Category: News

  • One Main Reason to be Scared



    From The Moscow Times: Over the last year, various religious leaders have called on their followers physically to attack gay people. It began when a group of activists declared their plans to organize a gay pride parade in Moscow in May 2006. Umar Idrisov, the chief Muslim authority in the Nizhny Novgorod region, said Muslims…

  • Gays Targeted Outside of Clubs

    Gays Targeted Outside of Clubs



    From The Moscow Times: At Renaissance, near the Shabolovskaya metro station, two people were injured Sunday when they were pelted by rocks, bottle, sticks and eggs, organizers said. One girl was beaten with crucifixes, icons and sticks, they added. The attackers were part of a crowd that had assembled outside the club. Interfax said the…

  • Rat-tailed maggots have no effect on health in city



    From the Cape Times: There has been no increase in reported cases of diarrhoea since rat-tailed maggots were first spotted in a Stellenbosch river at the beginning of the year, Andile Zimba, Cape Town’s acting director of health, said yesterday. In a presentation to the health portfolio committee, Zimba said the monthly statistics for diarrhoea…

  • Peru's Looming Disaster



    Editorial from The New York Times: Last month Ollanta Humala, a military man whose family advocates the shooting of gays, Jews and Chilean investors, came in first in presidential elections. Since Mr. Humala did not get 50 percent, there will be a runoff on May 28. More bad news: the other candidate will be Alan…

  • Malaysian 'healing' sex scams prompt warnings



    From the Mail & Guardian: In the latest case, a 41-year-old woman was tricked into having sex dozens of times with a medium who claimed to be the “Ninth Emperor of the Kingdom of God” and said she was possessed by evil spirits, newspapers reported on Wednesday. The 52-year-old medium said her domestic and financial…

  • Boy, 16, executes father's killer

    Boy, 16, executes father's killer



    From the BBC: Large crowds gathered at a Koranic school in Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu, to watch Mohamed Moallim, 16, stab Omar Hussein in the head and throat. Hussein had been convicted of killing the boy’s father, Sheikh Osman Moallim, after a row about Mohamed’s education. Islamic courts have brought a semblance of order to Mogadishu,…

  • Taliban Threat is Said to Grow in Afghan South



    From Carlotta Gall, The New York Times: “The security situation is not good,” Governor Munib told General Eikenberry and a group of cabinet ministers at a meeting with tribal elders. “The number of Taliban and enemy is several times more than that of the police and Afghan National Army in this province,” he said. Uruzgan…

  • Administration Conducting Research into Laser Weapon



    From The New York Times: In a statement, Representative Loretta Sanchez, a California Democrat on the subcommittee who opposes the laser’s development, thanked her Republican colleagues for agreeing to curb a program “with the potential to weaponize space.” Theresa Hitchens, director of the Center for Defense Information, a private group in Washington that tracks military…

  • The mad woman and her baby

    The mad woman and her baby



    From the Daily Sun, Nigeria’s King of the Tabloids: Jenny said the other women who tried to help the mad woman nearly killed her because in spite of the effort to bring down the placenta, it retreated into the womb. Having been relieved of the life-threatening placenta, Eka Goddy remained calm and a little shy…

  • How to Flatten that Pot Belly

    How to Flatten that Pot Belly



    From the Daily Sun, Nigeria’s King of the Tabloids: If you are diabetic, you can come to Quincy Kitchen, we have menu for patients with diabetis, hypertension, ulcer and other diseases. I have a slimming water, if you take a glass, you are sure to lose 1kg thereafter. And as you keep taking the water,…

  • CrisisWatch No. 33



    From the monthly report from International Crisis Group: Thirteen conflict situations around the world deteriorated in April 2006, according to the new issue of CrisisWatch,* released today. Tensions mounted over Iran’s nuclear program as Tehran defied the UN Security Council’s 28 April deadline to stop enriching uranium. An increasingly bitter rivalry between Hamas and Fatah…

  • The Coast is Clear, Dumbshit

    The Coast is Clear, Dumbshit



    From AP via WFMU’s Beware of the Blog: House Speaker Dennis Hastert of Ill., center, gets out of a Hydrogen Alternative Fueled automobile, left, as he prepares to board his SUV, which uses gasoline, after holding a news conference at a local gas station in Washington, Thursday, April 27, 2006 to discuss the recent rise…

  • In Iraqi Town, Trainees Are Also Suspects

    In Iraqi Town, Trainees Are Also Suspects



    From the Washington Post: After midnight on a bare stretch of highway near this ramshackle town last week, Staff Sgt. Jason Hoover saw what looked like a fishing line strung across the road and ordered his Humvee to a screeching halt. The cord was connected to an old, Russian artillery shell half-buried in the earthen…

  • Leaders' gun battle threatens Chechen stability



    From the Mail & Guardian: The Moskovski Komsomolets newspaper reported that Alkhanov had banned Kadyrov from bringing more than two of his private army with him into meetings. It reported that Chechen Prime Minister Ramzan Kadyrov had rung President Alu Alkhanov and given him 30 minutes to flee the presidential administration as his men wanted…

  • Extremist web sites come under scrutiny

    Extremist web sites come under scrutiny



    From The Moscow Times: It reads like a grade-school math problem: “If there’s five of you, you can jump two people. If there’s seven of you, then you can jump three.” What follows, though, is not long division but advice on pummeling a “darky” or “slant-eyed monkey” into “porridge” in less than a minute: “As…

  • N2 terror as boulders fly



    From the Cape Argus: Huge rocks were also hurled from a nearby bridge, narrowly missing cars and landing in the middle of the freeway, according to a police source at the scene. The latest attack follows a similar incident on the N2 yesterday morning, when strikers set a burning barricade to try to halt motorists…

  • Zhirinovsky gives Britain a birthday bashing

    Zhirinovsky gives Britain a birthday bashing



    From The Moscow Times: Vladimir Zhirinovsky has called for nuking Japan, dumping radioactive waste in Germany and reoccupying Alaska. On Tuesday, the ultranationalist leader of the Liberal Democratic Party came up with yet another zinger: Great Britain, he declared, is now Public Enemy No. 1. Here.

  • Three-Sided Barricades



    From The Moscow Times, Yulia Natynina: On Oct. 13 there was an uprising in Nalchik, the capital. Men had been dragged out of a mosque as they were praying, and crosses had been shaved on their heads. They couldn’t take it anymore and went on a rampage to kill police. After the uprising, 2,000 people…

  • Double Heating

    Double Heating



    From the Daily Sun, Nigeria’s King of the Tabloids, women speak on excessive heat and their marital obligations: My sister, this weather is something else. In fact, I sleep naked every night. My husband is worse because he complains about the weather so much because he is so used to the air conditioner. Mind you,…

  • Rebuilding of Iraqi Pipeline as Disaster Waiting to Happen

    Rebuilding of Iraqi Pipeline as Disaster Waiting to Happen



    From The New York Times: The Fatah project went ahead despite warnings from experts that it could not succeed because the underground terrain was shattered and unstable. It continued chewing up astonishing amounts of cash when the predicted problems bogged the work down, with a contract that allowed crews to charge as much as $100,000…