Tag: Colin Pantall

  • Escape from the Taliban and the World Press Photo

    Escape from the Taliban and the World Press Photo Colin Pantall’s blog about photography, writing, art and politics Link: http://colinpantall.blogspot.co.uk/2014/02/escape-from-taliban-and-world-press.html But then you need to ask whether news or the press should be the main focal point for photography. I certainly don’t buy newspapers for looking at photography (though I used to). I do buy…

  • Colin Pantall on what photographs tell us

    Link: Conscientious We all like to think that the photographer’s intention inform the image and that when we look at a photograph we can see those intention. But if we ignore the simple fact that we have no way of knowing what the photographer’s intentions were (How would we know? All we have is a…

  • You don’t look like a victim

    You don’t look like a victim Colin Pantall’s blog about photography, writing, art and politics Link: http://colinpantall.blogspot.com/2012/04/you-dont-look-like-victim.html The idea is that one should look a certain way in the face of tragedy, part of the simplistic narrative that is expected of people when they are part of a photograph – a simplistic narrative that does…