Category: Journalism

  • Of Paywalls, expectancy and stupidity

    Some time ago, if you were lucky enough to have created an image that all wanted, you could easily sit on it and wait for your phone to ring. Not really anymore. The center of the business gravity has shifted. To those who create value around the content. Link: Thoughts of a Bohemian » Blog…

  • Media Decoder: Huffington Post Is Target of Suit

    Media Decoder: Huffington Post Is Target of Suit

    Huffington Post Is Target of Suit on Behalf of Bloggers The Huffington Post is the target of a multi-million dollar lawsuit filed Tuesday on behalf of thousands of uncompensated bloggers. via Media Decoder Blog: “The Huffington bloggers have essentially been turned into modern-day slaves on Arianna Huffington’s plantation,” Mr. Tasini said in a conference…

  • The Media Equation: At Gannett, Furloughs but Nice Paydays for Brass

    The Media Equation: At Gannett, Furloughs but Nice Paydays for Brass

    At Gannett, Furloughs but Nice Paydays for Brass There’s a dissonance between furloughs and layoffs for employees while chief executive compensation doubles. Link: Mr. Dubow had agreed to lower his salary by 17 percent through 2011, but then again, last month he received a cash bonus of $1.75 million for 2010 and Ms. Martore…

  • Memo From Tripoli: Qaddafi’s Handling of Media Shows Regime’s Flaws

    Memo From Tripoli: Qaddafi’s Handling of Media Shows Regime’s Flaws

    Qaddafi’s Handling of Media Shows Regime’s Flaws For journalists cloistered in Tripoli at the invitation of the government, its management, or rather staging, of public relations provided a singular view. Link: “This is not even human blood!” the escort erupted to group of journalists, making a gesture with his hands like squeezing a tube.…

  • What is legitimate "newsgathering" and what is "piracy"?

    What is legitimate "newsgathering" and what is "piracy"?

    What is legitimate “newsgathering” and what is “piracy”? Zunguzungu’s got an excellent, nuanced piece on the creation and attribution of value in newsgathering and reporting. Zz reminds us that the current arrangement is perfect arbitrary and conti… via Boing Boing: There’s certainly a lot of do-as-I-say, not-as-I-do in the current round of future-of-news handwringing:…

  •'s Plan To Charge People Money For Consuming Goods, Services Called Bold Business Move

    “To ask’s 33 million unique monthly visitors to switch to a cash-for-manufactured-goods-based model from the standard everything-online-should-be-free-for-reasons-nobody-can-really-explain-based model is pretty fearless. It’s almost as if The New York Times is equating itself with a business trying to function in a capitalistic society.” Link:’s Plan To Charge People Money For Consuming Goods, Services Called…

  • All the Aggregation That’s Fit to Aggregate –

    All the Aggregation That’s Fit to Aggregate –

    All the Aggregation That’s Fit to Aggregate How much more of itself can the media consume? Link: “Aggregation” can mean smart people sharing their reading lists, plugging one another into the bounty of the information universe. It kind of describes what I do as an editor. But too often it amounts to taking words…

  • Reporting While Female –

    Reporting While Female –

    Reporting While Female In many countries, women journalists must enforce a particular kind of crowd control. Link: women reporters face another set of challenges. We are often harassed in ways that male colleagues are not. This is a hazard of the job that most of us have experienced and few of us talk about.

  • Media Companies Cash In, at Cost of Unpaid Contributors –

    Media Companies Cash In, at Cost of Unpaid Contributors –

    At Media Companies, a Nation of Serfs Facebook, Twitter and The Huffington Post have done well for themselves using unpaid contributors. It’s enough to make a professional writer nervous. Link: at the beginning of last week, The Huffington Post agreed to be sold for $315 million to AOL. The funny thing about all these…

  • Assange: ‘We Have to Survive This Leak’ | Threat Level |

    Assange: ‘We Have to Survive This Leak’ Three weeks before WikiLeaks and several media outlets began publishing a massive trove of U.S. diplomatic cables, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange expressed fear that the content of the cables was too explosive for his organization to withstand. “We have via WIRED: Assange stood firm. He wanted the…

  • Gerritsen Beach Blogger Criticized for Posting Photos –

    Gerritsen Beach Blogger Criticized for Posting Photos –

    Not Quite a Reporter, but Raking Muck and Reaping Wrath A community blogger posted photos of adolescents throwing things at people on Halloween. Link: His blog,, was at the center of the controversy. The day after Halloween, Mr. Cavanagh posted photos from the day before, of adolescents throwing rocks, potatoes and other things…

  • Journalists Killed in 2010 – Committee to Protect Journalists

    Explore CPJ’s database of attacks on the press Link: 44 Journalists Killed in 2010/Motive Confirmed

  • Congress Hears WikiLeaks Is ‘Fundamentally Different’ From Media | Threat Level |

    Congress Hears WikiLeaks Is ‘Fundamentally Different’ From Media | Threat Level |

    Congress Hears WikiLeaks Is ‘Fundamentally Different’ From Media The Justice Department would have no problem distinguishing WikiLeaks from traditional media outlets, if it decides to charge WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange with violating the Espionage Act, a former federal prosecutor told lawmakers Thursday. “By clear via WIRED: photo-eye was fortunate enough to catch Photolucida’s executive…

  • A Beating On My Beat –

    A Beating On My Beat –

    Opinion | A Beating on My Beat The dangerous life of a political reporter in Russia. Link: A month later, I am still in the hospital. One of my fingers has been amputated, one of my legs and both halves of my jaw have been broken, and I have several cranial wounds. According to…

  • Crunks 2010: The Year in Media Errors and Corrections | Regret the Error

    Regret the Error Archives – Poynter Craig Silverman reports on trends and issues regarding media accuracy and the discipline of verification.Stories about errors, corrections, fact checking and verification via Poynter: This blog post originally stated that one in three black men who have sex with me is HIV positive. In fact, the statistic applies…

  • MediaBugs

    MediaBugs is a service for reporting specific, correctable errors and problems in media coverage. See something wrong with a news item in print, broadcast or online? You report the problem. We’ll provide a neutral, civil, moderated discussion space. We’ll try to alert the journalists or news organization involved about your report and bring them into…

  • Rescued Miners’ Secrecy Pact Erodes in Spotlight –

    Rescued Miners’ Secrecy Pact Erodes in Spotlight –

    Rescued Miners’ Secrecy Pact Erodes in Spotlight The miners rescued in Chile have asked for as little as $40 and upward of $25,000 for an interview. Link: “I’ve had nightmares these days,” Mr. Reygadas said from the cramped tent, as reporters jostled for space. “But the worst nightmare is all of you.”

  • Favre, Deadspin and the New Tawdry Journalism

    Favre, Deadspin and the New Tawdry Journalism

    When Salacious Is Irresistible A blog paid for a lewd story about Brett Favre, and then mainstream outlets followed. Link: In the last week, I’ve gotten a very clear view of two things — the male physique purported to belong to Brett Favre and the inner workings of modern media. I wish I could…

  • Twitter Reporting Blanketed Connecticut Murder Trial –

    Twitter Reporting Blanketed Connecticut Murder Trial –

    A Grisly Murder Trial, in 140-Character Bits With no cameras allowed in court, reporters tapped out instant updates as readers followed every word. Link: No television cameras were there to record the scene, but people around the state and beyond in offices and family rooms still followed every word. The medium? Twitter. Half a…

  • A Photo Editor – Journalist Works For Free, Produces Great Work, Asks To Be Paid…

    Journalist Works For Free, Produces Great Work, Asks To Be Paid… – A Photo Editor Must be that time of the year/decade, because I can smell the schadenfreude in the air. Mayhill Fowler is a Huffington Post blogger who claims to have written the “one big story out of the last presidential election to live…