Tag: Andrei Liankevich

  • andrei liankevich – belarus portfolio | burn magazine

    andrei liankevich – belarus portfolio

    [slidepress gallery=’andreiliankevich_belarusportfolio’] Hover over the image for navigation and full screen controls ESSAY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT Andrei Liankevich Belarus Portfolio…

    via burn magazine: http://www.burnmagazine.org/essays/2009/11/andrei-liankevich-belarus-portfolio/

    Is the story over or are we still in the middle of it somewhere? Is it the country itself? Is it Belarus that makes reality and fiction seem to be layered like transparencies? The pictures of Andrei Liankevich seem to suggest that at least. For example, when a lonely Communist marches across a foggy square. Or when a soldier poses in a comfortable armchair among his trophies: the naked antlers on the wall and the no-less trophy-like twin sons held tenderly and creepily on his lap – Nestor and Pollux? Remus and Romulus? Cain and Abel? If they are supposed to stand for a dually new beginning, this might take place once again within that historical cliché that has helped give Belarus its sense of unreality. History has certainly provided plenty of signs.