Category: Photography

  • RRD Photo: Photoshop "Revisit and Retouch" Challenge #1

    RRD Photo: Photoshop “Revisit and Retouch” Challenge #1: “Ryan Goodman took this photograph a few years ago in Grand Cayman and produced a nice image (after some editing) which you can see on his site. Interested to see what other folks would do to this in the digital darkroom, he’s inviting those interested to download…

  • A Photo Editor – Photography Agent Websites

    A Photo Editor – Photography Agent Websites: “My new favorite agent website belongs to Deborah Schwartz (here)–actually I should credit Bill Charles for being an early adopter of the idea . The first page lists the names of the people they represent and when you roll over the name a photo that represents that photographers…

  • The F STOP » Professional Photographers Discuss Their Craft » Article Archive » Jono Rotman

    The F STOP » Professional Photographers Discuss Their Craft » Article Archive » Jono Rotman: “The ad agency, Clemenger BBDO, hired photographer Jono Rotman to help them promote New Zealand’s policy of providing free, universal healthcare. Their concept was quite simple—an image of nude bodies arranged to form the shape of the island nation.”

  • pictures. » Anna and Scott

    pictures. » Anna and Scott: “On Friday, my old friend Scott got married to my new friend Anna. It’s hard for me to put into words how happy i am for them. To be honest, i am also happy for me. i got to see it. Scott was coming out for an annual photo celebration…

  • Utata: Tribal Photography

    Utata: Tribal Photography: “” (Via Film is not dead it just smells funny.)

  • Heavy Metal in Baghdad

    Heavy Metal in Baghdad: “A Fundraiser For The Iraqi Band Acrassicauda” (Via Very Young Millionaire.)

  • william albert allard

    william albert allard

    great piece on david alan harvey’s blog, talking about William Albert Allard. Allard is a pure photographer. I first saw him speak in 1989 and I could probably recite several choice Allard quotes from memory eighteen years later. A great read: the first words i ever heard out of william albert allard’s mouth were “why…

  • Heroes of Photography

    Heroes of Photography

    (Thanks to A Photo A Day for pointing this out to me.) From American Photo, “a tribute to ten photographers who inspire us”: Not one of the photographers featured on the following pages wanted to be called a hero. We sympathize: The word is immodest and certainly overused these days. Nonetheless, we can’t help but…

  • Cerealism – Ernie Button

    Cerealism – Ernie Button

    PhotoEye: So, there sat King Vitamin next to a new version of Cap’n Crunch, Choco Donuts, on a recent trip to the grocery store. Looking at the rest of the cereal aisle, it is clear that breakfast cereal has changed. The cereal aisle has become a cornucopia of colors with marshmallows that resemble people and…

  • The Studio Episode 1

    J. Garner Photography: GUYS, THIS IS A JOKE! Please don’t take these episodes literally. “Image” is NOT everything. For JGP, humility, character & professionalism are the real virtues. We’re just simple wedding photographers, having a GREAT time! Here.



    A Photo a Day: Since October 2001, besides a couple studio shoots, I have not used a strobe once. Why? First, I want to document reality and that includes the light, If something happens in a dank dark room, I don’t want it to look pretty, I want it to look dank and dark. I…

  • Innovator and Master, Side by Side

    Innovator and Master, Side by Side

    NYT: In 1932 the young Henri Cartier-Bresson, lately returned from Africa, saw a photograph of African children charging into waves on a beach. “I must say that it is that very photograph which was for me the spark that set fire to fireworks,” he recalled years later. “I couldn’t believe such a thing could be…

  • Thinking in Terms of Collections

    Thinking in Terms of Collections

    Thomas Hawk: Another project I’d like to create is a some kind of a page of portraits that I’ve taken of people with blogs. The page would be a giant collage of thumnails and as you hovered over every small thumbnail it would zooom and pop up a larger portrait of that person with a…

  • Apple employee photo series

    Apple employee photo series

    Photographer Joshua Brown: Selection from a portrait series of 50 (of about 300 that I have photographed so far) of my coworkers in a conference room. Here.

  • Gursky's "99 Cent" Prints Fetch Millions At Auction

    Gursky's "99 Cent" Prints Fetch Millions At Auction

    PDN: Most recently, an anonymous bidder paid $2.48 million – with a sense of irony, one hopes – for Gursky’s “99 Cent II Diptychon” (2001), which shows the cluttered interior of a discount store. The sale, made at a Nov. 16 auction at Phillips de Pury & Company in New York, set an auction record…

  • Scanning, Safety, M8

    Joe Reifer: I’d rather go to the dentist than spend hours scanning negatives. This evening I remembered why I got interested in digital SLRs 5 years ago. I hate scanning. After watching volume 1 of Contacts, I decided to shoot a roll of Tri-X over the Thanksgiving holiday. Even though I own a bunch of…

  • Art flaps fade away, but Sturges and his nude photos thrive

    SF Chronicle: The photographs themselves, to my eyes, are more troublesome. The bodies on view, to a one, are all youthful, fit and lean. A warm bronze light prevails. But, somehow, in all this celebration of the body beautiful, there’s a nagging vacancy — in the models’ abstracted expressions and a slack structure and framing…

  • studio

    Alec Soth: Curious about my studio. Have a look here. *pictured are Phillip Carpenter, Eric William Carroll, Linda Dobosenski, Brian Lesteberg and Josh Grubbs. Here.

  • What’s Wrong With This Picture?

    What’s Wrong With This Picture?

    NYT: If this sounds confusing, that’s the nature of chaos, which can be as hard to photograph as it is to describe. Fortunately, Robert Polidori is a connoisseur of chaos, and the beauty of his pictures — they have a languid, almost underwater beauty — entails locating order in bedlam. The X of wires and…

  • Photographer Corey Arnold

    Photographer Corey Arnold

    Corey Arnold, 30, is a Freelance Photographer and Alaska Crab Fisherman. During October, January, and February you will find him working and photographing aboard the f/v Rollo in the Bering Sea. The rest of the year he lives in Norway or San Francisco and spends the working hours photographing for exhibitions, art projects, books, magazines,…