Category: Software & Technology

  • Partnership Gives Web Surfers More Than Just Images

    Partnership Gives Web Surfers More Than Just Images

    Partnership Gives Web Surfers More Than Just Images Getty Images and Luminate, a company that specializes in making digital images interactive, are working together to embed information about Web sites, Twitter feeds and articles in Getty photographs. via Media Decoder Blog: Digital photographs from Getty are typically tagged with basic descriptors of who or…

  • Wow! Adobe & Behance are getting together

    Wow! Adobe & Behance are getting together

    Wow! Adobe & Behance are getting together I’m thrilled that Adobe & Behance announced today that Behance (a million-member creative community, in case you’ve been living under a rock) is becoming part of Adobe. Adobe thrive… via John Nack on Adobe: As with every acquisition/merger, people will say “I love [Behance]. Please don’t ruin…

  • Camera Raw 7.3 and DNG Converter 7.3 Now Available

    Link: Camera Raw 7.3 and DNG Converter 7.3 Now Available « Lightroom Journal

  • Finally! A Flickr App That Doesn’t Suck

    Finally! A Flickr App That Doesn’t Suck

    Finally! A Flickr App That Doesn’t Suck Flickr announced a new iOS app today for shooting, editing, sharing and discovering photos. Based on the demo Wired saw, this is exactly the kind of gorgeous application that Flickr users have been longing for and that Flickr has always needed. via WIRED: Flickr announced a new…

  • After Instagram Breakup, Twitter Adds Photo Editing and Filters

    After Instagram Breakup, Twitter Adds Photo Editing and Filters

    After Instagram Breakup, Twitter Adds Photo Editing and Filters Twitter added Instagram-style photo filtering to its app on Monday. via WIRED: The move comes one day after Instagram completely cut off the ability to embed Instagram photos in tweets. That was just the latest volley in an escalating fight between the two companies.

  • Snapseed Adds New Filters, Goes Free

    Snapseed Adds New Filters, Goes Free

    Snapseed Adds New Filters, Goes Free After being named the 2011 App of the Year, popular iOS photo editing app Snapseed was acquired by Google when the company purchased Nik Software. … Link:

  • Lytro Announces 3D and Instagram-Style Features

    Lytro Announces 3D and Instagram-Style Features

    Lytro Announces 3D and Instagram-Style Features The thing about light-field photography is that once the image has been captured, manipulation is only restricted by what you can dream up. The makers of the Lytro camera are exploiting those possibilities with another features update. via WIRED: Imagine dynamic Instagram filters that react to the focus…

  • Forget me not

    Link: Thoughts of a Bohemian » Blog Archive » Forget me not Snapchat , which apparently is doing ravages in the already crowded teen age social media phone app ( over 1 billion images shared already) , allows you to take a picture, share it and put an expiration time on it. I can be 1 to 10…

  • Instagram Is No Longer Just a Smartphone App

    Instagram Is No Longer Just a Smartphone App This afternoon the filtered smartphone app became more than that, launching web profile pages for its computer inclined users. via The Atlantic: The idea of Instagram on the Internet appeals to users, since it’s much easier to navigate on a big screen, than on a little one. And…

  • Twitter to Add Photo Filters to Compete With Instagram

    Twitter to Add Photo Filters to Compete With Instagram

    Twitter to Add Photo Filters to Compete With Instagram In the coming months, Twitter plans to update its mobile applications to introduce photo filters that could compete with Instagram, according to people who work at the company. via Bits Blog: Damon Winter returned to the campaign trail this time to find a different tone…

  • Hipstamatic update adds multiple exposure

    Link: Hipstamatic update adds multiple exposure – British Journal of Photography

  • Camera Raw 7.2 and DNG Converter 7.2 Now Available

    Link: Camera Raw 7.2 and DNG Converter 7.2 Now Available « Lightroom Journal The goal of this release is to provide additional camera raw support, lens profile support and address bugs that were introduced in previous releases of Camera Raw

  • Photo Forensics Software: FourMatch

    Link: Photo Forensics Software | Fourandsix Technologies – Blog – Introducing Our First Product: FourMatch As we say prominently on the product page, FourMatch is a product that’s designed to “authenticate images instantly,” and that’s exactly what it does. It automatically identifies files that have been unmodified since they were first captured by a camera or…

  • Google Buys Nik Software

    Google Buys Nik Software

    Google Buys Nik Software From left field Google Inc said it bought Germany-based Nik Software, which makes photo editing application Snapseed, a rival to Instagram, for an undisclosed via Canon Rumors: The New York Times has assembled a “Convention Storybook,” an online archive of the conventions. It is a look inside the two parties…

  • The New Economics of Photojournalism: Storyplanet’s bid to simplify multimedia

    Link: The New Economics of Photojournalism: Storyplanet’s bid to simplify multimedia – British Journal of Photography Photographers are increasingly turning to multimedia to tell their stories, yet, the skills required can be intimidating, especially when producing non-linear bodies of work. Bjarke Myrthu is hoping to streamline the process with Storyplanet

  • New Flat Lens Could Revolutionize Cameras as We Know Them

    New Flat Lens Could Revolutionize Cameras as We Know Them

    New Flat Lens Could Revolutionize Cameras as We Know Them Camera lenses might look radically different in a couple years thanks to a new technology developed by a group of physicists at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. via WIRED: Using a very thin wafer of silicon the scientists have created a…

  • Hipstamatic lays off all but core employees, including designers and engineers

    Hipstamatic Lays Off All but Core Employees Toy camera app company Hipstamatic has fired all but 5 of its core staff, including engineers and designers, The Next Web has learned. The company had been staffed up and working on a new release, but has only released one update in the last several month via The…

  • Instagram 3.0’s New Maps Feature: A Privacy Wake-Up Call?

    Instagram 3.0’s New Maps Feature: A Privacy Wake-Up Call?

    Instagram 3.0’s New Maps Feature: A Privacy Wake-Up Call? Instagram certainly seems to be following in its soon-to-be parent company Facebook’s ethos of “sharing more is better.” Among a handful of mostly minor updates, Instagram 3.0, out today on iOS and Android, adds a photo mapping feature that plots all of y via WIRED:…

  • ASMP Offers Model Release Forms as Free App

    ASMP Offers Model Release Forms as Free App | PDNPulse American Society of Media Photographers, a trade association for professional photographers, has converted its standard model and property release forms into a free downloadable app for iPhones and iPads. The app is available now through the iTunes store. via PDNPulse:

  • Camera Bits releases public beta of Photo Mechanic 5

    Link: Rob Galbraith DPI: Camera Bits releases public beta of Photo Mechanic 5 New features include optional automatic image import when a memory card is mounted, video playback (including frame grabbing on the Mac), a non-modal preview window, streamlined photo transfers and various IPTC/XMP metadata improvements. Photo Mechanic 5 also has a refreshed user interface…