BP maintains it followed “industry practice that is required by federal law.” I would like to see this federal law challenged in court because I have a feeling taking photos of a public street is a constitutionally protected activity.
Tag: Dominic Nahr
Egyptian army cracks down on photographers [update] – British Journal of Photography
Ed Ou was an intern at The Times (“A Dozen Promising Photographers“) and is now a freelancer, represented by Reportage by Getty Images, shooting for The Times in Egypt. He has photographed in the Middle East, Africa and the former Soviet republics. James Estrin spoke with him by phone early Sunday morning and early Monday morning, Cairo time.
Amid Japan’s Devastation
LightBox | Time
Read the latest stories about LightBox on Time
via Time: https://time.com/section/lightbox/
TIME contract photographer Dominic Nahr is documenting the aftermath of the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Nahr, represented by Magnum, arrived one day after the 8.9-magnitude quake, and spent the first night with several other journalists on the floor of a house in Fukushima. “Quite a sight, six guys huddled together like sardines covered in blankets,” he said.
Covering the Suddenly Hot War Between the Sudans
LightBox | Time
Read the latest stories about LightBox on Time
via Time: https://time.com/section/lightbox/
TIME photographer Dominic Nahr has been on assignment in South Sudan’s ironically named Unity State, whose northern edge includes disputed boundaries with its enemy Sudan — one of which is marked only by a white cargo container
Photographs of Mogadishu, Somalia by Dominic Nahr
Mogadishu is enjoying its longest sustained peace in 21 years of civil war. But don’t mistake that for a return to normality. As TIME contract photographer Dominic Nahr’s pictures reveal, when the tide of war rolled back off Somalia’s capital, it left behind one of the world’s strangest-looking cities.
Dominic Nahr: Recording History for Posterity
When covering a news event, I think the goal is always to give an account of what is going on in a way that gives the viewers a sense of being there. I did not have access to the front line fighting I tried to capture everyday life in the towns and cities I visited. I chose to focus my work on the beauty of the individuals and the environment that they inhabit.
Visa pour l’image 2016 : Dominic Nahr, Fractured State – The Eye of Photography
Visa pour l’image 2016 : Dominic Nahr, Fractured State
The conflict has spread across the country, with the combination of violence, famine and disease developing into a humanitarian disaster. The reportage shows the plight of the civilian victims of the war
Confronting Rumors and Isolation Five Years Later in Fukushima | TIME
Confronting Rumors and Isolation 5 Years Later in Fukushima
Photographer Dominic Nahr goes back to Fukushima
via Time: http://time.com/4254162/fukushima-five-years/
Photographer Dominic Nahr goes back to Fukushima, five years after a devastating tsunami destroyed the region
Eyewitness to Hope and Hell in South Sudan | TIME
Eyewitness to Hope and Hell in South Sudan
“I didn’t want to be some invisible photographer”
via Time: http://time.com/4245659/south-sudan-conflict-dominic-nahr/
Photographer Dominic Nahr was in South Sudan late last year, on assignment for Doctors Without Borders. He knows the region well, having moved to East Africa in 2009 after covering the war in Democratic Republic of Congo, and then documenting South Sudan before and after independence. It was his first time back since 2012.
Dominic Nahr and Tomás Munita: A Photographic Perspective on Fukushima
Link: Dominic Nahr and Tomás Munita: A Photographic Perspective on Fukushima « The Leica Camera
Following an earthquake in March 2011, disaster struck the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power in Japan plant forcing people to leave their homes when the area was declared an exclusion zone. Photographers Dominic Nahr (DN) and Tomás Munita (TM) traveled to the area for a reportage on the current situation there. Below is a sample of an interview with them that appears in the latest issue of LFI.
A Month of Magnum Photographers on Instagram
A Month of Magnum
via The New Yorker: http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/photobooth/2014/02/a-month-of-magnum-photographers-on-instagram.html#slide_ss_0=1
We began with Alec Soth, who welcomed the new year from St. Paul, Minnesota. Gueorgui Pinkhassov showed us Moscow, from a candlelit Orthodox Christmas celebration and a look at life across the city. Dominic Nahr documented his trip home, to Hong Kong, to visit his mother, and Bieke Depoorter took her first trip to northern Norway. Finally, Jacob Aue Sobol’s portraits of Milwaukee brought us full circle, back to the Midwest. Here’s a look at highlights from the month
Dominic Nahr Is a Master of Photographing Human Eeriness
Dominic Nahr Is a Master of Photographing Human Eeriness
I interviewed him about life in Eastern Africa and nuclear exclusion zones.
via Vice: http://www.vice.com/en_uk/read/dominic-nahr-magnum?Contentpage=-1
For this round of VICE Loves Magnum we spoke to Dominic Nahr, who – unlike previous interviewees – is still running the gauntlet of selection before becoming a full Magnum member. We discussed Africa’s endless potential for stories, the eeriness of post-tsunami Japan and how a feeling of homelessness can be conducive to taking amazing photos.
Senegalese Election Photographs by Dominic Nahr
LightBox | Time
Read the latest stories about LightBox on Time
via Time: http://lightbox.time.com/2012/02/28/senegal-spring/#1
They’re using a new type of tear gas in Senegal. It chokes you, blinds you, but it also burns and stings, like it’s been mixed with pepper spray. It’s a sensation with which more and more Senegalese are becoming familiar as presidential elections were held this past weekend.
Collateral Crisis: The Catastrophic Famine in Somalia
LightBox | Time
Read the latest stories about LightBox on Time
via Time: http://lightbox.time.com/2011/08/25/collateral-crisis-the-catastrophic-famine-in-somalia/#1
In a world with more than enough to feed itself, all hunger is an unnecessary tragedy—but this year’s famine in southern Somalia is a true scar on the world’s conscience. Over six days in Mogadishu in early August, TIME contract photographer Dominic Nahr and I found appalling suffering and death among the hundreds of thousands of refugees who had fled famine in the south of the country.
Leica & Magnum: Awakening by Dominic Nahr
In our latest photo essay created in partnership with Magnum Photos, we follow Dominic Nahr into the 20km zone surrounding the nuclear power plant at Fukushima, Japan. Nahr documents the damage that resulted from the plant’s breakdown.
Japan Earthquake: Photographing the aftermath
As the scale of the devastation became apparent, dozens of other photographers packed their bags and headed to Japan too, including Magnum Photos’ Dominic Nahr, VII Photo’s James Natchwey, Paula Bronstein of Getty Images and Associated Press’ David Guttenfelder. Panos Pictures photographer Adam Dean arrived in Tokyo just 20 hours after the earthquake hit – and was shocked by what he found. “I am working with a writer out here and between the two of us, we’ve covered earthquakes in China, Pakistan and Indonesia, cyclones in Burma and tsunamis in Thailand, India and Sri Lanka, wars in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as undercover reporting trips to North Korea and Burma,” he tells BJP. “But from a logistical point of view this has been one of the hardest assignments we’ve had to cover.”
Link: Japan Earthquake: Photographing the aftermath – British Journal of Photography
PDN Pulse » Blog Archive » Photographers Beaten, Robbed as Pro-Mubarak Gangs Turn on Press (Update)
Photographers Beaten, Robbed as Pro-Mubarak Gangs Turn on Press (Update) | PDNPulse
Update: This story was first posted February 2, 5:23pm EST. We updated the story after a phone interview with LA Times photographer Michael Robinson Chavez at 5:55 pm. At least two photographers were beaten and their gear stolen as roughly a thousand su
via PDNPulse: http://pdnpulse.com/2011/02/photographers-beaten-robbed-as-pro-mubarak-gangs-turn-on-press.html
“Other photographers have lost their [memory] cards,” photographer Dominic Nahr, who is on assignment in Cairo for Time, told PDN. Other photographers were punched or struck by flying rocks.
PDNPulse: French Picture Agency Closes
The member photographers included Karim Ben Khelifa, Samuel Bollendorff, Philippe Brault, Guillaume Herbaut, Dominic Nahr, Johann Rousselot, and Michael Zumstein.
The Visual Student » Working Abroad: Dominic Nahr
It is important to get a feel for the real photo world, which is a lot different then what school, or even your own mind tells you. You need to find out if this is really for you (i.e. photojournalism, etc.). That’s what I did. I ended up being a cadet staff photographer for my local Hong Kong paper the South China Morning Post. I worked 6 days a week and did 3 – 8 assignments a day. Sometimes I would spend 5 hours just sitting around waiting for news stories.
Showcase: Uneasy Congo – Lens Blog
Showcase: Uneasy Congo – Lens Blog – NYTimes.com:
He has slept in churches in Congo for safety while photographing refugees fleeing their own homes. Though he is only 25 years old, Dominic Nahr’s photographs of those refuges and of Congo’s brutal conflict are being exhibited in Perpignan at Visa pour l’Image, the most important international photojournalism festival.