Category: Journalism

  • Warning stickers for the Daily Mail – Boing Boing

    Warning stickers for the Daily Mail – Boing Boing

    Warning stickers for the Daily Mail England’s Daily Mail isn’t just a source of funny Internet posts, it’s also a veritable font of hysterical, nutso reporting about “epidemics” of child abuse, immigrati… via Boing Boing: Here’s some sticker template for decorating the free copies of the Wail that you encounter in your life.

  • Newspaper Circulation Falls Nearly 9% –

    Newspaper Circulation Falls Nearly 9% –

    Newspaper Circulation Falls Nearly 9% Figures for the six months ended March 31 show that weekday sales declined 8.7 percent from the same period a year ago. Link: Among the 25 largest circulation newspapers, 10 had declines in weekday circulation of more than 10 percent. The Sunday circulation figures were slightly higher, though far…

  • Verbal. | Citizen Photojournalism: Unsustainable Approaches to New Media

    I consider that if the growth of citizen journalism remains unchecked, the news industries and consumers accessing the news stand to lose on various fronts. A consequence may be that declining standards of news production will reduce the value and credibility of news made available to the public. Link: Verbal. | Citizen Photojournalism: Unsustainable Approaches…

  • Copy-Editing and Page Design, Far From Paper –

    Copy-Editing and Page Design, Far From Paper –

    Copy-Editing and Page Design, Done Far From the Hometown Three of Media General’s big papers will consolidate some tasks elsewhere in the South. Link: By this fall, readers who pick up their local newspapers in Richmond or Tampa will be seeing articles that have been edited and laid out by people more than 700…

  • Airstrike Video Brings Attention to WikiLeaks Site –

    Airstrike Video Brings Attention to WikiLeaks Site –

    Iraq Video Brings Notice to a Web Site With the release of a video of a U.S. assault on civilians, WikiLeaks edged closer toward a form of journalism. Link: “That’s arguably what spy agencies do — high-tech investigative journalism,” Julian Assange, one of the site’s founders, said in an interview on Tuesday. “It’s time…

  • Backwards Steps by the WSJ and NYT on iPad : CJR

    Backwards Steps by the WSJ and NYT on iPad : CJR

    Backwards Steps by the WSJ and NYT on iPad The papers cripple everyday Web features in their apps for a walled-in environment via Columbia Journalism Review: One big missing feature in the WSJ and NYT iPad apps: You can’t copy text. Take a screen cap of it all you want, but you can’t get…

  • High-tech media, old-style issues –

    iPads and other technology may save media, but old-media standards are being left behind. Link: High-tech media, old-style issues – via: Joe

  • Dominique Browning – What I Lost When I Lost My Job   –

    Dominique Browning – What I Lost When I Lost My Job –

    Losing It The former editor of House & Garden describes how she was laid off — and learned to love life again. Link: The folding of the magazine was ruthless. Without warning, our world collapsed. No one was expecting it, though with five publishers in 10 years, we had our share of turmoil. I…

  • Fearing Drug Cartels, Reporters in Mexico Retreat –

    Fearing Drug Cartels, Reporters in Mexico Retreat –

    Fearing Drug Cartels, Reporters in Mexico Retreat Attacks on the media along the border with the U.S. have resulted in what amounts to a news blackout. Link: Angry residents who witnessed the carnage began to fill the void, posting raw videos and photos taken with cellphones.

  • Meet Jake Adelstein, a Jewish reporter who thinks like a Japanese gangster – Boing Boing

    Meet Jake Adelstein, a Jewish reporter who thinks like a Japanese gangster – Boing Boing

    Meet Jake Adelstein, a Jewish reporter who thinks like a Japanese gangster Jake Adelstein is the author of Tokyo Vice, a new book that chronicles the author’s crazy adventures as a crime reporter for Japan’s largest newspaper. During his 12 years at Yomiuri Sh… via Boing Boing: I have a guarantee from someone up…

  • The Media  Equation – In the Internet Age, Breaking the Story Before It’s a Story –

    The Media Equation – In the Internet Age, Breaking the Story Before It’s a Story –

    Breaking the Story That Isn’t Reporters have always kept an eye on other reporters. But in the Internet age of instant publishing, what if watching your competitor becomes your whole story? Link: Reporters have always kept an eye on other reporters. For a journalist, the only thing more interesting than what you are working…

  • A Cover Ad Mimics The Los Angeles Times’s Front Page –

    A Cover Ad Mimics The Los Angeles Times’s Front Page –

    A Cover Ad That Mimics a Newspaper’s Front Page The entire first page of The Los Angeles Times on Friday was an ad for the film “Alice in Wonderland” that was designed, in part, to look like the front page. Link: The entire first page of The Los Angeles Times on Friday was an…

  • News Units at ABC and CBS Try to Navigate Uncertain Times –

    News Units at ABC and CBS Try to Navigate Uncertain Times –

    Network News at a Crossroads As ABC News prepares to cut hundreds of jobs and with news available more places than ever, the future for network news divisions is deeply insecure. Link: “I just looked out at the next five years and was concerned that we could not sustain doing what we were doing,”…

  • Magazines and Their Web Sites : CJR

    Magazines and Their Web Sites : CJR

    Magazines and Their Web Sites A Columbia Journalism Review survey and report via Columbia Journalism Review: Among the questions the Columbia Journalism Review survey asked: What fact-checking and copy-editing standards apply to magazine Web sites, if any? Who oversees the editorial content of online material, and with what consequences? And what business model is…

  • Iraqi journalist sees threats to press freedom –

    Iraqi journalist sees threats to press freedom –

    Iraqi journalist sees threats to press freedom Link: As Operation Iraqi Freedom draws to a close, Khadum is finding that the brand of freedom the United States ushered in is at best tenuous, at worst a temporary illusion.

  • IPad Apps Could Put Apple in Charge of the News | Gadget Lab |

    IPad Apps Could Put Apple in Charge of the News Publishers should think twice before worshipping the iPad as the future platform for magazines and newspapers. That is, if they value their independence from an often-capricious corporate gatekeeper. The past week’s controversy swirling around Apple’s ret via WIRED: Publishers should think twice before worshipping…

  • A Vision of Iceland as a Haven for Journalists –

    A Vision of Iceland as a Haven for Journalists –

    A Vision of Iceland as a Haven for Journalists The country is weighing legislation offering reporters and publishers aggressive protections for free speech and investigative journalism. Link: A banking scandal nearly bankrupted this tiny island nation (population: barely 300,000) little more than a year ago, but Iceland is considering a new vision: to become…

  • 71 Journalists Killed in 2009; 29 Died in Philippines Attack –

    71 Journalists Killed in 2009; 29 Died in Philippines Attack –

    Record Number of Journalists Killed in 2009 At least 71 journalists were killed across the globe in 2009, the Committee to Protect Journalists announced Tuesday. Link:

  • Reporter fired for trying to be objective

    Reporter fired for trying to be objective

    Reporter fired for trying to be objective Jonathan Springston, a senior reporter for the Atlanta Progressive News, was fired from the online news service because, according to an email from the site’s editor to Creative Loafing magaz… via Boing Boing:

  • Despite Downturn, Some Newsrooms Persist in Costly Fight for Records –

    Despite Downturn, Some Newsrooms Persist in Costly Fight for Records –

    Despite Budgets, Some Newsrooms Persist in Costly Fight for Records As journalism budgets continue to wither, some companies are taking aggressive action, but other smaller publications have had to let go of those efforts. Link: Indeed, as many companies have cut newsroom budgets they are also scaling back on another of their civic duties:…