Bieke Depoorter has been asking constant questions of herself – navigating what it means to be a photographer with the most intimate access imaginable.
After taking her camera across Russia, the US and Egypt, Bieke Depoorter has been asking constant questions of herself – navigating what it means to be a photographer with the most intimate access imaginable.
During the four days the following membership motions were executed:
• Bieke Depoorter was made a Magnum Member
• Jérôme Sessini was made a Magnum Member
• Diana Markosian was made a Magnum Nominee
• Matt Stuart was made a Magnum Nominee
For the past six years, Bieke Depoorter has spent countless nights photographing perfect strangers—people that she encounters on the street who are willing to open their homes to Depoorter and her camera
Bieke Depoorter, a photographer based in Ghent, Belgium, found a way to capture the often-unseen reality of a nation collapsing into its past. She would ask people on the streets of Cairo and other areas to stay a night in their homes
Bieke Depoorter is a member of Magnum Photos. She works on long-term projects, and among the vast number of photographic work revolving around strange…
Bieke Depoorter is a member of Magnum Photos. She works on long-term projects, and among the vast number of photographic work revolving around strangers hers is a standout. In “Ou Menya” she travelled throughout Russia, knowing very little of the language, and asked to spend a single night in strangers houses
We began with Alec Soth, who welcomed the new year from St. Paul, Minnesota. Gueorgui Pinkhassov showed us Moscow, from a candlelit Orthodox Christmas celebration and a look at life across the city. Dominic Nahr documented his trip home, to Hong Kong, to visit his mother, and Bieke Depoorter took her first trip to northern Norway. Finally, Jacob Aue Sobol’s portraits of Milwaukee brought us full circle, back to the Midwest. Here’s a look at highlights from the month
Bieke Depoorter I’m About to Call It A Day [ EPF 2012 FINALIST ] ESSAY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT ‘I am about to call it a day’ is a sequel on ‘Ou Menya’, a project whe…
‘I am about to call it a day’ is a sequel on ‘Ou Menya’, a project where I entered the intimacy of families in Russia, while spending one night with them.
This time, I have travelled through the United States. It is a series of portraits of places and people where I spent the night while passing through. I meet my family-for-the night on the streets. The social contact, the short and intense encounters and the mutual trust for them to take me into their most intimate privacy is an important element in my work.
Photographer Bieke Depoorter has been traveling around Russia and the United States asking random people on the street if she can sleep at their homes on and off for the past three years. The result is a series of eerily intimate photos that capture the i
Photographer Bieke Depoorter has been traveling around Russia and the United States asking random people on the street if she can sleep at their homes on and off for the past three years.
The result is a series of eerily intimate photos that capture the inside lives of people and families throughout these two countries.
Bieke Depoorter was born in Kortrijk and graduated from KASK in 2009 with a series on Russia, which won the Magnum Expression Award and the Photo Academy Award for GUP magazine. Of this series, Oe Menia, Depoorter writes: ‘For three periods of one month, I have let the Trans-Siberian train guide me alongside forgotten villages, from living room to living room