Category: Portfolios & Galleries

  • Gavin Watson's photographs of UK Skinheads

    Gavin Watson's photographs of UK Skinheads

    From Simon Garfield’s piece, “Getting Under Their Skins,” on UK skinheads, in the Observer:

    ‘I was so intense about being a skinhead, to me it was final,’ says Gavin Watson, a former skinhead from High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire. ‘Anybody who grew their hair for work or their girlfriend was severely mentally impaired. I would be downtown and see an older skin growing his hair for some reason or another, I would feel very disappointed. I could not understand how one could ever not be a skinhead once the step had been taken.’

    Watson, who is 41, is a more reliable witness than most. On the floor of his Brighton flat is a large black case containing a few hundred photographs. ‘There are many, many more,’ he says. ‘I’ve got 5,000 printed and 10,000 in all.’ The living room windows are open with a view of the sea, and Watson is wearing an Adidas woollen cap and loose-fitting black work-out clothes. He is muscular, tattooed, and illustrates his speech with such animated, large hands that you think he may be wrestling an invisible animal. He calls his black case The Box of Death, and he goes through his photos with a mixture of delight and dread. ‘That’s John… that’s Lee… he went mad… he went off the rails on heroin. That’s Duncan. He died when a PA [an amplifier] fell on him.’

    The story is Here. And more importantly, the photos are Here.

  • Town Shows Its Face, if Not Its Reputation

    Town Shows Its Face, if Not Its Reputation


    Dave Anderson says the photographs in the book, published in October by Dewi Lewis, came out of the affection he developed for the small town; he considers them largely sympathetic portrayals of the beauty he sees in life “close to the bone,” as he put it.

    But many residents have responded with rancor, to Mr. Anderson directly, in online forums, and with phone calls to his Houston gallery. On her MySpace page Ashley Hammonds posted an essay she had written in response to the book. Some residents began using the title of the book as an epithet. On Kim McGriff’s MySpace page, Jessica Jaeger, 20, left a comment, part of which read: “Face it! You just aren’t that smeart! You should have been featured in the Rough Beauty book!” James McCullar, a 25-year-old Vidor resident, started a thread on the MySpace “Vidorians” group, where he referred to Mr. Anderson as “a joke just trying to make a dollar off our past.”


  • NoTxt #8

    Featuring Corey Smith, Meredith Edlow, Mario Sughi, Bryan Mitchell, Charlie Blackledge, Yana Payusova, Eduadorian children edited by Ashley Franscell, Ross Mantle.
    Check it out here.

  • Chasing Dash Snow

    Chasing Dash Snow

    New York Magazine via Alec Soth:

    The artist Dash Snow rammed a screwdriver into his buzzer the other day. He has no phone. He doesn’t use e-mail. So now, if you want to speak to him, you have to go by his apartment on Bowery and yell up. Lorax-like, he won’t come to the window to let you see that he sees you: He has a periscope he puts up so he can check you out first.

    Partly, it comes from his graffiti days, this elusiveness, the recent adolescence the 25-year-old Snow spent tagging the city and dodging the police. “He’s pretty paranoid about lots of things in general, and some of it was dished out to him, but others he’s created himself,” says Snow’s friend, the 27-year-old artist Dan Colen, who—like so many of their friends—has made significant artistic contributions to the ever-expanding mythology of Dash Snow. Colen and Snow went to London together this fall for the Saatchi show in which they both had work. (Saatchi had bought one of Colen’s sculptures for $500,000.) Saatchi got them a fancy hotel room on Piccadilly. They had to flee it in the middle of the night with their suitcases before it was discovered that they’d created one of their Hamster’s Nests, which they’ve done quite a few times before. To make a Hamster’s Nest, Snow and Colen shred up 30 to 50 phone books, yank around all the blankets and drapes, turn on the taps, take off their clothes, and do drugs—mushrooms, coke, ecstasy—until they feel like hamsters.


  • APAD Best of 2006

    APAD Best of 2006

    A Photo a Day:

    We, here at aphotoaday, would like to kick off 2007 by showing your some of our favorite photos from last year.


  • 2006 Staff Photos

    2006 Staff Photos

    Daily Herald:

    2006 Staff Photos from Jeremy Harmon, Ashley Franscell, Mario Ruiz, and a flock of interns.


  • Blood Diamonds

    Blood Diamonds

    From VII, photographs by Antonin Kratochvil:

    It is estimated that at least one million Africans earn pennies a day in the backbreaking and increasingly fruitless search for diamonds – a $60-billion-a-year industry that, back in the 1990s, rebels in Sierra Leone and Liberia financed their carnage from diamonds plucked out of the rivers and traded for arms. During a decade of war about 50,000 people were killed, and thousands had their hands hacked off by rebels. Now, a new Hollywood movie is raising tough questions about Africa’s bloody diamond trade.


  • NoTxt #7

    Featuring Jeremy Harmon, Darren Soh, Matt Burden, Matt Eich, Per Jose Karlan, Ramin Rahimian, Concepterrorism, Lars Borges, Troy Boman, Douglas Baulos, G.J. McCarthy

    Check it out here.

  • Nordmeer, Gueorgui Pinkhassov

    Nordmeer, Gueorgui Pinkhassov

    Magnum Photos:

    For the german magazine “mare”, Gueorgui Pinkhassov travelled to these extreme latitudes eight times. Aboard a mail boat he cruised the Norwegian fjords, visited the Nenets people of Siberia, watched calving glaciers on the east coast of Greenland, and travelled to Canada’s northernmost point. He went to see the Russian Arctic Fleet at Murmansk and accompanied a taxi driver at the European North Cape. Wherever he went, whether it was to visit Norwegian fishermen or Russian submarine soldiers, Pinkhassov always brought back an unexpected view of the Arctic Sea, in the kind of shimmering and radiant impressions of light which are the trademark of his works. A kaleidoscope of light, adventure, awe-inspiring nature and utterly unfamiliar facets of life!
    “Nordmeer” has received the German prize: “Best photobook of the Year”.


  • NoTxt #6

    Featuring Yana Payusova, Andrew Faulkner, Ken Davidson, Ashley Franscell, Aldo Martinez, Gerry Melendez, Cristie Dunavan, Scott Bort, Rick Egan

    Check it out here.

  • Susan Bowen Photography

    Susan Bowen Photography

    Susan Bowen Photography:

    I use a $20 plastic camera called the Holga. The long overlapping images are created by only partially advancing the film between exposures – the overlapping occurs in the film itself. It delights me how well these mostly unplanned juxtapositions capture my experience of a particular time and place and at the same time have an identity all their own.

  • Seeing Action

    Seeing Action

    New Yorker:

    The photographer Samantha Appleton talks to Matt Dellinger about making pictures in Nigeria, Iraq, and Lebanon.


  • Haiti


    Magnum Photos:

    Paolo Pellegrin went to Haiti in February 2006, during the elections, to see the situation at firsthand.


  • Blush, Sweat and Tears

    Blush, Sweat and Tears

    NYT Magazine:

    Since the 70’s, Lee Friedlander has been intermittently documenting Americans at work: employees in a Cleveland steel mill, telemarketers in an Omaha calling center, M.I.T. technicians staring into their computer monitors. A few weeks ago, Friedlander encountered some very different production values when he turned his eye to the glamour factory otherwise known as New York fashion week.


  • Satellites



    The Soviet collapse spawned 15 new countries that are now established members of the international community. However, economic, political and ethnic disparities also gave birth to a series of far less known unrecognized republics, national aspirations and legacies. Jonas Bendiksen, a Norwegian and Magnum’s youngest photographer, started his “multi-year project about states that do not actually exist”. “Satellites” is a photographic journey through the scattered enclaves, unrecognized mini-states, and other isolated communities that straddle the southern borderlands of the former USSR. The itinerary goes through places such as Transdniester, a breakaway republic in Eastern Europe, Abkhazia, an unrecognized country on the Black Sea, the religiously conservative Ferghana Valley in Central Asia, the spacecraft crash zones between Russia and Kazakhstan, and the Jewish Autonomous Region of Far Eastern Russia.


  • LDS General Conference

    LDS General Conference

    Depth of Field:

    ooogling eyes
    salt lake city, utah


  • NoTxt #4 now online

    Featuring the work of Jesse Lefkowitz, Paul blow, MAKESHFT, Guillaumit, Meredith Edlow, Travis Lampe, Matt Mallams, Jeff Marmorstone, Barto, and Corpicrudi.


  • Conflict in Southern Lebanon

    Conflict in Southern Lebanon

    Photos by Paolo Pellegrin, Magnum:

    Israel has told the world that it is targeting only Hezbollah, not civilians, and that is true to a degree, but day after day the bombing continues. As of August 14, 2006 over 1000 Lebanese civilians have been killed.
    These photographs were taken in Southern Lebanon in late July/early August 2006.


  • NoTxt #3

    Featuring the work of Clark James Mishler, Wal-Mart Intervention Project, adam stoves, Matt MWM, Melissa Lyttle, Claudio Parentela, William Greiner, Chris Detrick.


  • A Drive to Root Out the Resurgent Taliban

    A Drive to Root Out the Resurgent Taliban

    Photographer Tyler Hicks, from the New York Times:

    The Americans face the hard job of trying to tell local farmers from Taliban insurgents, who have gained strength across southern Afghanistan. The Americans set up a base, then probed into villages. They were soon ambushed. The Taliban can easily persuade or coerce villagers to assist them. They arm the villagers or equip them with radios. Almost any man is suspect. During one raid, which was typical, the Americans separated the men. Homes were searched, and the men were marched to the base for questioning.
