiptoe, with their fingers to their lips.”
“His smile was as stiff as a frozen fish.”
“He was a guy who talked with commas, like a heavy novel.”
And, a personal favorite: “It was a blonde. A blonde to make a bishop kick a hole in a stained glass window.”
Category: Books
Los Angeles Art+Books – The Big Sleep: Raymond Chandler, 50 Years Dead
5B4: Fall River Boys by Richard Renaldi
The photographer Richard Renaldi in his new book Fall River Boys explores through portraiture and landscape the young men in a small Massachusetts town who are on the cusp of either cutting or reinforcing those ties to place and family.
Editorial Photographers UK | BPPA's 'Unseen' showcases the great unpublished photojournalism
Sponsored by Canon, the book is the most recent published project by the BPPA since 2004’s “Five Thousand Days” book and exhibition.
The book highlights one of the key frustrations in photojournalism: that a great numbers of brilliant pictures never see the light of day through too tight deadlines, design limitations or editorial indifference.
RESOLVE — Robert Glenn Ketchum: Books that make a difference shouldn’t have to make money
Renowned conservation and fine-art photographer Robert Glenn Ketchum has pioneered a publishing model that treats his numerous books as instruments of change rather than instruments of profit. In this and upcoming posts he explains in detail how he has worked with NGOs and publishers to produce books that create tangible change — instead of sitting unseen on bookstore shelves.
Review: Looking In: Robert Frank's The Americans by Sarah Greenough et al. (Conscientious)
In a sense, Looking In: Robert Frank’s The Americans is another expression of the status of the work. If you want to find out about its photographer and history (and a lot of other things) this is where you want to look.
How to read a photograph | Art and design | guardian.co.uk
But just how does photography work? The typical life story of a distinguished photographer begins in a small town in the Balkans or in backwoods Japan. He or she was probably a dreamer and widely read in escapist literature
PASSIONATE PHOTOGRAPHER: Blurb is what it is. A cheap alternative. But at what cost to your patience?
I have ordered quite a few books from Blurb.com in the past months I think I can now say a few things with an education so you don’t have to learn yourself.
Wooster Collective: Books We Love: Talk Back: The Bubble Project by Ji Lee
We’re pleased to let you know that the second book in our “Books We Love” series is Ji Lee’s Talk Back: The Bubble Project which came out from Mark Batty publisher in 2006.
photo-eye | Magazine — Indie Publishing: How to Design and Produce Your Own Book
Indie Publishing: How to Design & Publish Your Own Book, the newest title edited by Ellen Lupton for Princeton Architectural Press, has already proven to be wildly popular — indeed, it’s already in its second printing, the first sold out almost immediately upon release.
Tom Arndt: Main Street photographer
For more than 40 years Tom Arndt has trained his Leica MP on his fellow Minnesotans at work and play, especially at the State Fair, in small-town diners, parades and high school gyms. He loves fireworks and the fair’s midway, threshing crews, cabbies, commuters, construction workers, cars with tailfins and kids on bikes.
Worshipers of the formerly ultra-hairy beast known as MARK RYDEN can get their stalk-on up close and personal at MOCA this Saturday between 3—5pm when the reclusive artist will be onsite signing copies of his brand spankin new “The Tree Show” book. For the uninitiated unfamiliar with former Ryden appearances, prepare yourself for an epic line of otaku fanboys and girls all patiently waiting their turn to have the master sign all manner of objects and flesh. In short, it’s the people-watching event of the weekend bar none.
One of the skate world’s best-kept secrets is the ultra-collectible but hard to find SKATE BOOK. A 350+ page hardcover “mag,” from the minds of skaters SALMAN AGAH and MIKE BALLARD, the refreshingly formatted quarterly periodical is a welcome departure from the copycat skate mags that could once call themselves cutting-edge.
photo-eye | Magazine — Ward 81
Mary Ellen Mark has the rare ability to make her empathy visible. I believe, but cannot prove, that this is rooted in how she connects to her subjects. The photographic artifact is proof of that connection. This is not rooted in photographic skill or artistry—Avedon did not have it, nor does Penn, and I very much admire their work. Robert Bergman does, as did Diane Arbus.
Working for Mary Ellen was a rich experience on at least two levels: First, by expecting serious attention to the work at hand she made me a better printer (and a better photographer). Second is the not insignificant pleasure of working with good photographs.
R. Crumb's Book of Genesis coming in 2009
Here’s a little peek at a page from Robert Crumb’s forthcoming Book of Genesis, a literal adaptation from the first book in the Old Testament. It’s been years-in-the-making
A former railroad town, Ogden is redefining itself and becoming one of the outdoor capitals of North America while still maintaining it’s “rough around the edges” western flair.
The portraits (by Brian Nicholson) in this 12×12 inch, 360-page book showcase the lives of those who make this city great. By indiscriminately blending all walks of life, income levels, skill sets and backgrounds into one unified body, the artist has created a masterpiece of history for generations to come. -
Best PhotoBooks of 2008
Welcome to the Best Photobooks of 2008 interactive feature — a new and expanded version of what has become a cherished photo-eye tradition. In the window above you’ll see a list of prominent photographers, publishers, editors, writers, critics and publications who have been kind enough to share their picks for the top 10 (or so) books of 2008. Clicking on any name will give you their list, and clicking on any book will show all the other lists on which it appears.
5B4: Manhattan Out by Raymond Depardon
Using his Leica like a shotgun fired from chest level, the wide angle of his lens gathered information wholesale as he navigated the crowds attempting to work without notice. Usually zeroing in on one or two subjects within his direct path, the photos also collected information on the periphery that often prove more interesting and unexpected.