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    The following 4 photo-related technologies are cool and quickly slipping into the marketplace. Some are already in heavy rotation, some are in development, others are in still in commercial viability studies. I thought you’d appreciate an aggregate of them into one post for your speedy perusal.

    Check it out here.

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    I Want to Be the Guy is an insanely hard platformer video-game that mashes together art, bosses, and other play elements from several 8-bit console cartridges from the golden age. Here’s a video of someone running the game

    Check it out here.

  • This project in particular is interesting because it came at a time when Lee was experimenting with different camera formats and frame ratios. Within the span of the 89 images in Frederick Law Olmsted Landscapes he shifts from his Leica, to a Noblex pivoting lens panoramic camera, to his Hasselblad Superwide, and the results are noticeable beyond the obvious frame shape.

    Check it out here.

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    Photos by Allison V. Smith.

    No telling how many photos will be ruined by this new breed of cell phone photo takers.

    Check it out here.

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    If you have some used equipment to sell, or are looking to purchase something that might be slightly used, check out the photo equipment classifieds. You can even post a free ad telling others what you are looking for if you can’t find it in the listings.

    Check it out here.

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    Photographs from Iraq and Afghanistan by
    Alvaro Ybarra Zavala, Andrew Cutraro, Ashley Gilbertson,
    Balazs Gardi, Ben Lowy, Christoph Bangert, Eros Hoagland,
    Ghaith Abdul Ahad, Guy Calaf, Jason Howe, Jehad Nga, Lucian Read,
    Luke Wolagiewicz, Mike Kamber, Moises Saman, Peter van Agtmael,
    Rita Leistner, Stefan Zaklin, Stephanie Sinclair,
    Teru Kuwayama, Yuri Kozyrev, Zalmai

    Feb 28—April 30
    Opening reception Feb 28, 6-8pm
    Gallery FCB
    16.W 23rd Street NYC

    Check it out here.

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  • I don’t often miss California or Berkeley, but last week saw a very special event that I wish I’d been there for. Pinhead Gunpowder, the long-lived but very occasional band featuring peripatetic wordsmith Aaron Cometbus and Green Day’s Billie Joe Armstrong played a series of secret and not-so-secret shows capped off by a triumphant return to their spiritual home at Gilman Street.

    Check it out here.

  • And while looking at their site for the first time in a while, I realized that they finally got around to putting up some amazing audio from the past 20 years of the workshop. It’s kind of like having your own personal workshop experience right in your home. Legends like Gordon Parks, Bill Eppridge, David Hume Kennerly, Peter Turnley and the man himself, Eddie Adams. Their words of wisdom are invaluable.

    Check it out here.

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  • This essay has focussed primarily on a dark future: While the technology has gotten better, the average photography quality on exhibit in the press is deteriorating. The essay has shown why giving journalists cameras is not a substitution for specialised photographers, but the question remains: What can be done?

    Check it out here.

  • The Albuquerque Tribune announced today that it will cease operations, publishing its final edition this Saturday. In 2005, PDN named the Tribune one of the best newspapers to shoot for.

    Check it out here.

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    In his softly lit bedroom, former SJSU photojournalism professor Joe Swan looked down at the nonexistent bump in the bed sheet where his legs should be.

    “I’m pretty well bedridden,” Swan said in his slow Texas twang. “If I keep getting healthier – if you can use that term for somebody fatally ill – I might try to convert to a wheelchair.”

    Within the last year, Swan, 78, has had both legs amputated and has been on dialysis, a process of filtration used when the kidneys stop working, because of complications from diabetes.

    He stopped dialysis almost one month ago.

    According to the Kidney End-of-Life Coalition, most patients who stop dialysis die within eight to 12 days, although some do live weeks or months.

    “‘Brave’ just comes to mind when you’re doing something that will probably actually take your life,” said Debbie Gorman, Swan’s daughter.

    Check it out here.

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    Interview with multimedia production company Media Storm

    Check it out here. Via Tim Gruber.

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    A leading team of CGI experts hand-selected by blockbuster producer and director Michael Bay has pushed the limits of what can be accomplished with special effects and digital imaging by creating a computer- generated best-director Oscar for the 43-year-old filmmaker.

    The $125 million project, funded entirely by Bay, has been called one of the most ambitious CGI undertakings to date, dwarfing even Bay’s most ambitious efforts in his 2007 robot-action film, Transformers. A crew of nearly 200 technicians working for nine months on a 15,000-square-foot soundstage was required to realize the director’s wildly imaginative fantasy world.

    Check it out here.

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    Nancy Aldrich-Ruenzel, publisher of Peachpit, speaks with National Geographic photographer Joe McNally about his new best-selling book, The Moment It Clicks–the first book with one foot on the coffee table, and one foot in the classroom.

    Check it out here.

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    Being a graphic designer has made me fall in love with all things creative, including photography. In a previous article I mentioned the importance of building a strong foundation in one career first, such as graphic design and then branching out into other skills sets. One important area I have started to branch out into is photography. I spend a lot of time looking at photography portfolios and below you will find some of my favorite photos.

    Check it out here.

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    The SportsShooter.com community is a large and dedicated bunch, and our sponsors have long appreciated their loyal support. As a continued thank-you from them, we’ve prepared this special page that lists the current special offers in effect for the SportsShooter.com community.

    Check it out here.

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    Lawhead and fellow journalism professors Brian Poulter and Peter Voelz spoke about the background behind many infamous and Pulitzer Prize-winning photographs.

    Lawhead said he started to choke up because he could relate to the scene in the child’s photo.

    “I’ve sat next to a one-year-old and watched him die,” Lawhead said.

    He said he tells his students being a photojournalist is a fun job but parts of it are “not so cool.”

    Check it out here.

  • When photographer Tod Marks first entered into the steeplechase arena most of the veteran media wanted to know, “Who’s the new guy?” They soon found that he was hardly new to the world of horse racing. In fact, he had covered some of the greatest flat races in the last several decades and that hands-on photography experience translated nicely into jump racing.
    Marks uses his expertise as a photojournalist to get intense action images combined with great emotion at the various steeplechase venues. He travels to almost all the major National Steeplechase Association meets and his work is well-represented in the NSA yearbook and in the industry publication, the Steeplechase Times, where he has been working ever since first helping with the Sean Clancy’s book “Saratoga Days” and the Saratoga Special newspaper back in 2000.

    Check it out here.

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  • For the last few weeks, there has been brewing speculation about a big announcement soon. And Apple Insider has intercepted a message from Mike Shinoda, a member of the band Linkin Park, to its fans.

    In addition to a show at Madison Square Garden, he wrote, “look forward to a special show that we’re doing in NYC in conjunction with Apple…shh…it’s a secret…”

    Check it out here.

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    Was assigned to shoot the Boys Class 3A State Swim Meet this past weekend.

    As you’ve heard me say many time, high school sports are just such a kick to witness.

    There is true passion for sport, and there is little of the jadedness that comes with college and pro sports.

    Check it out here.
