James Foley, a correspondent for GlobalPost, and Clare Morgana Gillis, a journalist working for The Atlantic and USA Today
Tag: James Foley
Anton Hammerl in Memoriam
LightBox | Time
Read the latest stories about LightBox on Time
via Time: https://time.com/section/lightbox/
Life After Horrific Death for the Journalist James Foley – The New York Times
Life After Horrific Death for the Journalist James Foley
Diane Foley let the artist Bradley McCallum see her son’s unpublished journals. The result is a stunning memorial of war and its human toll.
Link: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/21/arts/design/james-foley-bradley-mccallum.html?partner=rss&emc=rss
Remembering James Foley, part 2 | dvafoto
Remembering James Foley, part 2
The day after James Foley’s tragic death, we collected a number of remembrances written by friends and colleagues. Many more have been published since the news first came out, and we thought it’d be good to link to those here.
Enabling ISIS, the VICE Videos and the Execution of AFP Photographer James Foley — BagNews
Enabling ISIS, the VICE Videos and the Execution of AFP Videographer James Foley – Reading The Pictures
Where are the ethics and the boundaries when the media engagement is so passive, even acquiescent, and the product, so indistinguishable from propaganda that the insurgents feel they can have their way with the exposure?
via Reading The Pictures: http://www.bagnewsnotes.com/2014/08/enabling-isis-the-vice-videos-and-the-execution-of-afp-photographer-james-foley/
Remembering James Foley and other journalists still missing | dvafoto
Remembering James Foley and other journalists still missing
the future is shaped by people like Jim Foley, and the overwhelming majority of humanity who are appalled by those who killed him.
Video: A friend and colleague describes James Foley – The Washington Post
Video: A friend and colleague describes James Foley
The day Foley disappeared Nicole Tung was supposed to meet him.
via Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2014/08/20/video-a-friend-and-colleague-describes-james-foley/
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’ – The Washington Post
U.S. staged secret operation into Syria to rescue Americans
Senior White House officials meeting on purported beheading of American journalist James Foley.
Accent of James Foley’s executioner prompts a reckoning in Britain – The Washington Post
Executioner’s accent prompts a reckoning in Britain
American journalist’s apparent killer is recognized by Londoners as one of their own.
Photojournalist James Foley Executed By ISIS On Video | NPPA
Photojournalist James Foley Executed By ISIS On Video
A video posted online today by The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) shows a militant in the act of beheading American freelance photojournalist James W. Foley.
via NPPA: https://nppa.org/news/photojournalist-james-foley-executed-isis-video
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley – The Washington Post
Islamic State claims it beheaded American photojournalist James Foley
Militant group posts video purporting to show beheading of American photographer.
James Foley likely ‘being held with one or more Western journalists’ in Syria
Link: James Foley likely ‘being held with one or more Western journalists’ in Syria | Poynter.
James Foley, a freelance journalist for Agence France-Presse and GlobalPost who’s been missing in Syria since last November, was likely “abducted by a pro-regime militia group and subsequently turned over to Syrian government forces,” GlobalPost CEO and President Philip Balboni says.
Can an Anti-Blackout Save Journalist James Foley in Syria?
Can an Anti-Blackout Save Journalist James Foley in Syria?
We may never know whether imposed silences by their parent organizations helped NBC News's Richard Engel or The New York Times's David Rohde escape, but the Agence France-Presse is now trying the opposite.
via The Atlantic: http://www.theatlanticwire.com/global/2013/01/can-anti-blackout-save-journalist-james-foley-syria/60492/
Journalists Detained in Libya Finally Contact Families
Journalists Detained in Libya Finally Contact Families | PDNPulse
Three of four journalists detained nearly three weeks ago by forces loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi have finally been able to call their families to report that they are OK–but still locked up in a jail in Tripoli with little indication of when the
via PDNPulse: http://pdnpulse.com/2011/04/journalists-detained-in-libya-finally-contact-families.html
Four Journalists Still Missing In Libya
Libya: Four Missing Journalists
It’s been a week since the American journalists Clare Morgana Gillis, James Wright Foley, freelancers reporting for TheAtlantic.com and GlobalPost, …
via The New Yorker: http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/newsdesk/2011/04/libya-four-missing-journalists.html
Libya Expected to Release Four More Captured Journalists
Libya Expected to Release Four More Captured Journalists | PDNPulse
Four journalists, including two photographers, who were detained on Tuesday by forces loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi will soon be released, according to a report just published by GlobalPost.com. Qaddafi’s chief spokesperson has said the journalis
via PDNPulse: http://pdnpulse.com/2011/04/libya-expected-to-release-four-more-captured-journalists.html