Christopher Anderson arrived in Sete during a Saint Louis celebration evening. He immediately mingled amongst the jousters, became one of them, became a “Knight of the Tintaine”
Tag: Christopher Anderson
Christopher Anderson
In this episode of Picture Perfect, VICE visits Magnum photographer Christopher Anderson at his studio in Brooklyn to talk about some of his past work and the life-changing experience of boarding a handmade boat that sank in the Caribbean. He tells us that his current project of photographing New York is part of his artistic growth and an effort to turn inward. As we follow him on assignment, Anderson explains that he’s not just focused on the task at hand, but also interested in the way his photographs build upon each other through the years.
Christopher Anderson Photographs With An Unashamedly Subjective Eye |
Christopher Anderson Photographs With An Unashamedly Subjective Eye – IGNANT
Though American photographer Christopher Anderson’s images cover a breathtakingly wide range of subjects, they are linked in their unique ability to position the viewer as…
Though American photographer Christopher Anderson’s images cover a breathtakingly wide range of subjects, they are linked in their unique ability to position the viewer as part of the scene — allowing them to fully feel and “experience” how Anderson felt at the time of photographing.
Ben Smith — A Small Voice Podcast — 070 – Christopher Anderson
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Review: Stump by Christopher Anderson | Conscientious Photography Magazine
Review: Stump by Christopher Anderson
via Conscientious Photography Magazine:
It’s almost as if there is a gentleman’s agreement (remember, politics still is dominated by men): journalists report the spectacle faithfully, not attempting to subvert the game, but the slips are fair game.
Christopher Anderson’s Beautiful Reflection on Fathers and Fatherhood – Feature Shoot
Christopher Anderson’s Beautiful Reflection on Fathers and Fatherhood – Feature Shoot
It’s a well-established fact that the birth of a child changes everything. For Brooklyn-based photographer Christopher Anderson, having his son not only impacted his daily existence but radically altered the course of his career.
via Feature Shoot:
It’s a well-established fact that the birth of a child changes everything. For Brooklyn-based photographer Christopher Anderson, having his son not only impacted his daily existence but radically altered the course of his career. Son, published by Kehrer Verlag, shows this shift
Book Review: Stump
Book Review: Stump
Book Review Stump By Christopher Anderson Reviewed by Colin Pantall There’s a section in Oliver Sacks’ book, The Man Who Mistoo…
Christopher Anderson’s Stump. It’s a book of faces, all of which were taken at American presidential primaries and political conventions over the previous 6 years. The pictures are, for the most part, full faces show in in extreme close up, clipped nose hairs and all. They say that politics is show business for the ugly and never was that more true than in Stump
Revisit Christopher Anderson’s Capitolio
In the wake of Hugo Chavez’s death, it seems appropriate to take a look back at Christopher Anderson’s Capitolio, “a cinematic journey through the shadows of Caracas, Venezuela during ‘revolution.’” The book, although published four years ago, remains a relevant and poignent capturing of a vibrant city “ripping apart at the seams under the stress of popular unrest.”
Interview with Christopher Anderson
Interview with Christopher Anderson
He is a member of Magnum Photos and is currently the New York Magazine’s first ever photographer-in-residence.
via FK:
Sometimes I get overwhelmed by the flood of imagery and not just bad imagery because there are, of course, lot of bad images. How can my images find an audience through all that noise? The only answer I can find, maybe it is about authenticity. If there is something that someone connects with, that’s because there is not just good and bad photography but because there is some authentic quality to it. It’s a picture that is distinctly mine and maybe that has some value above being classified as good or bad.
Worth a look: Christopher Anderson’s portraits from the RNC and DNC
Link: Worth a look: Christopher Anderson’s portraits from the RNC and DNC | dvafoto
Christopher Anderson’s, of Magnum and staff photographer for New York magazine, photos are always inventive and cut deep into his subject matter. His portraits from the Republican and Democratic National Conventions this week and last for New York magazine are my favorite coverage of the political conventions, and they look like no one else’s
INTERVIEW: “A Conversation with Christopher Anderson” (2012)
A Conversation with Christopher Anderson (2012)
From ‘Son’ by Christopher Anderson
Why show it ?Interview with Christopher Anderson
By Baptiste Lignel, December 2, 2012, Paris
Baptiste Lignel- You seem to have a dilemma about your project “Son”…
Cristopher Anderson – I’m constantly confli
I’ve spent the last fifteen years with the title of “War photographer”, going to the other ends of the earth, to photographs stories of other people, looking for photographic intimacy from people that I didn’t know. In Afghanistan, which could not be further away from what I grew up in, which was milk and toast Texas. My father was an evangelical preacher, and I grew up in a very conservative and religious environment. My family is not right wing, born again, or that kind of thing, but the environment, the town, the culture that I grew up in were conservative, and I became a photographer, really, to escape that.
Then all of sudden you have a child, which is a crazy experience, because it is at the same time the most intimate and unique experience a person can have, and it is also the most common and universal experience a person can have. Then I was having this internal dialogue: “I’ve been going off to Afghanistan, and now I’ve come the full circle, where I’m not running away from home anymore, I want to be at my home. I want to understand myself through my family”.
Christopher Anderson- Return of the Staff Photographer
Christopher Anderson- Return of the Staff Photographer – A Photo Editor
by Grayson Schaffer On Tuesday, New York Magazine announced that it had signed longtime contributor and well-known photojournalist Christopher Anderson as the weekly magazine’s first-ever “photographer-in-residence.” In a statement released to the British
via A Photo Editor:
On Tuesday, New York Magazine announced that it had signed longtime contributor and well-known photojournalist Christopher Anderson as the weekly magazine’s first-ever “photographer-in-residence.” In a statement released to the British Journal of Photography, New York said the 41-year-old Brooklyn-based shooter would tackle a “broad array of subjects in a full range of styles, from photojournalism to portraiture to conceptual work.” Anderson will now work exclusively for New York, at least where print magazines are concerned. The odd thing, here, is that the era of the staff photographer was supposed to have ended when National Geographic gradually moved away from the practice. We called Anderson to try and make sense of the sudden turn of events.
Christopher Anderson signs with New York Magazine
British Journal of Photography
Magnum photographer Christopher Anderson has joined New York Magazine as its first photographer-in-residence
Magnum Photos addresses Libyan Secret Service photo archive controversy
British Journal of Photography:
Magnum Photos’ vice president Christopher Anderson has adressed the controversy arising from the distribution of Libyan Secret Service photographs via the agency’s website, BJP can report
LOOK3 2011: Christopher Anderson On Working Close to Home
LOOK3 2011: Christopher Anderson On Working Close to Home | PDNPulse
Christopher Anderson opened the morning program of Masters Talks today at LOOK3 Festival of the Photograph in Charlottesville, VA, in front of a packed crowd at the Paramount Theater downtown. Anderson is exhibiting his latest body of work, “Son,” at the
via PDNPulse:
Christopher Anderson opened the morning program of Masters Talks today at LOOK3 Festival of the Photograph in Charlottesville, VA, in front of a packed crowd at the Paramount Theater downtown.
Father, Son, Husband, War Photographer
Father, Son, Husband, War Photographer
With a three-year-old son to think about, Christopher Anderson steps away from conflict photography.
via Lens Blog:
Christopher Anderson’s “Son” is indeed a love poem to his wife, Marion Durand (a photo editor at Newsweek); their three-year-old son, Atlas; and Mr. Anderson’s father, Lynn.
Interview: Magnum Photographer Publishes Photobook for iPad
Interview: Magnum Photographer Publishes Photobook for iPad
In 2009, Magnum Photographer Christopher Anderson released his beautiful photobook, Capitolio, capturing the tumultuous upheavals of Caracas, Venezuela under Hugo Chavez. Less than two years later,…
In 2009, Magnum Photographer Christopher Anderson released his beautiful photobook, Capitolio, capturing the tumultuous upheavals of Caracas, Venezuela under Hugo Chavez. Almost two years later, as first print run copies dwindle, the publishing world is a very different place. The digital age that has long since transformed music, video and media distribution and consumption is now dramatically sweeping into long form books, with media and tablet readers. The last bastion of physical media is still and was always destined to be high-quality image reproduction, embodied in the photobook. But as the march of digital overthrow prepares its final coup de grâce, Anderson asked himself what form this will take. How will audiences be consuming photobooks in the digital age? This week, he’s launching his answer to that question, with the first photobook reproduced as an iPad app. We recently interviewed Anderson on his thought process behind the book’s launch, and how he sees the future of high-end photography reproduction.