Tag: Igor Posner

  • Finding Visual Poetry in Russia – The New York Times

    [contentcards url=”https://lens.blogs.nytimes.com/2017/07/19/finding-visual-poetry-in-russia/?module=BlogPost-Title&version=Blog%20Main&contentCollection=Multimedia&action=Click&pgtype=Blogs&region=Body”] Finding Visual Poetry in Russia – The New York Times A woman bundles up behind a jumble of mismatched chairs. A man at a table leans into his palm. A veiled woman averts her eyes as she steps into the light. Some of these photos are sentences, others phrases, and still others seem…

  • The visceral photography of Igor Posner – The Eye of Photography

    [contentcards url=”http://www.loeildelaphotographie.com/en/2017/06/13/article/159955740/the-visceral-photography-of-igor-posner/”] The visceral photography of Igor Posner – The Eye of Photography When, in 2006, Igor Posner went back to Saint Petersburg, which he had left as a teenager to emigrate with his family to the United States, his position was clear: “I was not looking for the past and never went back to…

  • igor posner – notes from underground | burn magazine

    igor posner – notes from underground [slidepress gallery=’igorposner_notesfromunderground’] Hover over the image for navigation controls ESSAY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT Igor Posner Notes from Underground play multimedia &n… via burn magazine: http://www.burnmagazine.org/essays/2010/01/igor-posner-notes-from-underground/ “Leningrad creates a feeling of a lost and a haunted city, an open nerve, where little tragedies of every day life that seem universal…