On Monday, Agence France Presse filed a complaint in the United States District Court Southern District of New York against Haiti-based photographer Daniel Morel. Agence France Presse claims Morel engaged in an “antagonistic assertion of rights” after the photographer objected to the use by AFP of images he posted online of the Haitian earthquake of 12 January.
At the heart of this case, which has prompted Morel to file a 66-page brief and 10 counterclaims, is the use, by news agencies, of social networking websites such as Twitter. However, in my opinion, this case highlights one major problem affecting the journalism world in particular: a blatant lack of respect for a photographer’s work and copyright.
Tag: Daniel Morel
Agence France Presse's slap to photographers – 1854
Storm In A Duck Pond As Leroy Tries To Claim Morel High Ground In AFP Haiti Hijack » The Russian Photos Blog
But Morel didn’t post any pictures on Twitter. Nobody ever has, because – as most 10-year-olds could explain to the NPPA – Twitter is a text message system: it can’t host pictures. Morel’s pictures were posted to Twitpic, an entirely separate legal entity from Twitter, with entirely different terms and conditions; therefore it is the Twitpic terms that are applicable in the Morel case. That’s the kind of very basic legal point one might expect a lawyer to notice.
Judge rejects AFP’s claim to Morel’s Haiti Twitpic photos | dvafoto
A judge has ruled that Twitter and Twitpic’s licensing terms do not extend to third parties, that Morel has a valid copyright infringement claim, and that any information identifying the copyright holder (so-called “copyright management information”) must be distributed alongside copyrighted material.
Agence France Presse vs Morel: “AFP Got Caught With A Hand In The Cookie Jar And Will Have To Pay”
It’s unlikely anyone will ever step forward to claim the credit for that particular piece of ingenious public relations, for it’s clear that AFP and Getty are already bracing themselves for a crushing defeat. Buried deep in their memorandum is a plea to the court that should it find in Morel’s favour, damages should be limited to a maximum of $240,000. That’s a far cry from previous ringing declarations that “in the end, we shall prevail”.
AFP v Morel case to be judged in September
AFP v Morel case to be judged in September – 1854 Photography
Three years after Daniel Morel entered litigation against Agence France-Presse and Getty Images over the unauthorised distribution of some of his images, a trial date has been set. On 16 September, a jury will be asked to rule on some of the outstanding claims in what could become a landmark case for photographers. [bjp_ad_slot] The…
via 1854 Photography: https://www.1854.photography/2013/03/afp-v-morel-case-to-be-judged-in-september/
The long-awaited trial by jury in the Agence France-Presse v Daniel Morel copyright case will start in September
AFP and Getty Images found liable for willful copyright infringement, Haitian photojournalist Daniel Morel wins maximum damages.
Gasps were heard in the courtroom as the trial of Daniel Morel vs. Agence France Presse (AFP) and Getty Images ended at the Thurgood Marshall US Court House in Manhattan with Morel being awarded $1.2m in damages, the maximum possible. Jury members said they were “outraged” by the behavior of both agencies. EPUK was there and reported daily from the eight-day trial.
Daniel Morel and the High Cost of Copyright Infringement Claims
Daniel Morel and the High Cost of Copyright Infringement Claims
The law firm largely responsible for helping photographer Daniel Morel win a $1.2 million jury award for copyright infringement—the maximum amount allowed by law—spent more than twice that amount to prosecute Morel’s case. And now, that law firm has to write off its costs as a loss.
Getty, AFP Appeal $1.2 Million Jury Verdict in Daniel Morel Case
Getty, AFP Appeal $1.2 Million Jury Verdict in Daniel Morel Case | PDNPulse
Getty Images and Agence France-Presse (AFP) have asked a federal district court to undo the $1.2 million jury verdict against them for willful infringement of photographer Daniel Morel’s copyrights, calling the verdict “a miscarriage of justice.” In a bri
via PDNPulse: http://pdnpulse.pdnonline.com/2014/01/getty-afp-appeal-1-2-million-jury-verdict-in-daniel-morel-case.html
The award was the maximum amount of statutory damages possible under the law in the case, given that the jury found that both agencies infringed with willful intent.
After thoughts _ Morel, AFP, Getty
Link: After thoughts _ Morel, AFP, Getty | Thoughts of a Bohemian
The Gods of copyright are satiated . With the recent judgement calling for AFP and Getty Images to disburse $1,2 million to Mr Morel for copyright infringement, they have been offered reverence. Or have they ?
Haitian Photographer Wins Major U.S. Copyright Victory
Haitian Photographer Wins Major U.S. Copyright Victory
In a victory for photographer rights, a New York court awarded Daniel Morel $1.2 million after finding two photo agencies improperly used his photos of Haiti’s earthquake.
All photographs by Dominic Bracco II/Prime/Pulitzer Center for Crisis Reporting.
Jury Awards Daniel Morel Full Extent of Law; Finds AFP, Getty Willful in Copyright Violation
Jury Awards Daniel Morel Full Extent of Law; Finds AFP, Getty Willful in Copyright Violation | Rangefinder
In a decision this afternoon, the jury on the Daniel Morel vs. Agence France-Presse (AFP) and Getty Images trial awarded the defendant, Daniel Morel, the maximum statutory damages entitled by the law–in the amount of $1.2 million—finding that the corporat
via Rangefinder: http://blog.wppionline.com/2013/11/jury-awards-daniel-morel-full-extent-of-law-finds-afp-getty-willful-in-copyright-violation/
And the defense? “There was stone silence from the defense. [They were] dumbfounded—looked like a bomb went off!”
Jury Awards Daniel Morel $1.2 Million in Damages from AFP, Getty Images
Jury Awards Daniel Morel $1.2 Million in Damages from AFP, Getty Images | PDNPulse
A jury has awarded photographer Daniel Morel $1.2 million in damages after deciding that Agence France-Presse (AFP) and Getty Images willfully violated his copyright. The award is the maximum amount of statutory damages possible under the law. AFP and Get
via PDNPulse: http://pdnpulse.pdnonline.com/2013/11/jury-awards-daniel-morel-1-2-million-in-damages-from-afp-getty-images.html
And the defense? “There was stone silence from the defense. [They were] dumbfounded—looked like a bomb went off!”
Agency Reputations at Stake in Historic Copyright Trial
Link: Editorial Photographers UK | Agency Reputations at Stake in Historic Copyright Trial
Daniel Morel’s copyright theft case against photo agencies Agence France Presse (AFP) and Getty Images will begin on Tuesday November 12th, 2013 at the Thurgood Marshall US Court House in Manhattan, before Federal District Court Judge Alison Nathan. The stakes are high and EPUK will be in New York to follow the action.
In TwitPic Copyright Claim, Daniel Morel Seeks $13.2 Million from AFP, Getty
In TwitPic Copyright Claim, Daniel Morel Seeks $13.2 Million from AFP, Getty | PDNPulse
Photographer Daniel Morel is seeking as much as $13.2 million from AFP and Getty Images at a trial to determine damages for copyright infringement of his exclusive images of the aftermath of the 2010 Haiti earthquake, which Morel had posted via Twitter. T
via PDNPulse: http://pdnpulse.pdnonline.com/2013/09/in-twitpic-copyright-claim-daniel-morel-seeks-13-2-million-from-afp-getty.html
The trial is scheduled to begin November 12
AFP v Morel: Judge reconsiders potential damages
AFP v Morel: Judge reconsiders potential damages
Agence France-Presse and Getty Images have asked a New York court to reconsider its decision to reject summary judgement in regards to the statutory damages freelance photographer Daniel Morel can claim. The request for reconsideration concerns whether ‘M
via British Journal of Photography: http://www.bjp-online.com/british-journal-of-photography/news/2270104/afp-v-morel-judge-reconsiders-potential-damages
Daniel Morel has been dealt a blow in his three-year-long legal battle against Agence France-Presse and Getty Images after a judge has reconsidered the amount of statutory damages the freelance photographer will be able to claim
Judge rules AFP and WaPo Infringed Photographers Copyright By Pulling Images From Twitter
Judge rules AFP and WaPo Infringed Photographers Copyright By Pulling Images From Twitter – A Photo Editor
Late on Monday a Manhattan judge ruled in the Daniel Morel case against AFP and the Washington Post that both news organizations infringed his copyright by republishing images that he posted to Twitter during the Haiti earthquake 2 years ago (download the
via A Photo Editor: http://www.aphotoeditor.com/2013/01/17/judge-rules-afp-and-wapo-infringed-photographers-copyright-by-pulling-images-from-twitter/
It’s still the wild west out there and it’s not going to be pretty, but photographers who experiment and defend their copyright should be applauded.