Category: War

  • POV: To Publish or Not?

    ::: The Travel Photographer :::: POV: To Publish or Not?: Every day we see photographs of Iraqi corpses, Palestinians horribly maimed, Afghan women with horrific burns, Congolese civilians beheaded, and many others. They are also loved ones and have families too, yet we show them in our publications without even thinking twice. Yes, sometimes, a…

  • Death Of A Marine: AP Releases Graphic Photos From Afghanistan Ambush

    Death Of A Marine: AP Releases Graphic Photos From Afghanistan Ambush: AP said in a statement released in conjunction with the photographs today that the meeting with Bernard’s parents included them seeing the photographs in advance of any release. “AP journalists document world events every day. Afghanistan is no exception. We feel it is our…

  • Behind the Scenes: To Publish or Not?

    Behind the Scenes: To Publish or Not? – Lens Blog – It is a scene from which many of us would naturally recoil, or at least avert our eyes: a grievously injured young man, fallen on a rough patch of earth; his open-mouthed and unseeing stare registering — who can know what? — horror…

  • Robert Gates protests AP decision as 'appalling'

    Robert Gates protests AP decision as ‘appalling’ – Mike Allen – Defense Secretary Robert Gates is objecting “in the strongest terms” to an Associated Press decision to transmit a photograph showing a mortally wounded 21-year-old Marine in his final moments of life, calling the decision “appalling” and a breach of “common decency.”

  • War is only half the story



    THE AFTERMATH PROJECT War is only half the story, | duckrabbit – we produce beautifully crafted multimedia: Many of the photographers I admire work the aftermath.  There’s little glory to be found in it, but as the now struggles to reconcile with the past, how we record the aftermath will shape the future, whether blood…

  • Ask a Pro: How to Shoot (and Not Get Shot) In a War Zone



    Ask a Pro: How to Shoot (and Not Get Shot) In a War Zone – War zone photography – Gizmodo: Ever wonder how war photographers survive out there? We’ve enlisted Teru Kuwayama—a photographer who has covered conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan and other hotspots for Time, Newsweek and Outside—to explain the perils of working in a…

  • Journalists' recent work examined before embeds

    Journalists’ recent work examined before embeds | Stars and Stripes: As more journalists seek permission to accompany U.S. forces engaged in escalating military operations in Afghanistan, many of them could be screened by a controversial Washington-based public relations firm contracted by the Pentagon to determine whether their past coverage has portrayed the U.S. military in…

  • At War: Notes From the Front Lines

    At War: Notes From the Front Lines – At War Blog – Today, we introduce you to a new blog about America at war. This generation’s conflict, which began on 9/11, is nearly eight years old. Yet there are no signs that it will end anytime soon, with the Obama administration sending thousands more…

  • Poll Shows Most Americans Oppose War in Afghanistan



    Poll Shows Most Americans Oppose War in Afghanistan – Overall, seven in 10 Democrats say the war has not been worth its costs, and fewer than one in five support an increase in troop levels. Republicans (70 percent say it is worth fighting) and conservatives (58 percent) remain the war’s strongest backers, and the…

  • The Enemy Among Us

    The Enemy Among Us – The Digital Journalist: For the next 10 days I watched daily life of soldiers and locals unfold, took cover from incoming fire, went on patrols and listened vicariously to intelligence gleaned from radio chatter between Taliban fighters led by their notorious commander, Abdul Rahman. His goal was to maneuver a…

  • Behind the Scenes: In a War Zone, With Film

    Behind the Scenes: In a War Zone, With Film – Lens Blog – All you need to process film, besides the chemicals, is clean water. However, near the Iraq frontier in 1991 — convulsed as it was by the Kurdish uprising — clean water was in short supply. And it certainly didn’t come from…

  • NPR's Photographer Reports From Afghanistan

    NPR: NPR’s Photographer Reports From Afghanistan: NPR staff photographer David Gilkey says that the number one rule for a photographer is: never abandon your equipment. But he decided to do just that — leaving most of his things behind except a camera, a lens and a bulletproof vest. What was supposed to be a brief…

  • First ever image of IED roadside explosion in Afghanistan



    First ever image of IED roadside explosion in Afghanistan | This dramatic photograph of a US marine fleeing for his life in Afghanistan is believed to be the first time a roadside bomb explosion ‑ the kind that poses the greatest threat to UK troops ‑ has been caught on camera.

  • Fighting Ghosts And Selling The Good War Or Why Are The Toy Soldiers On The Front Lines!



    Fighting Ghosts And Selling The Good War Or Why Are The Toy Soldiers On The Front Lines! « The Spinning Head: The silence is deafening. As American troops are dropped in on Afghanistan to fight their fantasy war, there is no sound from our defenders of truth and checkers of power i.e. the media, about…

  • Where are the images of horror from Sri Lanka?

    Don McCullin says: Pictures of the beach near Mullaitivu, the last outpost of Tamil Tiger resistance in Sri Lanka, would have been among the greatest visual images of what war does to people. They would have been, if anybody had been there to take them. via TOAB

  • On Assignment: Moments Between Life and Death

    James Estrin, Lens Blog says: After the explosion, with very little cover, Tyler Hicks ran with Specialist Soto downriver to a creek bed. Five minutes later, they made a run for safety and attempted to ford the river as gunfire rang around them. Mr. Hicks’s armored jacket, helmet and camera equipment together weighed over 40…

  • Iraq Through Rick Loomis’ Eyes

    APAD says: This is a really great look at covering a war — through a photojournalist’s lens. LA Times photojournalist Rick Loomis takes you from his storage locker in California into battle in Fallouja. The self portraits over time are very telling, and there are some fun stories about drinking Saddam’s wine seeing a woman…

  • Astonishing Combat Photography by Tyler Hicks

    From State of the Art: In the past couple of weeks, New York Times photographer Tyler Hicks has been publishing a series of astonishing war pictures from Afghanistan. Check it out here.

  • Pirates Beware: Soon Rifles That Kill from a Mile Away – TIME



    From Pirates Beware: Soon Rifles That Kill from a Mile Away – TIME: The highly-classified EXACTO program began a year ago, when the U.S. military’s band of scientists and engineers at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) — which played a key role in the creation of both the Internet and GPS — let…

  • Southern Afghanistan: The Fighting Season – The Digital Journalist

    Over the last year, reports have been that the situation in Afghanistan was getting worse. When I hear that I say to myself, “…getting? It already was worse.” From my first visit to Afghanistan in 2006, I felt that the situation had already started its downward spiral; however, all eyes and most journalistic resources were…