Category: Interviews

  • A Casual Conversation with Saul Leiter

    A Casual Conversation with Saul Leiter

    LightBox | Time Read the latest stories about LightBox on Time via Time: Max Kozloff said to me one day, ‘You’re not really a photographer. You do photography, but you do it for your own purposes – your purposes are not the same as others’. I’m not quite sure what he meant, but I…

  • Underground Neo-Nazi Skinheads in Canada Photographed by Brett Gundlock

    Link: Underground Neo-Nazi Skinheads in Canada Photographed by Brett Gundlock | Feature Shoot The access Gundlock acquired is fascinating, and the work unveils the complex existence of an extremist group living among, yet completely apart from the rest of society. We recently talked to him about the powerful experience

  • Blisner, Ill.: a conversation with Daniel Shea

    Link: Blisner, Ill.: a conversation with Daniel Shea | The Great Leap Sideways Initially I thought I would make landscape photographs, as the landscape changed so dramatically in the process of being stripped for coal. But as I spent more time in West Virginia, I inevitably found myself in communities of people, and responding to…

  • Justin Maxon: Self-Defined

    Justin Maxon: Self-Defined By Bruce YoungIn 2011 Justin Maxon added the Cliff Edom “New America Award” to a fast growing list of accolades he started accumulating as a student at San Francisco State University. The photographs, made in Chester, Pennsylvania, a small city just south via NPPA: In 2011 Justin Maxon added the Cliff…

  • Interview: Pete Brook on the Road

    Link: Interview: Pete Brook on the Road | dvafoto In 2011 Pete Brook took his blog Prison Photography on the road. He used Kickstarter to successfully fund his trip, and produced a number of interviews with photographers, prisoners and activists, gave six lectures and visited three prisons. Last year the project grew in to the…

  • Worth a look: Kalpesh Lathigra’s Anglo-Afghan War

    Link: Worth a look: Kalpesh Lathigra’s Anglo-Afghan War | dvafoto I first ran across Kalpesh Lathigra‘s series Anglo-Afghan War on tumblr, and was struck by the images. The work looks nothing like other coverage of the conflict I’ve seen. In the images, there aren’t explosions. There aren’t soldiers shooting. There aren’t locals kneeling or being…

  • David Carol: Photographing the Absurdity of Life

    Link: David Carol: Photographing the Absurdity of Life « The Leica Camera Take your work seriously, but not yourself. I think a lot of photographers get caught up in nonsense. They worry about their work in all sorts of ways. Don’t waste time and energy worrying. Just go out and have fun, see the world…

  • A Tale of Two Stories: An Interview with Alan Hagman

    A Tale of Two Stories: An Interview with Alan Hagman By Jim ColtonJim Colton: The LA Times’ photo staff is teeming with talent…Barbara Davidson, Carolyn Cole, Rick Loomis, etc. What is the breakdown of the photo department including photographers and photo editors?  via NPPA: Alan Hagman: Our visual staff is comprised of 32 visual…

  • Alessandra Sanguinetti: Postcards from America, Magnum Miami

    Link: Alessandra Sanguinetti: Postcards from America, Magnum Miami « The Leica Camera The idea of this group project was to create a fictional pre-election ‘news bureau’. So the whole approach was always with this in mind. What did Florida (Miami in my case) look like, what were people thinking, what did people look like

  • Eye On PDX: Thomas Boyd

    Eye On PDX: Thomas Boyd

    Eye On PDX: Thomas Boyd The grind and hustle of daily news photojournalism is no joke. Some people can be a bit sniffy about news photographers. Screw them. As much as possible I try to ignore the haters and the artificia… via Prison Photography: The grind and hustle of daily news photojournalism is no…

  • Jennifer Shaw Interview

    Jennifer Shaw Interview – A Photo Editor by Jonathan Blaustein Jennifer Shaw is a fine art photographer based in New Orleans. Her project Hurricane Story was published in 2011 by Chin Music Press. She is represented by Guthrie Contemporary in New Orleans, and by Jennifer Schwartz Gallery in Atla via A Photo Editor: Jennifer…

  • A Conversation with CPC 2012 Winner Hye-Ryoung Min

    Link: Conscientious Extended | A Conversation with CPC 2012 Winner Hye-Ryoung Min No matter what type of photography, I can tell if the photographer shared any thoughts or emotion when she/he clicked the shutter. On the other hand, if the photographer just photographed because the landscape was beautiful or somewhat different than others, then the…

  • Lynsey Addario’s Photographs of Women in Combat

    Lynsey Addario’s Photographs of Women in Combat

    Women Shooting on the Front Lines Years before the Pentagon’s official lifting of the ban on women in combat, Lynsey Addario saw the rapidly evolving role of female soldiers in Afghanistan. via Lens Blog: “Lynsey Addario, a  photographer for The New York Times, has extensively covered the war in Afghanistan, often focusing on female…

  • Sebastian Beck: Zen And The Art Of Photojournalism

    Link: Sebastian Beck: Zen And The Art Of Photojournalism « The Leica Camera On his own time he is a passionate and talented photographer who, until recently, has been very private about his photographic work, and still modestly describes himself as an enthusiast in the process of honing his skills. “For me taking pictures is…

  • Bruce Gilden: Postcards from America, Magnum Miami

    Link: Bruce Gilden: Postcards from America, Magnum Miami « The Leica Camera The Postcards from America project brings Magnum photographers together to work collaboratively documenting issues and people across the United States. Most recently, the project focused on the United States’ presidential election with a temporary ‘bureau’ set up in Miami, FL. The purpose was…

  • MODULO 9: Guillaume Pinon in Málaga, Spain

    MODULO 9: Guillaume Pinon in Málaga, Spain Guillaume Pinon spent over a year negotiating access and photographing inside a prison in Málaga, Spain. He shot exclusively in a single wing called Module 9, in which the majority of prisoners wer… via Prison Photography: I want the viewer, after looking at the photographs, to go home…

  • Bruce Haley: What Was He Thinking?

    Bruce Haley: What Was He Thinking?

    Bruce Haley: What Was He Thinking? Bruce Haley is a self-taught photographer based in Big Sur, California. His images have appeared in numerous books, magazines, and exhibi… Link: Bruce Haley is a self-taught photographer based in Big Sur, California. His images have appeared in numerous books, magazines, and exhibitions. In 1991 he was awarded…


    PHOTO JOURNAL: TIME MAGAZINE / LIGHTBOX: A SACRED PAUSE by Jim ColtonTuesday night, October 30th, 1984. The phone rings around midnight. Myra Kreiman, one of my colleagues in the photo department at Newsweek, was watching ABC’s Nightline which claimed at the very end of the segment, that Indira Gandhi may have via NPPA: To find…

  • Interview with Christopher Anderson

    Interview with Christopher Anderson

    Interview with Christopher Anderson He is a member of Magnum Photos and is currently the New York Magazine’s first ever photographer-in-residence. via FK: Sometimes I get overwhelmed by the flood of imagery and not just bad imagery because there are, of course, lot of bad images. How can my images find an audience through…

  • STRATA: Shared Passion For The Still Image

    Link: STRATA: Shared Passion For The Still Image « The Leica Camera STRATA is a photography collective based out of Washington D.C. and San Francisco, CA. Bill Bramble (B), Matt Dunn (M), Steve Goldenberg (S), Michael Hicks (H), Chris Suspect (C) and Aziz Yazdani (A).  They brought their talents together in an effort to take…