The ladies examined here who photographed were pioneers. They were not accepted into the masculine monopoly of photography. These women photographers, even if they were exceptional in their abilities and talent, worked hard to crack open the small light of opportunity, which widened for them with each photograph they were able to create
Category: Photography
Ladies Who Photograph
Alamy Stat Flap
Link: Editorial Photographers UK | Alamy Stat Flap
The anonymous publication of a spreadsheet showing the recently announced 10% decrease in photographers’ commission by stock library Alamy is, in real terms, a cut of 17%
Contemporary Street Photography: Where Can I Find the Good Stuff?
Contemporary Street Photography: Where Can I Find the Good Stuff?
By Andrew Kochanowski “Street photographers” tend to dislike the very term, but, having failed to mint a better phrase, it will just have to do. Whether you blame the Internet or limitless card capacity, there are now literally tens of…
via The Online Photographer:
Ten years ago, cheap, on-demand publishing and social media that disseminate good work from all of this output did not really exist. It’s not your Daddy’s decisive moment any more.
The Difference Between a Photographer and an Artist
The Difference Between a Photographer and an Artist
A photographer is someone who takes photographs. These days, anybody can be a photographer, and the reciprocal is also true—a photographer can be anybody. From the hottest haute-kultur gallery orchid on the planet down to somebody selling something on eBa
via The Online Photographer:
Never showing your sh*t is a principle that a great many photographers are violating as a matter of course these days
Area Woman Finally Uploads All 12 Million Pictures Of Her Vacation To Europe On Facebook
Area Woman Finally Uploads All 12 Million Pictures Of Her Vacation To Europe On Facebook | The Onion – America’s Finest News Source: “‘I don’t consider myself to be a professional photographer; I just took the 12 million pictures I thought were most interesting,’ said Stevens, stressing that she would rather have too many than too few. ‘And besides, the quirky ones are some of my personal favorites.’
As of press time, sources reported that the album had received a total of three likes”
Photographs Are No Longer Things, They’re Experiences
Photographs Are No Longer Things, They’re Experiences
Stephen Mayes argues that the rise of digital changed the very nature of photography by moving it from a fixed image to a fluid one. Photography is less about document or evidence and more about community and experience … and that’s not a bad thing.
via WIRED:
Stephen Mayes argues that the rise of digital changed the very nature of photography by moving it from a fixed image to a fluid one. The swift pace at which we create images is only matched by the pace at which we discard them and yet, paradoxically, we’ve never been more engaged with images
LA Times wins $266,000 from photographer David Strick
LA Times wins $266,000 from photographer David Strick *
Message to freelancers: sue the Los Angeles Times at your own risk. An arbitrator has awarded the paper $266,000 to cover the costs of defending itself against a suit by the longtime Hollywood photographer.
via LA Observed:
An arbitrator has awarded the paper $266,000 to cover the costs of defending itself against a suit by the longtime Hollywood editorial photographer
DAPD Holding Sipa Hostage
Link: DAPD Holding Sipa Hostage | Le Journal de la Photographie
Barely a year after its takeover by two “money makers,” the Sipa photo agency is now dealing with the turmoil created by the bankruptcy of several subsidiaries of the second largest German news agency, DAPD. While one of the shareholders is in hiding, 127 employees and tens of millions of photos hang in the balance.
Running With Tabitha Soren
Link: Running With Tabitha Soren | LPV Magazine
Tabitha’s “Running” portraits have appeared on dozens of blogs and websites this year. When I first saw them, they didn’t initially grab my interest primarily because they felt too staged. As they continued to appear on my radar, I saw different selections of photographs, and began to look at them more closely.
Architecture photographer explains how he got that New York magazine cover shot
Link: Architecture photographer explains how he got that New York magazine cover shot | Poynter.
Shooting in the dark, with a handheld camera, in a vibrating helicopter, 5,000 feet above land sounds like a photographer’s nightmare. But Iwan Baan made it look easy.
How to Survive and Conquer Portfolio Reviews
PPE 2012: How to Survive and Conquer Portfolio Reviews | PDNPulse
Portfolio reviews can be costly or, depending on what you make of them, cost effective. This idea—set forth by Center For Photography at Woodstock Executive Director Ariel Shanberg—was the focus of a panel this afternoon at Photo Plus Expo that aimed to h
via PDNPulse:
When in doubt, shut up. Which means that talking too much suggests nervousness and distracts the reviewer
APA and EP Join Forces
APA and EP Join Forces | PDNPulse
Today two professional photography trade organizations‚ American Photographic Artists (APA) and Editorial Photographers (EP)‚ announced that they will merge to create one organization with a membership of approximately 3200 photographers. The move will se
via PDNPulse:
announced that they will merge to create one organization with a membership of approximately 3200 photographers
The next big Thing
Link: Thoughts of a Bohemian » Blog Archive » The next big Thing
The next major disruption in the photo world will be individual licensing. The ability for any individual to license images directly.
Quinton Gordon: The Authorship of a Photograph
Link: Quinton Gordon: The Authorship of a Photograph « The Leica Camera
After twenty years of travel and assignment photography, I was at a career crossroads. Disenchanted by the developments in my chosen profession, I felt like there was only a trace of my own signature left on my work. But, unwilling to relinquish my love of photography, I gave myself an assignment, to rediscover my identity as a photographer.
Expert Advice: Forming A Photo Cooperative
Expert Advice: Forming A Photo Cooperative – A Photo Editor
by Bill Cramer, Wonderful Machine With the recent shake-up at Luceo Images raising questions about the viability of photo cooperatives, I thought I’d share my own experiences with the photo cooperative business model. Wonderful Machine didn’t always have
via A Photo Editor:
Wonderful Machine didn’t always have 600 photographers. Back in 2004, we were a group of 3 working photographers (Chris Crisman, Ryan Donnell and me), a studio manager, a marketing director, a bookkeeper and a dozen interns
Photos from Another Life
Photos from Another Life
Sometimes pictures can change how we see the world and the people in it. This happened to me a few days ago, when I received a link for an amateur photography blog called Almostmemories. It features pictures of private family moments and vacations from…
via Vice:
I found a box filled with negatives and photos in front of my apartment building five or six years ago. Since then, I began collecting snapshots, though it felt more like I was gathering them for something specific.
Rip Off the Filters – We Need a Naked Instagram
Wired Opinion: Rip Off the Filters – We Need a Naked Instagram
At the party that is Instagram – and all the other filter-heavy, photo socials out there – it’s time for the hipsters to rip off their filters and just let it all hang out. Because like clothes, filters allow us to hide our insecurities. And when we take
via WIRED:
Imagine actually trying to get the lighting and composition right before you take a picture. Imagine being forced to admit that a photo just doesn’t work and not posting it: essentially filtering the photos upstream, instead of downstream
Photo Editor Needs Our Help
Photo Editor Needs Our Help – A Photo Editor
On August 16th, Andrea Verdone received the shattering news that her 3 year-old daughter, Natalie Grace Gorsegner had been diagnosed with Leukemia. Natalie’s treatments will take approximately two years to complete, however for the next seven months or so
via A Photo Editor:
Andrea Verdone received the shattering news that her 3 year-old daughter, Natalie Grace Gorsegner had been diagnosed with Leukemia
How to possibly approach writing about photography
Link: Conscientious | How to possibly approach writing about photography
’m fully aware that writing about photography can be a most tedious endeavour, especially online, where nobody wants to pay a cent for anything and where it’s more important to stir up a quick debate about some drama, about some scandal or controversy. But that aside, assuming one has convinced oneself that one wants to or needs to go about it, how can this be approached? It seems safe to say that there really is no recipe