a photography and video commission started in 2013 with the work of Alessandra Sanguinetti, Alex Majoli, Jonas Bendiksen, Olivia Arthur and Gueorgui Pinkhassov
Tag: Gueorgui Pinkhassov
‘We Clean History’: Thoughts on Another Crimea | Disphotic
Another Crimea brings together six photographers from the prominent photographic agencies Noor, VII and Magnum. The photographers (Christopher Morris, Francesco Zizola, Gueorgui Pinkhassov, Olivia Arthur, Pep Bonet and Yuri Kozyrev) each produced a documentary photo series, or in one case a film, in the region over ten days in summer 2014
Book: A New Look at Urban Mobility by Gueorgui Pinkhassov – The Eye of Photography
Book: A New Look at Urban Mobility by Gueorgui Pinkhassov
The RATP invited the Franco-Russian photographer Gueorgui Pinkhassov to shoot a report on five cities: Casablanca, Florence, London, Paris and Seoul. Through these 60 color photographs, gathered in the book Un nouveau regard sur la mobilité urbaine (Éditions La Martinière), Pinkhassov shares his view of urban mobility. Human figures stand out or blend into the background as blazing colors sparkle from the predominantly dark tone of the images. Pinkhassov offers a metaphor for life, its movements and heartbeat.
A Month of Magnum Photographers on Instagram
A Month of Magnum
via The New Yorker: http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/photobooth/2014/02/a-month-of-magnum-photographers-on-instagram.html#slide_ss_0=1
We began with Alec Soth, who welcomed the new year from St. Paul, Minnesota. Gueorgui Pinkhassov showed us Moscow, from a candlelit Orthodox Christmas celebration and a look at life across the city. Dominic Nahr documented his trip home, to Hong Kong, to visit his mother, and Bieke Depoorter took her first trip to northern Norway. Finally, Jacob Aue Sobol’s portraits of Milwaukee brought us full circle, back to the Midwest. Here’s a look at highlights from the month
Magnum On Georgia, For Georgia
Link: Magnum On Georgia, For Georgia:This month Magnum Photos releases Georgian Spring: A Magnum Journal, a group project for which ten photographers—Thomas Dworzak, Martine Franck, Mark Power, Alex Majoli, Martin Parr, Alec Soth, Jonas Bendiksen, Antoine D’Agata, Gueorgui Pinkhassov and Paolo Pellegrin—traveled to the Eastern European country to document the contemporary culture and national identity. The book is curated and published by Chris Boot, a former Magnum director in London.
Nordmeer, Gueorgui Pinkhassov
Magnum Photos:
For the german magazine “mare”, Gueorgui Pinkhassov travelled to these extreme latitudes eight times. Aboard a mail boat he cruised the Norwegian fjords, visited the Nenets people of Siberia, watched calving glaciers on the east coast of Greenland, and travelled to Canada’s northernmost point. He went to see the Russian Arctic Fleet at Murmansk and accompanied a taxi driver at the European North Cape. Wherever he went, whether it was to visit Norwegian fishermen or Russian submarine soldiers, Pinkhassov always brought back an unexpected view of the Arctic Sea, in the kind of shimmering and radiant impressions of light which are the trademark of his works. A kaleidoscope of light, adventure, awe-inspiring nature and utterly unfamiliar facets of life!
“Nordmeer” has received the German prize: “Best photobook of the Year”.Here.
Deambulations Japonaises
Gueorgui Pinkhassov photo essay, From Magnum Photos:
Le Bon Marché, Galerie Entretemps, Paris From 6 June to 7 July 2006
This exhibition gathers together colourful views taken in the streets of Tokyo. Stolen moments of the everyday life of the city seem to be frozen into beauty: a car park in a shopping mall, a coffeeshop, the fish market, the traditional sitting pose of a man at the fish market, Ueno park etc. Stamped with the unique eye of Gueorgui Pinkhassov, they are characterized by his mastery of framing and light.The photographer always seem to look where other people don’t and to focus on what other people discard, which gives birth to outstanding compositions with blurred foregrounds, plays on reflections and shadows… All that apparently only depending on where his sightwalk takes him.Here.
The Web This Morning
Artist – Megan Whitmarsh (especially look at the embroidery)
Photography – Anti-racist demonstration in Paris, by Gueorgui Pinkhassov
Wired – Scenes from the MySpace backlash
NYT – Another White House briefing, another day of mutual mistrust
NYT – Dungeon masters in cyberspace, D&D MMORPG
NYT – Army to pay Halliburton unit most costs disputed by audit
NYT – Chaos in Iraq sends shock waves across Middle East