Tag: Adam Krause

  • Adam Krause photographs Brooklyn skinheads in his series, “Greenpoint Brooklyn Nazi Skinheads.”

    Adam Krause photographs Brooklyn skinheads in his series, “Greenpoint Brooklyn Nazi Skinheads.”

    Life as a Nazi Skinhead in Brooklyn Photographer Adam Krause was at his local gym when he first met the guys who’d become the subjects of his series “Greenpoint Brooklyn Nazi Skinheads.”… via Slate Magazine: https://slate.com/culture/2013/11/adam-krause-photographs-brooklyn-skinheads-in-his-series-greenpoint-brooklyn-nazi-skinheads.html Photographer Adam Krause was at his local gym when he first met the guys who’d become the subjects of…

  • Adam Krause: The Market Hotel

    Adam Krause: The Market Hotel

    Adam Krause: The Market Hotel New York photographer Adam Krause has been documenting a special hotel in Brooklyn that is facing closure–not unlike the Chelsea Hotel across the bridge.  The Market Hotel in Bushwick has been a venue for music events and illigal living and Adam wanted t via LENSCRATCH: http://www.lenscratch.com/2013/08/adam-krause-market-hotel.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+lenscratch%2FZAbG+%28L++E++N++S++C++R++A++T++C++H%29 New York photographer Adam…