Category: News

  • Sychyov Attacker Gets 4 Years in Prison

    Sychyov Attacker Gets 4 Years in Prison



    Moscow Times: Prosecutors showed that Sivyakov forced Andrei Sychyov, a first-year conscript at the Chelyabinsk Armor Academy, to squat for several hours while beating him last New Year’s Eve. The incident led to the amputation of Sychyov’s legs and genitals. Sivyakov, who has consistently maintained his innocence, was convicted on five charges, including “exceeding authority,…

  • Bosnia Serb jailed for war crimes

    Bosnia Serb jailed for war crimes



    BBC: The court heard that Momcilo Krajisnik helped arm Bosnian Serb civilians so that they could exterminate non-Serbs and drive them from large areas of Bosnia-Hercegovina. Krajisnik said he knew nothing of the war crimes. But former Bosnian Serb Prime Minister Biljana Plavsic testified that he was “very powerful” and at times he had even…

  • A Combative Clinton Defends Record on Fighting Terrorism



    Washington Post: Clinton said he authorized the CIA to kill bin Laden, and even “contracted with people to kill him.” He also said he had a plan to attack Afghanistan, overthrow the Taliban and hunt for bin Laden after the attack on the USS Cole, but the CIA and FBI refused to certify that bin…

  • Spy chiefs to probe 'Osama is dead' claim



    Guardian: The report surfaced in a regional French newspaper which had obtained the leaked report claiming Saudi Arabian sources were ‘convinced’ the terror chief had been killed in August. It prompted a flurry of official statements. After a remarkable day of rumour and counter-rumour, it appears the answer is that no one really knows. French…

  • Islamists Calm Somali Capital With Restraint

    Islamists Calm Somali Capital With Restraint



    NYT: But the darkest fears of a draconian Islam on Africa’s east coast have not come true, at least not yet. Boys are allowed to play soccer, and girls are allowed to go to school, despite rumors to the contrary. And businesses are not forced to close during prayer time, as has been widely reported…

  • Another Good Samaritan

    Another Good Samaritan



    He severed head of a corpse and claimed he pitied it and decided to do it a favour. Daily Sun, Nigeria’s King of the Tabloids: Azubuike, a native of Aguata in Anambra State, said: “I went to look for my friend at Alakuko on that fateful day. On getting there, I met his absence and…

  • Author Bears Steady Witness to Partition’s Wounds

    Author Bears Steady Witness to Partition’s Wounds



    NYT: That solitary drive would also give shape to “Train to Pakistan,” Mr. Singh’s slim, seminal 1956 novel whose opening paragraphs contain one of its most unsettling lines: “The fact is, both sides killed.” An estimated one million people were killed during the partition, and more than 10 million fled their homes: Hindus and Sikhs…

  • This Just In: The Iraq Study Group Has Nothing to Report



    Washington Post: “We’re not going to speculate with you today about recommendations,” Baker announced at the session, hosted by the U.S. Institute of Peace. Can the war in Iraq be won? “We’re not going to make any assessments today about what we think the status of the situation is in Iraq,” said Hamilton. Could they…

  • 'I'm ready'



    Last words of death row inmates, from the Guardian: “Statement to what. State what. I am not guilty of the charge of capital murder. Steal me and my family’s money. My truth will always be my truth. There is no kin and no friend; no fear what you do to me. No kin to you…

  • No One Dares to Help



    LA Times: I was still looking at the wounded man and blaming myself for not stopping to help. Other shoppers peered at him from a distance, sorrowful and compassionate, but did nothing. I went on to another grocery store, staying for about five minutes while shopping for tomatoes, onions and other vegetables. During that time,…

  • Pope has joined US crusade, says Iran



    Guardian: Ayatollah Ali Khamenei yesterday accused the Pope of committing the world’s biggest Christian church to what he claimed was a “crusade” launched by President Bush against Islam. The Iranian leader’s words represented a setback to more than 25 years of Vatican diplomacy aimed at distancing Roman Catholicism from the west many Muslims regard as…

  • The Senator's Gentile Rebuke



    Washington Post: “It has been reported,” said Fox, that “your grandfather Felix, whom you were given your middle name for, was Jewish. Could you please tell us whether your forebears include Jews and, if so, at which point Jewish identity might have ended?” Allen recoiled as if he had been struck. His supporters in the…

  • Child Of Polygamists Receives Fourth Sex Talk



    Onion Radio News: The sixth grader will eventually learn everything she needs to know about sexuality two to three years from now, when she’ll be given to a 60-year-old Mormon elder in Canada. mp3, Here.

  • New recruit joins Terracotta Army

    New recruit joins Terracotta Army



    BBC: Pablo Wendel, made up like an ancient warrior, jumped into a pit showcasing the 2,200-year-old pottery soldiers and stood motionless for several minutes. The 26-year-old was eventually spotted by police and removed from the scene. Unearthed in 1974, the statues are said to be one of the 20th Century’s greatest archaeological finds. Here.

  • Gunman's Writings Presaged Rampage



    Washington Post: Gill signed his entries “Fatality666” and once called himself “Trench,” an apparent reference to the black trench coat he wore in imitation of the two teenage assailants who killed 12 students and a faculty member at Columbine High School in Colorado in 1999. He was fascinated by that attack, according to his journal,…

  • 10 Things to Know About Guantanamo



    Washington Post: Fact No. 8, probably one of the most important, notes that, contrary to what you might have heard, the prisoners actually really want to be in Guantanamo. “The mother of a detainee stated: ‘Of course they wanted to stay there. . . . They had human rights and good living standards there. They…




    The New Yorker: In 2002, Abu Musab al-Suri, in his hideout in Iran, began  writing his defining work, “Call for Worldwide Islamic Resistance,” which is sixteen hundred pages long and was published on the Internet in December, 2004. Didactic and repetitive, but also ruthlessly candid, the book dissects the  faults of the jihadi movement and…

  • Bin Laden Trail 'Stone Cold'



    Washington Post: Intelligence officials think that bin Laden is hiding in the northern reaches of the autonomous tribal region along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. This calculation is based largely on a lack of activity elsewhere and on other intelligence, including a videotape, obtained exclusively by the CIA and not previously reported, that shows bin Laden walking…

  • Body Count in Baghdad Nearly Triples



    Washington Post: Baghdad’s morgue almost tripled its count for violent deaths in Iraq’s capital during August from 550 to 1,536, authorities said Thursday, appearing to erase most of what U.S. generals and Iraqi leaders had touted as evidence of progress in a major security operation to restore order in the capital. Separately, the Health Ministry…

  • CrisisWatch No. 37



    International Crisis Group: Eight actual or potential conflict situations around the world deteriorated in August 2006, according to the new issue of CrisisWatch,* released today. Sri Lanka saw full-scale military clashes in eastern and northern regions kill hundreds and displace some 200,000. Sudan’s Darfur region continued its slide, with the government launching a new offensive…