In Latin America’s Rich Lands, Poor People As Gustavo Jononovich documented, the bounty of natural resources in Latin America can sustain a community, but also destroy it through pollution and overdevelopment. via Lens Blog: There it was, the mighty Amazon, biggest jungle on earth, more wondrous than even Sir David Attenborough could convey. And…
Gustavo Jononovich – Richland Gustavo Jononovich Richland [ EPF 2012 FINALIST ] ESSAY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT RICHLAND is my first long-term book project about the over-exploitation of the natural resources in Latin America a… via burn magazine: RICHLAND is my first long-term book project about the over-exploitation of the natural resources in Latin America…
Gustavo Jononovich – Yuma Gustavo Jononovich Yuma I traveled to Cuba because my girlfriend decided to do an internship in a hospital in La Havana, she’s a Doctor. Until then, I had always made photographs guided by a … via burn magazine: I decided to experience photography in a different way this time. I…