Judges Nancy Andrews, Zach Wise, and Jonathan Quilter said “Memphis Poverty masterfully tells an important American story in a non-traditional way, bypassing the literal translation of poverty to strike the soul. The artful blend of documentary moments, poetry, music, cinematic shooting and editing craftsmanship moves our art of storytelling forward in a dramatic way. It was the best use of multimedia in the completion and helps establish a tone for how we might approach complex stories in the future.”
Tag: Christian Cravo
Christian Cravo
Gardens of Eden – Christian Cravo
Gardens of Eden – Christian Cravo – The Black Snapper:
As a photographer, I seek to understand people through the images that arise in the course of my journey. I make my eye an instrument that tells a story that is, above all, “human.” The aim is to represent humankind through an iconographic structure based on specific themes.
In this regard, I see Haiti as the supreme expression of the human essence. This is a society with very unique characteristics – intensely spiritual, replete with symbolism, in which people show their lack of prudishness through the purest of elements.