Tag: Dom Daher

  • Man confronted to the mountain, in pictures – The Eye of Photography

    [contentcards url=”http://loeildelaphotographie.com/en/2017/12/04/article/159974882/man-against-the-mountain-in-pictures/”]

    Man confronted to the mountain, in pictures – The Eye of Photography

    Welcome to the world of excess, of beauty, of the amazing, of the breathtaking. Welcome to Montagne spectaculaire. Photographers from around the world (Sam Bié, Simon Carter, Jimmy Chin, Dom Daher, Monica Dalmasso, Alexandre Deschaumes, John Evans, Olivier Grunewald, Christian Pondella, Scott Serfas, Ben Tibbetts, Pascal Tournaire…) chose their most impressive mountain photographs for this book. Images commented and highlighted by the mountaineering journalist Guillaume Vallot. Solo on a rock-face of 900 metres, lost in the clouds at altitude, balanced on a ridge or on the thin thread of a highline, on a snow slope or in an iced corridor… the mountain spectacle is everywhere. Even in the simple contemplation of a glowing, low-angled light, like a celestial projector, an emerald lake. Through the pages of Montagne spectaculaire we have snow crystals full in the face, fingers trying to grasp an imaginary handhold, sometimes scared to the pit of the stomach and, as always, the beauty of the spectacle before our eyes takes our breath away.