Tag: Joel Karppanen

  • Joel Karppanen – Finnish Pastoral « burn magazine

    Joel Karppanen – Finnish Pastoral

    Joel Karppanen Finnish Pastoral [ EPF 2017 – YOUNG TALENT AWARD / FUJIFILM FINALIST ]   Georg Simmel wrote about the relieving power of the ruins. According to him the ruins help us to a…

    via burn magazine: http://www.burnmagazine.org/essays/2018/01/joel-karppanen-finnish-pastoral/

    Finnish Pastoral is a photo series that offer it viewers new means to indeed shatter the set up models we have for perceiving our surroundings. It is a story of the village of Karinkanta in the region of Northern Ostrobothnia with a population of just under 200 people: a ruin yet to come. It gives an honest look beyond romantic nationalism, into Finnish countryside and the changes it is facing in the 2010’s postindustrial era when not only the reformation of livelihood, urban-rural fusion and migration but also disparity, externality and echo chambers keep the countryside in a constant tension.