They are identical mediums, sending different messages.
By Antonin Kratochvil with Michael Persson
Tag: Antonin Kratochvil
Photographer Antonin Kratochvil resigns from VII photo agency amid harassment allegations – Vox
Photojournalism needs to face its #MeToo moment
Amid sexual harassment allegations, a legendary photographer just resigned from a prestigious — and troubled — agency. But the industry’s reckoning is woefully incomplete.
via Vox:
Amid sexual harassment allegations, a legendary photographer just resigned from a prestigious — and troubled — agency. But the industry’s reckoning is woefully incomplete.
Kratochvil Resigns from VII over Sexual Assault Allegations | PDNPulse
Kratochvil Resigns from VII over Sexual Assault Allegations | PDNPulse
Photojournalist Antonin Kratochvil has resigned from VII, in the wake of allegations that he sexually assaulted a female member of the agency.
via PDNPulse:
Photojournalist Antonin Kratochvil has resigned from VII, weeks after a July 16 article in Columbia Journalism Review reported that he sexually assaulted one female member of the agency and was abusive to others. The agency announced the resignation on its website September 3 without offering any details.
Honoring the creation of VII Photo Agency – The Eye of Photography
Honoring the creation of VII Photo Agency
Perpignan, Visa pour l’image festival, September 8, 2001. For a few years, a certain gloom reigns over the world of photojournalism, in seemingly continuous decline. Then, however, a group of seven photojournalists– Alexandra Boulat, Ron Haviv, Gary Knight, Antonin Kratochvil, Christopher Morris, James Nachtwey, and John Stanmeyer– announced the formation of VII, a traditional photo agency based on the global Web.
Antonin Kratochvil On His Imaging Style
Antonin Kratochvil On His Imaging Style – A Photo Editor
You should never use camera to make your pictures. You use yourself, your experience, to make the pictures with the camera. Not the other way around. — Antonin Kratochvil
via A Photo Editor:
You should never use camera to make your pictures.
You use yourself, your experience, to make the pictures with the camera.
Not the other way around -
With the summer movie season in full swing we thought it would be fun to take a look at the unique portrait style of Antonin Kratochvil as he turns his lens on movies stars, pop singers and others.
In America
To celebrate the founding of America we present a unique look at The United States by Antonin Kratochvil.
Look3 2011: Antonin Kratochvil Chats With Scott Thode
LOOK3 2011: Antonin Kratochvil Chats With Scott Thode | PDNPulse
Look3, a festival that invites a mix of emerging and professional photographers to take a subjective look at the current photographic landscape, kicked off last night with a slideshow of Antonin Kratochvil’s work, titled “In America.” This touching show o
via PDNPulse:
This touching show of black-and-white imagery was followed by a casual conversation between Antonin Kratochvil and photo editor (and co-curator of this year’s Look3) Scott Thode, who have been friends for over 20 years.
First Glance: LOOK3 Festival of the Photograph
LightBox | Time
Read the latest stories about LightBox on Time
via Time:
Each year’s festival centers around three core photographers, called INSight artists, who present an exhibition and participate in on-stage interviews to speak about their process, inspiration and work. This year’s honorees are Antonin Kratochvil, Massimo Vitali, and Nan Goldin, —all artists presenting work during the festival’s MASTERS Talks series. Each of their shows will focus on the theme of “HOME.”
LOOK3 Preview: Goldin, Kratochvil, Vitali Headline Fest Curated by Kathy Ryan and Scott Thode
Substantial exhibitions of the work of Nan Goldin, Massimo Vitali and Antonin Kratochvil are the major highlights, and the three artists will also talk about their work, with Goldin appearing in a unique conversation with Sally Mann. In addition the festival will feature “Master’s Talks” and exhibitions by Christopher Anderson, LaToya Ruby Frazier, Ashley Gilbertson, David Liitschwager, Steve McCurry, Mary Ellen Mark and Martin Bell, as well as a special exhibition of George Steinmetz photographs hung from trees in downtown Charlottesville.
Link: LOOK3 Preview: Goldin, Kratochvil, Vitali Headline Fest Curated by Kathy Ryan and Scott Thode
Antonin Kratochvil lecture at World Press Photo
During the masterclass, renowned photographer and founder of VII photo agency, Antonin Kratochvil, gave an evening lecture at FOAM museum. As a photojournalist, he has tackled a good deal of upheaval and human catastrophe, while going about his documentation of the times in which we live.
Link: World Press Photo
Vanishing – VII The Magazine
In this interview with VII The Magazine, Antonin Kratochvil takes us on a very personal 20-year journey. He gives us a glimpse of what his eyes looked upon that is or may be gone forever. This is a story about loss; the physical loss of place, loss of freedom, historical loss, and the loss of our responsibility as human beings to care for each other and the world in which we live. Vanishing does not offer answers, neither is it a sermon in hopes of brighter days. It is Antonin’s visual poem to the world we inhabit.
Link: VII The Magazine
Moscow Nights – VII
In “Moscow Nights” Antonin Kratochvil takes us on a journey into a sphere of decadent sensuality that instantly transports the viewer into a dark, dingy, salacious, circus-like combination of nudity, lust and raw sexual power. It is a view of Moscow’s underworld and, as its voyeurs, it is hard not to be touched by the lonely, drugged, almost hollow emptiness lurking beneath the external atmosphere of fervent sexuality. It is also hard not to feel the raw edge and danger that exists in the world of “Moscow Nights”.
Link: VII The Magazine
Photographer Antonin Kratochvil
Photographer Antonin Kratochvil | Outside Online:
The world is full of bold photographers who earn their keep by traveling to rough regions. Kratochvil towers above them all, in large part because his extraordinary background gives him a preternatural cool—not to mention credibility—that can’t be taught. “In what we do, the most important faculties are instinct and intuition,” says photojournalist Chris Anderson, who calls Kratochvil his mentor. “Antonin is the embodiment of instinct. His persona is that of an ogre, but he is frighteningly intelligent, the most astute observer of human behavior I know.”
Worth a Look: “Our World At War” by the photographers of VII and the International Committee of the Red Cross
dvafoto says:
VII and the International Committee of the Red Cross have just unveiled their globe-spanning project documenting current humanitarian crises, “Our World At War.” The work includes: Lebanon by Franco Pagetti, Afghanistan by James Nachtwey, Haiti by Ron Haviv, Caucasus by Antonin Kratochvil, Liberia by Christopher Morris, Colombia by Franco Pagetti, Philippines by James Nachtwey, and Congo by Ron Haviv.
Shoot! Interview: Antonin Kratochvil
I thought I’d post a short Q&A session I was lucky enough to have with Antonin Kratochvil. Kratochvil, if he’s new to you, is a Czech-born American photojournalist. He is also founding member of the VII Photo Agency. His career is rather epic at this point
Check it out here.
VII Photo Essay: Lebanon, by Antonin Kratochvil
Photo Essay: Lebanon: ” Photos by Antonin Kratochvil
Increasing radicalism among militant groups and a deepening chasm between Lebanon’s Sunni and Shiite population is sending the country spiraling downwards. Assassinations and a protracted political crisis is adding to the crisis.” -
Blood Diamonds
From VII, photographs by Antonin Kratochvil:
It is estimated that at least one million Africans earn pennies a day in the backbreaking and increasingly fruitless search for diamonds – a $60-billion-a-year industry that, back in the 1990s, rebels in Sierra Leone and Liberia financed their carnage from diamonds plucked out of the rivers and traded for arms. During a decade of war about 50,000 people were killed, and thousands had their hands hacked off by rebels. Now, a new Hollywood movie is raising tough questions about Africa’s bloody diamond trade.
The Web This Morning
Photos – Antonin Kratochvil’s Troubles in the Niger Delta
PDN – Photo groups lobby to protect copyright orphans
PDN – From darkroom to classroom
BBC – Al Qaeda attack on Saudi oil facility
Balkans, BBC – 10,000 SRS members hold pro-Mladic rally in Belgrade
National Review – William F. Buckley Jr. on Iraq
NYT – US supbpoenas 2 Dow writers, then backs off
NYT – Taking spying to a higher level