Category: News

  • Anger as hostages sell stories to highest bidders



    From The Observer: Colonel Bob Stewart, a British commander of United Nations forces in Bosnia, told the Sunday Times that the MoD had turned a military disaster into a media circus. ‘The released hostages are behaving like reality TV stars,’ he said. ‘I am appalled that the MoD is encouraging them to profit in this…

  • McCain Wrong on Iraq Security, Merchants Say



    From The New York Times: The delegation arrived at the market, which is called Shorja, on Sunday with more than 100 soldiers in armored Humvees — the equivalent of an entire company — and attack helicopters circled overhead, a senior American military official in Baghdad said. The soldiers redirected traffic from the area and restricted…

  • The dark heart of the new South Africa



    Guardian-Observer: Foreigners think we’re nuts coming back to a doomed city on a damned continent,’ Rian Malan once wrote about Johannesburg, ‘but there is something you don’t understand: it’s boring where you are.’ When I go to meet Malan, South Africa’s most controversial and charismatic writer, in his home city, I see the force of…

  • Straight Edge slayer recounts chaos of fatal Halloween night



    Salt Lake Tribune: More than eight years have passed since Colin Reesor fatally stabbed an unconscious boy during a Halloween night riot between Straight Edge gang members and others, but Reesor still doesn’t understand his actions. “I’m a coward, I guess,” Reesor said Tuesday during his first hearing before the Utah Board of Pardons and…

  • What Really Happened at Fire Station 5?



    LA Weekly: Two days after Pierce and the others showered engineer Arrigoni with ketchup — an incident never before reported publicly — the Station 5 crew decided to grab an early-morning volleyball game at nearby Dockweiler State Beach. Pierce began loudly bragging about being the “Big Dog,” his longtime nickname, and avidly taunting a fellow…

  • The calamity of Asia's lost women



    The Observer: In today’s China, there are now 119 men for every 100 women. In some areas, the imbalance is greater than it was in Huai-pei in 1850. Earlier this year, an official Chinese report projected that by 2020, one in 10 men between 20 and 45 would be unable to find a wife. Professor…

  • A New Face of Jihad Vows Attacks on U.S.



    NYT: The men belong to a new militant Islamic organization called Fatah al Islam, whose leader, a fugitive Palestinian named Shakir al-Abssi, has set up operations in a refugee camp here where he trains fighters and spreads the ideology of Al Qaeda. He has solid terrorist credentials. A former associate of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the…

  • The Mayor's Fake "Worst Gangs"

    The Mayor's Fake "Worst Gangs"



    LA Weekly: The lead homicide detective of LAPD’s deadly Southeast Division found the list odd. “I can’t imagine that those are the worst gangs in the city,” said Detective Sal LaBarbera. “I think they were trying to spread it out over the whole city, because we’ve got five gangs alone in Southeast — the PJs,…

  • For an Opaque White House, A Reflection of New Scrutiny



    Washington Post: Shortly before he was inaugurated for his second term, President Bush was asked why no one was held responsible for the mistakes of the first. “We had an accountability moment,” he replied, “and that’s called the 2004 elections.” Two years and a stinging midterm election later, Bush is having another accountability moment, but…

  • Downloading Is a Packrat's Dream



    Wired: Like everyone else, compulsive hoarders have gone digital. Infohoarding may be the first psychiatric dysfunction born of digital age. “Jim” is an infohoarder like few others. In the last four years, this 37-year-old Brooklyn native has downloaded and burned every piece of broadcast and print media that’s been digitized. Or so it seems. His…

  • A Terrible Thing to Waste

    A Terrible Thing to Waste



    LA Weekly: On the night of August 22, 2003, Billy Cottrell would later testify, he had only intended to tour around Southern California with his friends Tyler Johnson and Michie Oe, plastering SUVs with bumper stickers. Going in, the plan was so innocuous, rising only to the level of a graffiti prank, that even Cottrell’s…

  • Russians wonder: Bomb plot or drill?



    LA Times: Arriving home, Kartofelnikov noticed a car parked near the entryway. Someone had written “62,” the auto license code for Ryazan, and taped it over part of the license plate. Underneath, he saw “77,” the Moscow code. Suspicious, he called police. The car was gone by the time police arrived. But in the basement,…

  • Losing Their Buzz



    NYT: But people from all demographic groups across the country are facing a much more frightening real-life situation: the disappearance of millions of bees. This winter, in more than 20 states, beekeepers have noticed that their honeybees have mysteriously vanished, leaving behind no clues as to their whereabouts. There are no tell-tale dead bodies either…

  • The Stuff Sam Nunn’s Nightmares Are Made Of

    The Stuff Sam Nunn’s Nightmares Are Made Of



    NYT Magazine: By now we can too readily imagine the horror of terrorists exploding a nuclear weapon in a major American city: the gutted skyscrapers, the melted cars, the charred bodies. For Sam Nunn, however, a new terror begins the day after. That’s when the world asks whether another bomb is out there. “If a…

  • Ja-Ja should know how street gangs operate: he runs one



    The Observer: Last week, in a remarkable insight into the world of gangs and how teenagers get dragged in, The Observer spent two days with Kerr and other members of the PDC, a group of young men who, throughout the Nineties, formed the most feared gang in south London. Lee Jaspar, the Mayor of London’s…

  • For Youths, a Grim Tour on Magazine Crews



    NYT: In Collinsville, Ill., Daniel Burrus scrolled through digital photographs of bloodied faces as he described how, on a crew he helped manage for several years, men who missed their sales quota were forced to fight each other. In Flagstaff, Ariz., Isaac James sat with his wife and newborn daughter as he told how he…

  • In Somalia, Violence Is Status Quo

    In Somalia, Violence Is Status Quo



    NYT: It is hard to believe, but Somalia is actually becoming a more violent and chaotic place. This is not how it was supposed to be. Nearly two months ago, an internationally supported transitional government ousted the Islamist movement that ruled much of the country and steamed into the capital with great expectations. But confidence…

  • Radical Islamic Extremists Snowboard Into U.S. Embassy



    The Onion: American security is not certain how Al-J’Aqasse was allowed to build their custom snowpipe-ramp setup across the street from the embassy, but banners and promotional materials scattered across the blast zone point to the involvement of radical, extreme-sports-beverage bottler Sunni Delight. Here.

  • A former Blood explores the roots of our nation’s longest-running war

    A former Blood explores the roots of our nation’s longest-running war



    LA Weekly: Bastards starts in the present, then leaps back to the great African-American migration from the South to the West in the mid 20th century. It chronicles the racism black folk encountered upon their arrival, and how they slowly carved neighborhoods and communities of their own. News to many will be the fact (also…

  • Fake Alfa in police net

    Fake Alfa in police net



    Daily Sun, Nigeria’s King of the Tabloids: A fraudster known as Kamoru Adeyemi who specializes in duping people through mystical means has had his secrets blown open. The police nabbed him when he was about to collect a supposed gold necklace from his victim, a 16-years-old girl. The police who acted based on information by…