In Chenzhuang Village, China, about 20 miles northwest of central Beijing, the ruins of a partially built amusement park called Wonderland sit near a highway, surrounded by houses and fields of corn. Construction work at the park, which developers had promised would be “the largest amusement park in Asia,” stopped around 1998 after disagreements with the local government and farmers over property prices. Developers briefly tried to restart construction in 2008, but without success. The abandoned structures are now a draw for local children and a few photographers, who encounter signs telling them to proceed at their own risk. Reuters photographer David Gray visited the site on a chilly morning earlier this month and returned with these haunting images of a would-be Wonderland
In these ‘difficult times for publishing’ (repeat ad nauseum), Gray has created a remarkably successful enterprise. In effect, he has commissioned himself to do this work, and has been extremely disciplined in recouping the money for each project before he starts on the next (Vampire is all but sold out; Surge 75% sold). His concomitant career as a graphic designer stands him in good stead to turn out exquisite packages, wrapped in clear cellophane, each containing a limited edition print as well as the book.