Tag: Dexter Filkins

  • Photojournalists on War: Untold Stories from Iraq



    Link: Photojournalists on War: Untold Stories from Iraq | Le Journal de la Photographie As Dexter Filkins suggests in the introduction to his book Photographers on War, the war was the first and last of its kind. Michael Kamber is one of the witnesses of this conflict and its endless acts of cruelty. “When you’re…

  • Dreams and Dread in Afghanistan: Photographs by Zalmai

    Dreams and Dread in Afghanistan: Photographs by Zalmai

    Dreams and Dread in Afghanistan How does one photograph a story that has not yet occurred? How does one evoke a sense of what might happen, or of what could? This was the challenge for … via The New Yorker: http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/photobooth/2012/07/zalmai-photographs-from-afghanistan.html?currentPage=all How does one photograph a story that has not yet occurred? How does one…

  • My Long War – Dexter Filkins – NYTimes.com

    I pulled on my running shoes and stepped into the sweltering streets. It was a Thursday in July 2003, twilight, and well over 100 degrees. I was feeling a little reckless. If this ended badly, the only thing anyone would remember was how stupid I was. We had set up the New York Times office…