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    America’s Finest News Source says:

    “It’s so convenient. You get a photo in your mailbox, look at it for a while, and then drop it in the prepaid envelope and send it back,” Houston resident Jonathan Collins said. “I’ll never look at pictures the same way again.”


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    Finding the right camera to express one’s vision is a challenge that every photographer must deal with at some point. When conventional cameras proved unsatisfactory for Susan Burnstine, however, she simply decided to build her own in order to channel the haunting, dreamlike imagery that has won her widespread critical acclaim over the past several years.


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    NYTimes.com says:

    Over the next decade or so he printed negatives salvaged from trash cans, took up Kodalith and Polaroid film, experimented with the Thermofax (an early photocopier) and made montages and collages. He mounted sequential prints of landscapes on the diagonal and linked their horizon lines. (These vertiginous images, Mr. Wood has said, came out of his experience as a wartime pilot.)


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    World Press Photo says:

    On 2 May, the first of the 2009 Awards Days, Nan Goldin delivered the World Press Photo Sem Presser Lecture. Art and documentary photographer Goldin, who became known for her participatory work on subcultures and gender, broke new ground in photography and inspired a generation of artists.


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    Kitsune Noir says:

    Mr. Lamarca has an absolutely uncanny eye for taking photos, making images that are almost magical. His Forest Defenders series is beautiful, featuring people from both sides of the issues, the loggers and the people desperate to stop them


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    dvafoto says:

    The photo was removed from the Times website, but since the initial report of the ethical breach, the photographer’s identity was ferreted out, as was the photo in question. PDNPulse’s report included this line to readers, “Do you think this is over the line?” and others online have argued that this isn’t a big issue. This is wrong.


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    PDN says:

    “There’s a lot of people out there where even $1 is too much for images,” says Patrick Lor, Fotolia’s newly hired president for North America, who oversees PhotoXpress.


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    World Press Photo says:

    Each image awarded by World Press Photo tells its own story. But there is much more to tell. About what it was like to work in a war zone, or what restrictions were placed on a photographer at a major sports event. Or about what happened before and after a winning image was made. In our interviews with prize-winners you can hear the full story first-hand.

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    World Press Photo says:

    At the prestigious 2009 Awards Ceremony in Amsterdam’s Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ, a number of prominent speakers shared their thoughts with an international audience. The first speaker, World Press Photo managing director Michiel Munneke lifted the veil on the World Press Photo Academy and announced that a comprehensive online archive of prize-winning photography will be launched later this year.

    In a speech that followed, Executive Board chairman Pieter Broertjes spoke about the pressures threatening the integrity of the profession and the need to stay true to high standards in reporting.

    At the conclusion of the ceremony, World Press Photo’s patron, HRH Prince Constantijn of the Netherlands, talked about  the freedom of the press and about the importance of the work of photojournalists.


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    American Photography 25 Chosen Galery
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    American Photography 25 Selected Galery
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  • photographylot says:

    The New York Photo Festival occurred last weekend and I spent most of the days checking out all the exhibits and tending to my own little contribution in the form of an affiliated exhibition with myself and 25 other photographers


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    PDN says:

    Amir-Hamzeh said the DP1 will remain on the market so users can enjoy the image quality of the DP2 camera for standard focal length photography, while continuing to take advantage of the DP1’s wider focal length.


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    Digital Photography Review


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    フォトグラファーGのフォトブログ | コラム&ブログ | ニューズウィーク日本版 オフィシャルサイト


  • Don McCullin says:

    Pictures of the beach near Mullaitivu, the last outpost of Tamil Tiger resistance in Sri Lanka, would have been among the greatest visual images of what war does to people. They would have been, if anybody had been there to take them.

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    Banksy’s Coming For Dinner – an Ivan Massow film starring Joan Collins
