Tag: Alvaro Ybarra

  • Shell-fisherwomen in Galicia – The Leica camera Blog

    [contentcards url=“https://www.leica-camera.blog/2019/11/20/xxx/”] Shell-fisherwomen in Galicia – The Leica camera Blog Alvaro Ybarra photographs with the new Leica SL2 amid the breaking waves of the Atlantic. A practical test under extreme condition

  • Looking at All Sides in Colombia’s Conflict – The New York Times

    Looking at All Sides in Colombia’s Conflict – The New York Times

    Looking at All Sides in Colombia’s Conflict After years of photographing in various parts of Colombia, Alvaro Ybarra now wants to put his photos, and hopefully those of others, into an archive that will help the country heal. via Lens Blog: https://lens.blogs.nytimes.com/2017/02/27/looking-at-all-sides-in-colombias-conflict/?module=BlogPost-Title&version=Blog%20Main&contentCollection=Multimedia&action=Click&pgtype=Blogs&region=Body&_r=0 When combatants lay down their weapons, it’s merely the beginning of peace. The…