Tag: Alan Chin

  • ‘We Had an Impact’: Kosovo War Photographer Says Images Affected West’s Policies | Balkan Insight



    https://balkaninsight.com/2024/09/10/we-had-an-impact-kosovo-war-photographer-says-images-affected-wests-policies/ “I thought to myself, ‘I should be there, I should be taking these pictures.’ So, I quit my job and went to Sarajevo where the war had just ended,” Chin stated.

  • Alan Chin: The American Turmoil in “Infinity Goes Up On Trial”

    Alan Chin: The American Turmoil in “Infinity Goes Up On Trial”

    Alan Chin: The American Turmoil in “Infinity Goes Up On Trial” In his new book “Infinity Goes Up On Trial”, Alan Chin travels through the historical challenges that the USA faced since 2020. via Blind Magazine: https://www.blind-magazine.com/en/news/alan-chin-travels-through-a-nation-in-turmoil-in-infinity-goes-up-on-trial/ Chin admitted that it comes naturally to him to weave his personal experiences—as a father, as a Chinese-American…

  • Documenting a Protest Has Never Been More Challenging – Reading The Pictures

    Documenting a Protest Has Never Been More Challenging – Reading The Pictures

    Documenting a Protest Has Never Been More Challenging – Reading The Pictures This week has been unusually difficult for photographers who are trying to cover the George Floyd protests. Essay and images by photographer Alan Chin. via Reading The Pictures: https://www.readingthepictures.org/2020/06/photographing-protest/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Bagnewsnotes+%28Reading+The+Pictures%29 In a recent Facebook post, New York Times writer David Gonzalez confronted photojournalists who…

  • Alan Chin: Another Home 8,000 Miles Away

    Link: Alan Chin is currently running a Kickstarter campaign for his new project Toishan, China: Another Home 8,000 Miles Away. Chin’s project will take him back to his family’s home in the Toishan region of China, an area that is undergoing rapid development since his first visit in 1989.

  • Nurturing a New Wave of Documentary Photography in Detroit – Vantage – Medium

    Nurturing a New Wave of Documentary Photography in Detroit – Vantage – Medium

    Nurturing a New Wave of Documentary Photography in Detroit Established by old pros, a new fellowship is helping a new generation tell the stories of Motor City via Medium: https://medium.com/vantage/nurturing-a-new-wave-of-documentary-photography-in-detroit-6df95db01154#.q7kq9acky Blink’s Kyla Woods spoke with the founders of Documenting Detroit, Karah Shaffer and Alan Chin, about the importance of documenting Detroit’s rebirth and of cultivating…

  • Alan Chin in Lower Manhattan: 9/11 Turns Twelve

    Alan Chin in Lower Manhattan: 9/11 Turns Twelve

    Alan Chin in Lower Manhattan: 9/11 Turns Twelve – Reading The Pictures Good hack and lensman that I am, I fight for access to restricted areas, bemused that the young men and women in uniforms who see journalists as intrusive adversaries have no idea that, the dozen years back, I was here too. via Reading…

  • Alan Chin on “the 9/11 Decade”: Beyond Pushpins On A Calendar

    Alan Chin on “the 9/11 Decade”: Beyond Pushpins On A Calendar

    Alan Chin on “the 9/11 Decade”: Beyond Pushpins On A Calendar – Reading The Pictures “Though anniversaries may just be pushpins on a calendar, they are key markers of our individual and collective lives.” Photographer Alan Chin on loss and change through the 9/11 decade, from New York to Afghanistan, Iraq to New Orleans, and…

  • Advice for first-time embeds to Afghanistan

    Over the past year I have been emailed frequently by photographers inquiring the “how to’s” of embedding to Afghanistan, especially those who are first-timers. I wrote very similar emails like this to very experienced colleagues (such as Alan Chin, John Moore, and Teru Kuwayama, to name a few) before I embedded for the first time…