The Mysterious Metamorphosis of Chuck Close The legendary artist has radically upended his distinctive style of portraiture — and his entire life. Why? Link: The legendary artist has radically upended his distinctive style of portraiture — and his entire life. Why?
Chuck Close, Collaborating in a Big Way A new exhibit of Chuck Close’s photos shows not just mastery of everything from daguerreotypes to 20×24 Polaroid images, but also his penchant for collaboration. via Lens Blog: Not every photograph Chuck Close makes ends up as a painting, but every painting Chuck Close creates starts out…
Letter to Chuck Close from the digital artist whom he threatened with a lawsuit Scott Blake is a computer artist who created a Photoshop plug-in called th “Chuck Close Filter,” which transformed images into mosaics reminiscent of the famous hand-made mosaics create… via Boing Boing: Scott Blake is a computer artist who created a…