Category: War

  • Remembering D-Day, 66 years ago – The Big Picture

    Remembering D-Day, 66 years ago – The Big Picture

    Remembering D-Day, 66 years ago Yesterday was June 6th, the 66th anniversary of the successful 1944 Allied invasion of France. Several operations were combined to carry out the largest amphibious invasion in history – over 160,000 troops landed on June 6th, assisted by over 5,000 ships, via Yesterday was June 6th, the 66th…

  • Pentagon tries to steer media coverage on Iraq

    Pentagon tries to steer media coverage on Iraq

    Pentagon tries to steer media coverage on Iraq Link: Before interviews with USF-I commanders or spokesmen, the contractor will have the task of talking with reporters (“pre-engagement with media outlets to determine the nature of the interview and the questions that will be asked by the media during the interview . . . to…

  • Knowing Where to Step, Gingerly, in Iraq – Lens

    Patrick Baz: It was pure luck. I had to get the right fixer. I speak Arabic and I knew how to make my way through. The thing with dictators or with dictatorships is that they make you believe that you are not allowed to. You start self-censoring. It is amazing because nobody would stop you…

  • Book Review – War – By Sebastian Junger –

    Book Review – War – By Sebastian Junger –

    ‘Nothing to Do but Kill and Wait’ The author of “The Perfect Storm” spent months with American soldiers in a lethal corner of Afghanistan and details their intense lives in this original account. Link: The best way to describe Junger’s book is to say what it is not. “War” does not attempt to explain…

  • Advice for first-time embeds to Afghanistan

    Over the past year I have been emailed frequently by photographers inquiring the “how to’s” of embedding to Afghanistan, especially those who are first-timers. I wrote very similar emails like this to very experienced colleagues (such as Alan Chin, John Moore, and Teru Kuwayama, to name a few) before I embedded for the first time…

  • Krista Wortendyke: (re): media series – new work

    Krista Wortendyke: (re): media series – new work

    (re): media series – new work Here are the images that are currently part of (re): media at Packer Schopf Gallery (re): media-untitled_021 (re): media-untitled_020 (… Link: Although most of us have never experienced war, we are surrounded by its imagery. This project is an exploration of the way that imagery and information from…

  • David Finkel on The Good Soldiers: “I’m not obligated to these men, but I do want to tell a story that they recognize” – Nieman Storyboard – A project of the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard

    Nieman Storyboard Tests & Reviews via Nieman Storyboard: Tomorrow, Washington Post national enterprise editor David Finkel will receive the 2010 J. Anthony Lukas Book Prize for The Good Soldiers, a bruising account of a U.S. Army battalion’s service in Iraq during 2007 and 2008. The $10,000 prize, announced by the Nieman Foundation and Columbia…

  • The Consequences of War – VII The Magazine



    In a very personal interview with VII The Magazine, photographer Ashley Gilbertson, opens up about the effects of war on soldiers and their families, himself, and the country. Link: VII The Magazine

  • Soldier from "Collateral Murder" company speaks out – Boing Boing

    Soldier from "Collateral Murder" company speaks out – Boing Boing



    Soldier from “Collateral Murder” company speaks out “A lot of my friends are in that video. After watching the video, I would definitely say that that is, nine times out of ten, the way things ended up. Killing was following military protocol.… via Boing Boing: If these videos shock and revolt you, they show…

  • Reaction on Military Blogs to the Wikileaks Video – At War



    As much as in the general public, military blogs have reacted with passion to the released Wikileaks video of a 2007 Apache attack in Iraq. With more expertise than most viewers — as well as more empathy, even among those who felt the pilots acted improperly — they explored a range of issues: Were the…

  • See No Evil – At War

    Iraq’s elections were a photographer’s dream. Millions of people turning out to vote, long lines at the ballot boxes, and everywhere photogenically purple fingers being held aloft for camera and television lenses. Then something bad happens, and you see the real Iraq. Or, rather, you don’t. Link: See No Evil – At War Blog –…

  • War, PTSD, Soldiers and Prisons « Prison Photography



    War, PTSD, Soldiers and Prisons WAR In many ways I am surprised it has taken so long for a reel of film to make such an immediate impact on American audiences. The wikileaked military footage Collateral Murder shows us exactly wh… via Prison Photography: In many ways I am surprised it has taken so…

  • Wikileaks: More background material on Iraq massacre leak – Boing Boing



    Wikileaks: More background material on Iraq massacre leak Update, 9pm PT: The US military has issued a statement on the massacre investigation (6.52MB PDF). An update on that video released earlier today by Wikileaks, which shows US occupying forces shoot… via Boing Boing: An update on that video released earlier today by Wikileaks, which…

  • WikiLeaks Releases Video Showing Death of Reuters Staff : CJR

    I’d like to warn you that this footage has a relatively tight field of vision, and is quite a bit more graphic than some bombs-bursting style aerial attack video you may have seen before. Also seems worth noting that the pilots, if WikiLeaks’s annotations are correct, confused the camera held by Namir Noor-Eldeen, the 22-year-old…

  • PDNPulse: Stylized Photojournalism: Where to Draw the Line?

    Shot with his iPhone using a Polaroid film filter app, the images simulate the classic look and feel of Polaroids. The washed out colors and soft focus lend the series a dreamy, remembrance-of-things-past feel that makes the images compelling, and in some cases, beautiful. Which raised the question: is this a case of style and…

  • Marja Embed: Six Weeks in Helmand Province – At War

    Marja Embed: Six Weeks in Helmand Province – At War



    Marja Embed: Six Weeks in Helmand Province The first in a series of reports by C.J. Chivers on the early days of Operation Moshtarak, the major offensive launched in Marja, Afghanistan, in late February. via At War Blog: After spending more than six weeks with the Marines and Afghan National Army in Helmand Province,…

  • War Memorials With Neatly Made Beds – Lens

    War Memorials With Neatly Made Beds – Lens

    War Memorials With Neatly Made Beds Ashley Gilbertson is covering the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan from the homes of those who died in combat, Miki Meek reports. via Lens Blog: Since 2007, Ashley Gilbertson has been recording the bedrooms to which young American service members will never return. “You walk into these rooms,”…

  • 22 Days – Foto8

    These images, taken from news footage from across all networks demonstrate the lack of clear detail or understanding of what is actually being shown. The fragments of information are subtly suggestive but offer no clear verifiable or objective fact. Link: 22 Days – Foto8

  • Video: War wounds – Don McCullin on photography

    Video: War wounds – Don McCullin on photography

    Video: War wounds – Don McCullin on photography Don McCullin speaks about his ‘accidental career’ in war photography, and how shooting landscapes has granted him a sense of peace via the Guardian: The acclaimed frontline photojournalist speaks about the horrors of conflict, struggling with ‘this terrible name, war photographer’, and why shooting landscapes instead…

  • On Assignment: A Perilous Route to Marja – Lens

    Moises Saman, a freelance photographer for The New York Times, arrived there just after United States Marines had secured the district center. Traveling with Taimoor Shah, a Times correspondent and translator who is based in Kandahar, Mr. Saman was working independently from the military, unembedded, seeking to document conditions since the offensive. Link: On Assignment:…