My assignment work has taught me so much this year, but nothing more so than the fact that I love meeting and spending time with people whom I would have no reason to ever interact with were it not for this passion for shooting photographs. No matter what our differences may be, I have something to learn from all of them, and that universal human connection always has the chance to overcome any barrier of class, culture or ideology.
Tag: David Walter Banks
Best of 2010: David Walter Banks | Luceo Images
My Waking Life: Memory and Perception | David Walter Banks Photography
My Waking Life: Memory and Perception
For now, I will console myself with the ability to curate my perception of my own memory. I believe that I live a fairly charmed and magical life, but the photographs drawn from my own personal life that I gravitate to tend heighten the fantastical elements of my past. The journalist in me still feels some need to cling to facts and evidence of my own life, but the daydreamer in me simply prefers the rewrite
Vanagons and Vagabonds – by David Walter Banks | The Photo Brigade
Vanagons and Vagabonds – by David Walter Banks – The Photo Brigade
L.A.-based photographer David Walter Banks shares photos of a road trip to the California desert with friends.
via The Photo Brigade:
L.A.-based photographer David Walter Banks shares photos of a road trip to the California desert with friends.
Atlanta Untitled 1
Atlanta Untitled 1 | LUCEO
Growing up on the outskirts of Atlanta I felt out of place, a stranger in my sterile suburban surroundings. As an adult, I seek to plant new roots inside the city proper, so I began to document this new home.
Spotlight on David Walter Banks
Spotlight on David Walter Banks
TID: Thanks for sharing your thoughts behind this image, David. For the next couple of weeks we’ll take a look at one image, and where it …
My approach for making these images is actually quite different from how
I normally go about making images. In other projects, and most of my daily
work, I attempt to put as much of myself as possible into the photographs to
the point that every image is almost a self-portrait in a way. I shoot very
objectively and work to create an intimate connection with my subjects,
whether it’s a close friend, complete stranger, or even a place or object -
If Photojournalism Is Dead, What's Luceo? –
If Photojournalism Is Dead, What’s Luceo?
James Estrin believes Luceo Images is a vibrant rebuttal to the notion floated by Neil Burgess that photojournalism died last month.
via Lens Blog:
I realized that the success of Luceo is a very good rebuttal to those who believe photojournalism is dead. David Walter Banks, Kendrick Brinson, Matt Eich, Kevin German, Daryl Peveto and Matt Slaby are carefully laying plans for careers of 30 to 40 more years. They are all busy with assignments and working on personal projects. They look at the same circumstances Mr. Burgess did and come to an entirely different conclusion.
David Walter Banks' Photos of the Year | Luceo Images
Magenta Foundation Flash Forward 2009 Award | My Waking Life
David Walter Banks says:
I just got a call that I was one of the selected artists from the USA recognized in this year’s Magenta Foundation Flash Forward 2009 census of emerging photographers from Canada, the UK, and USA. The work will be viewable in the 2009 Flash Forward book that will be published later in the year and in the traveling exhibitions of the winning images. Here’s my entry from this year.
dvafoto – Interview: Matt Slaby and David Walter Banks photograph the 2008 Democratic and Republican National Conventions
For our next dvafoto interview, we’re talking to Matt Slaby and David Walter Banks, both of the new collective Luceo Images. I got to know the two and their work through the excellent APhotoADay email list, and consider them among my favorite young photographers. Matt Slaby’s got one of the most contemplative approaches I’ve seen among young photojournalists, and his writing is not to be missed. David Walter Banks has some of the strongest (and sometimes strangest) use of color going. The two paired up to cover both the Republican and Democratic National Conventions for the 2008 US presidential election, and I took an adversarial approach when I asked them about their process, the value of photographing such choreographed events, and their general journalistic philosophy. My questions and their answers follow: