Category: Portfolios & Galleries

  • Another country —

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    Thirteen years ago, Chicago Tribune photographer Scott Strazzante began visiting a family farm. Over the years he took thousand of pictures of the couple and their land and all the creatures that lived there. In 2002 he chronicled the farm’s end. Call it death, if you will. Call it progress, if you must

    “…I was determined to one day go back to their land and see what happened to it…

    He found, on what had been the farm’s 119 acres, a subdivision called Willow Walk. The results are a photographic wonder, as the past bleeds into and is reflected in the present.

    Check it out here, via A Photo a Day.

  • Photo Essay Hillary in Iowa



    VII photographer Christopher Morris is trailing the U.S. presidential candidates as they crisscross America during the state primaries and caucuses. In Iowa, which held its caucus January 3, 2008, he followed the Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, and captured her supporters out in full force. The New York senator came in third in the Iowa caucus, behind Barack Obama and John Edwards.

    Check it out here.

  • The Wild Weird World of Sports: Past & Present

    Check it out:



    The Wild Weird World of Sports: Past & Present

    Photography, as in art, is totally subjective.

    I’ve spent much of 2007 trying to figure out what I want to tell visually, what interests me. That doesn’t always translate into contest wins. Whatever.

    I had many people I truly respect look over my work from this past year. Some parts of an edit, I loved. Others, less certain.

    Not sure if this is a winning edit, but it’s what I submitted for 2007 Sports Portfolio. For whatever it’s worth, it feels right to me.

  • redlights and redeyes: desaturate

    Check it out:



    redlights and redeyes: desaturate

    Sarasota is a circus town. Ever since John Ringling moved the winter headquarters for the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus to Sarasota in 1927, evidence of his influence is sprinkled across the town – street names, museums, art schools, public statues, and a long list of local circuses and traveling shows that always seem to find their way across the assignment desk.

    It was hard for me to rob these photos from the of their obvious, saturated color…alas, I wanted to mix up the moments a bit by shooting a lot tighter and concentrating more on form and texture.

  • My LIfe at f/22: 2007 Pictures of the Year – Chris Detrick

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    My LIfe at f/22: 2007 Pictures of the Year.: “With the advent of contest season, I have been reviewing and editing my pictures from the past year. I am not very eloquent when it comes to talking about photography, but if you are interested, have a look at the following slide show.”

  • New Hampshire Primary, photos by Christopher Anderson

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    New Hampshire Primary: “New Hampshire’s primary is the second high-profile battleground in the state-by-state process of choosing candidates for November’s election to succeed George W. Bush as president.

    The race for the White House now heads into an intense month of campaigning culminating on Super Tuesday on February 5, when some 24 states pick presidential candidates.”

  • VII Photo Essay: Lebanon, by Antonin Kratochvil


    Photo Essay: Lebanon: ” Photos by Antonin Kratochvil
    Increasing radicalism among militant groups and a deepening chasm between Lebanon’s Sunni and Shiite population is sending the country spiraling downwards. Assassinations and a protracted political crisis is adding to the crisis.”

  • Blueeyes: Portfolio, by Cosmin Bumbut

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    Blueeyes: Portfolio, by Cosmin Bumbut: “Cosmin Bumbut’s work sits on the fence between the old world and the new. As one frame meets the next, the viewer is at once reminded of Josef Koudelka and Luc Delahaye. Villagers wait roadside for nothing to happen; men compete in black and white impromptu bodybuilding competitions. A lone fiery window glares out from a tenement building; a specter appears in front of a crossed doorway as if barred from entry.

    Bumbut’s varied and unique work is at times frustrating: his children sleep with one eye open and fall from his viewfinder into the wide, grey sea, his subjects stare at you through glazed windows and pinholes. Like Delahaye’s images, one can sense both the familiarity and the unease the photographer and subject alike have within the moments the images are made.”

  • Back To Shooting: I need to write things down


    Back To Shooting: I need to write things down: “I neglected to enter POY this year, because I thought I only had a couple images worth entering, both in the pictorial category. I forgot that when I left Lincoln, I thought I might have a good sports portfolio. So for your viewing pleasure, here’s what I could have entered, if I had stayed on top of things.”

  • redlights and redeyes: portland or bust

    redlights and redeyes: portland or bust


    redlights and redeyes: portland or bust: “Portland has always been one of those cities which I knew I’d love the second I set foot in. I got an invite from Sol Neelman to join him for a little shindig with some of The Oregonian crew and a few who made the trip from the newspaper-lands. While I didn’t get to wander as much as I wanted to for photos, this trip was more about seeing old friends and meeting some new ones. One of those friends, the infamous Scott Strazzante, got hitched while I was there. It was a disgustingly cute ceremony in a small courthouse in Hillsboro, Oregon, witnessed by only a few photographers who only saw the ceremony through a darkened rectangle in the viewfinder with vows recited through a chorus of shutters.”

  • Navel gazing – Reuters Photographers

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    Navel gazing – Reuters Photographers: “At various times some of our photographers and picture editors have talked about how the eyes, hands and even feet can be used as the subject of pictures. Now, ladies and gentlemen, I give you the ‘middle way’ – the human belly as a means of self expression.”

  • The Year in Pictures: Stormy Weather


    The Year in Pictures: Stormy Weather: “Extreme weather is a category of photography we don’t think much about here in New York City, but it has its fans, publishers, and practitioners just like any other genre. Top amongst these is probably Jim Reed, a 56 year old former writer and film-maker who moved from Los Angeles to Wichita, Kansas 16 years ago in order to be
    near the strongest hurricanes and tornadoes in the country.”

  • CLAM$ CA$INO: I’m loaded, don’t know where to point this thing.

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    CLAM$ CA$INO: I’m loaded, don’t know where to point this thing.: “from pr to bk Clam$ CaSino brings the fishiest flicks
    from the first half of the first month of oh eight. ah ite?”

  • …fredman eyes the visions…: Tefillin


    …fredman eyes the visions…: Tefillin: “I finally edited this project, which I shot when I was interning at the Star-Ledger, I hoped to finish it while working there, but things ended and I didn’t have a chance to edit it during my final week. I learned a few important lessons — don’t gather too much audio and start editing audio quickly as you gather it, otherwise it becomes harder and harder to get around to it and finish the job. “

  • Redlights and Redeyes

    Redlights and Redeyes

    I’ve been staring at this photo by Florida photojournalist Chip Litherland for a few days now. I kept a browser window with his blog open, intending to post it. His blog always has something cool on it.

    Redlights and Redeyes

  • Jazz vs. Spurs, Game 1 – bench final reaction

    Dee Brown on the bench at the end. Jazz lose.

    Paul Millsap.

    And that’s my take from Game One.

  • Flight Patterns

    Flight Patterns

    Amazing photos by Richard Barnes of starling flocks over Italy in today’s New York Times Magazine:

    Richard Barnes’s photographs capture the double nature of the birds — or at least the double nature of our relationship to them — recording the pointillist delicacy of the flock and something darker, almost sinister in the gathering mass. Many of Barnes’s photographs, which will be shown at Hosfelt Gallery in New York this fall, were taken over two years in EUR, a suburb of Rome that Mussolini planned as a showcase for fascist architecture. The man-made backdrop only enhances the sense of the vast flock as something malign, a sort of avian Nuremberg rally.
