My main focus is being free to roam, using my instincts, keeping my ears and eyes peeled, and discovering things. I’m always aware of my emotional and mental space, as this can send off signals and affect how I’m received in public. Your energy and body language have to be open and clear with intention, because if not you will face problems with people reacting to you, and being threatened by you and your camera.
Tag: Joseph Michael Lopez
Dear New Yorker – The Leica camera Blog
Dear New Yorker (4 Photos)
Link: Dear New Yorker (4 Photos) | PDN Photo of the Day
Joseph Michael Lopez’s series “Dear New Yorker” is part of a group exhibition currently on view through April 5th at the South Street Seaport Museum.
Joseph Michael Lopez’s “Dear New Yorker”
Breaking Down the Beast
Joseph Michael Lopez’s New York street photography shows the city as a beast of chaos that New Yorkers attempt to contain, or at least live with, on a daily basis.
via Lens Blog:
Joseph Michael Lopez’s photography is fundamentally about his New York. He presents street scenes, people and everyday objects without any semblance of objectivity.