A blogger who goes by the name of Mr. Mallon — sounds like our 5th Grade science teacher — claims to have created a six-month-long exposure by placing film in a tin can and punching a hole in the side. He then hung the can in his backyard with a clothespin and left it there for six months.
Category: Photography
PDNPulse: A Six-Month Exposure; Now That's Dedication
Photographer Simon Roberts puts political England in the frame – guardian.co.uk
Photographer Simon Roberts puts political England in the frame
Sean O’Hagan: Simon Roberts has invited the public to turn their cameras on an England gearing up for the 2010 general election. Already, the results are jaw-dropping
via the Guardian: http://www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/2010/apr/12/photographer-simon-roberts-2010-general-election
Last Chance – Ryan McGinley at Team, and Catherine Opie at Gladstone
Different Angles on the Portrait
The photographers Ryan McGinley and Catherine Opie hold a visual conversation through their portraits in two Manhattan galleries.
Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/14/arts/design/14opie.html?partner=rss&emc=rss
‘Henri Cartier-Bresson,’ a Retrospective at MoMA – NYTimes.com
A Photographer Whose Beat Was the World
The photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson is the subject of a handsome and large — though surely not anywhere near large enough — retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art.
Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/09/arts/design/09cartier.html
Wider Angles: The Apple iPad. Publishing Evolution? Photography Revolution? – A Picture's Worth
The Apple iPad, which shipped this week, has created a frenzy of interest amongst consumers and publishers as a neutral content delivery platform backed by cool design and the Apple marketing engine. We asked a panel of industry professionals about the implications of the device for photography presentation and consumption.
PDNPulse: What Happens When the Annie Leibovitz Debt Bubble Bursts?
Buried in today’s reports about another lawsuit against Annie Leibovitz is the shocking fact that her debt has ballooned to $40 million. In other words, Leibovitz has gone from being waist deep in the jaws of a shark to neck deep. It will be a miracle if she manages to pull herself out without losing her image archive.
Link: PDNPulse: What Happens When the Annie Leibovitz Debt Bubble Bursts?
More Legal Woes for Annie Leibovitz – ArtsBeat
Brunswick Capital Partners has filed a suit against her in New York State Supreme Court, saying that she owes the firm several hundred thousand dollars in fees for its recent role in locating investors who have helped her restructure her debt, Reuters reported.
Link: More Legal Woes for Annie Leibovitz – ArtsBeat Blog – NYTimes.com
Digital Has Done in the Pros – Discarted
Digital Has Done in the Pros
To piggyback on the New York Times article from last week (our post on it is here), the Guardian weighs in on the challenge professionals photographers are facing from the surge of amateurs in rece…
Link: http://discarted.wordpress.com/2010/04/06/digital-has-done-in-the-pros/
Typologies of Prison Tools « Prison Photography
Typologies of Prison Tools
It was either Beierle or Keijser (one of the Mrs. Deane halflings) who emailed and pointed out Simon Menner’s photographic series Objects – 2010. Typology is a trendy term that gets ba…
via Prison Photography: http://prisonphotography.wordpress.com/2010/04/04/typologies-of-prison-tools/
For Photographers, the Image of a Shrinking Path – NYTimes.com
For Photographers, the Image of a Shrinking Path
Amateur photographers, happy to accept small checks for snapshots, are underpricing professionals.
Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/30/business/media/30photogs.html?partner=rss&emc=rss
Thoughts of a Bohemian » The only thing we have to fear….
In the last decade, the photo industry has pivoted from an economy of wealth and abundance to an economy of fear. It is not so much about talent, creativity or effectiveness anymore, as it is about who can scare the other into submission.
Link: Thoughts of a Bohemian » Blog Archive » The only thing we have to fear….
Rachel Hulin, the “Blog Stewardess,” joins Wonderful Machine
RACHEL HULIN: You’re right that I like to photograph moments from my own life; I generally have a camera with me whenever I’m at a family function or away for a weekend with friends, and sort of lie in wait for a moment to capture. There are beautiful and unexpected things happening all the time and I like to try to record some of them. It’s funny how these have sort of created a diary for me now; there’s my roommate in my very first apartment in New York, there’s my mom in the hot tub when she was just getting hair back after chemo.
Link: Rachel Hulin, the “Blog Stewardess,” joins Wonderful Machine / Wonderful Machine Photography Blog
Out of the Dark « PhotoDino
Out of the Dark
Preface: I don’t think I’ve ever written a purely emotional, purely personal post on my blog. Today is going to be different, and I’m going to fully give in to my ADD and just let…
via PhotoDino: http://photodino.wordpress.com/2010/03/26/out-of-the-dark/
For 70 years, this picture has been used to tell the same story – of inequality, class division, “toffs and toughs”. As an old Etonian closes in on Downing Street, it is being trotted out again. But what was the real story behind it? Ian Jack investigates …
Link: FIVE BOYS: THE STORY OF A PICTURE | More Intelligent Life
via: The Online Photographer: The Story of a Picture by Ian Jack
PDNPulse: Kentucky Seizes Control of Photographer's Work and Welfare
Noted equine photographer Tony Leonard and his wife Adelle Bergantino are now living a nightmare
Link: PDNPulse: Kentucky Seizes Control of Photographer’s Work and Welfare
PDNPulse: Photo Show Exposes Extrajudicial Killings in Bangladesh
Today the exhibit “Crossfire” opened at the Drik Agency in Dhaka, Bangladesh, despite police barricades at the gallery doors. The exhibition depicts sites where people have been killed by the anti-crime unit known as the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB).
Link: PDNPulse: Photo Show Exposes Extrajudicial Killings in Bangladesh
Legal Left, Meet Creative Right –Work for Hire | Luceo Images
Contractually speaking, companies have found a number of ways to circumnavigate having to pay photographers for additional use of their images. In the ugliest instances, they also manage benefit by reselling the photographer’s images without any further compensation to the photographer. Although there are a number of ways for this to occur, one of the most commonly recognized forms of a ‘rights grab’ happens by way of a ‘Work For Hire’ clause.
Link: Legal Left, Meet Creative Right –Work for Hire | Luceo Images
Chase Jarvis Blog: 5 Photoshoot Ideas Worth Stealing
Running dry on ideas to push yourself and your photography portfolio? Here’s 5 ideas worth stealing. Perhaps one might catch your attention, or inspire to you do something similar. Or very very different.